Hi, I've finally got my ESA assessment after waiting for 16months. I'm very nervous & worried. Can anyone give me any idea of what to expect & any tips on how to get through it with a positive outcome. TIA xx
ESA assessment : Hi, I've finally got... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA assessment

They will watch you from the moment you enter the waiting room. If they keep you siting there for 30 mins and you put on your form that sitting is a problem, they'll say it isn't unless you move about and make it obvious that it is. The same applies during the assessment itself. At mine the swing door was so difficult to open I was sure it was deliberate to test whether you could pull it open. I asked the assessor to open it for me. I also stood up and moved about after 30 minutes during the assessment as the pain of sitting still was becoming unbearable.
They'll ask you the same or similar questions again as were on the claim form and will be looking for inconsistencies. If they ask you to do something like stretch or stand up, and it hurts, you must tell them. Otherwise they'll say you can do it without difficulty. Remember you must be able to do something safely reliably and repeatedly for it to score zero points. If you can do it once but not again, say so. Also if your symptoms vary, under 50% of the time counts for nothing, so make sure you say it is 4 days or more each week, as long as that is true.
You can ask for the assessment to be recorded but you must let them know in advance.
Good luck.
My ESA assessment was a couple of years ago now but the process appears to be the same.
I was kept waiting for over an hour before I went in. I was in with the assessor for about an hour.
I was in agony but thought it would be rude to get up and walk around, so put up with the pain, which was a big mistake.
You will be asked if you can wash and dress yourself. Whether you are able to have a shower or bath without assistance.
Also things like can you ask someone for help in the supermarket if you cannot find what you want.
Personally I think it is vital for you to take someone with you and for them to go into the assessment room with you.
Be honest but answer every question as if it is on your worst day.
You can ask for your assessment to be recorded, but it will delay your assessment date.
I hope that helps.
Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
Lu x
I have not been through anything like this, but I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your assessment.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I am still waiting for a decision on my assessment from 3 weeks ago. All I can say it was nerve wracking and I ended up crying (the stress got to me and I was in a lot of pain). I phoned Maximus before the assessment date as I had to get a different assessment place as the one they booked has stairs which I cant do and while I was on the phone asked for it to be recorded and Im glad I did as I could listen to the assessment and what was said when I got home and also the report the assessor makes cant be made up (as some people have said) as you have a recording of it. They do watch you from the moment you get to the door (probably even before that). They kept me waiting for 30 minutes during which time my OH took me to the loo and then I had to walk down a long corridor (which I had to stop half way). The assessor didnt ask anything that isnt in the form I completed and they were quite polite. I had to take all the meds and aids I use with me for them to see and my OH drove me there and carried my bag as I find these difficult. I would say make sure you read through your form (if you have a copy) just to familiarize yourself with your answers. It is such a relief when it is over but then the wait continues for a decision. Good luck. Joolz.x
Thank u all for your replies. I'm really dreading it. Hope I get thro the day & get the outcome I need x
I had my Assessment in May....and although my husband drove me there and was with me decided I did not want him to come in with me... did not want him to be there as I would then be trying to hide how this thing influences my lfe...for example sometimes I cannot control bowel...!!!...the assessor was really lovely...she made it plain that we have to go through the process on the screen and answer questions that were very open to misinterpretation...however I did not feel that she was there to catch me out...but |I did feel that the outcome would depend on how \I answered...and so I took myself to my worst tmes when answering each question....do I cook?..well omly wth help and avoiding sharp knves as I find that I have cut myself accidentaly too many times....do I shop?..well I try to walk as its good to stretch and helps my symptoms, but I can only do a little at a time and only go to shops that have a cafeteria so that I can rest..etc etc...all true BUT horrid to dredge up...often we hide all this stuff, don't want to be reminded of it!! BUT you have to say it as it really IS for the assessment...
Be prepared to be emotional and upset...it is a very difficult process...BUT if you go with mind and heart prepared..NOT body, let that be as it is ,don't try to hide.. ....also I did try to do the stretches at the end of the appntment but declined some as I couldn't do them so quickly and it was obvious I was very tired by the whole process!..
I wish you all the best with your Assessment...
the outcome of mine was that I was put on ESA Work Related Group..which I was so thankful for...
go well
Hi everyone, well my assessment was a disaster. Travelled by train to the centre, quite a walk from station which I didn't expect so by the time I got there was in a lot of pain & so tired. Sat in waiting room for two hours with some really rude individuals. Then at 4pm they came out and cancelled my appointment as there was too many people and time had run out. Told me I should hear within the next month 😩😤 Three days later I'm still recovering from a long stressful waste of time day x