I started my managing fibromyalgia course today it was quite helpful I was the only guy there I've got to keep a diary for the next week of all they activities that I do day time it took to do and who how pain I'm in on a scale 0 no pain at all to 10 worst pain possible
Hello: I started my managing... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Brilliant I did a pain and fatigue clinic ,which I assume is the same thing it made such a difference for me my class was 3 men and 7 women by the end only one man had dropped out ,but it really helped with pacing and exceptance and stress management,it helped me cope so much better.
I now do what important ,and I don't push myself like I did .
Good luck
Be kind and gentle with yourself
I wasn't doing my experiences slow enough nw my mucles are really weak it's going to take a while to build them up again
Day at a time don't worry ,I thought when I went that by the end of my course I would be riding my bike walking my dog and flying my kite ,completely unrealistic ,don't fret it wil take time but every task you do is a win ,remember that we are all different ,a year ago I couldn't do much at all today I helped my helper change my bed I can't do it every time she comes but today I could, I have issues with fatigue ,the pain comes and go but breathlessness is a nightmare .
Don't push yourself to much ,I'll make you laugh I just saved my cast iron frying pan from my beagle my daughter was frying bacon and left it on the side to be washed up I nearly broke my arm coz I tryed to pick it up with one hand I still forget though my wrist was going to snap pain my god .
Have you tryed swimming that's really good I have connective tissue disease as well as fibro it's the only exercise I am Allowed to do just a thought slow and steady .
I am happy to hear you are getting some help!!! Keep writing and don't forget to write down how you are feel ( happy sad ) because that is part of learning to manage your fibro! Hugs sweety
That sounds like a good positive step, would like to know how it all goes for you xx
good luck Tulip
That sounds really interesting my friend. Please keep us all updated with how it goes and what you have to do please?
All my hopes and dreams for you
I found the course helpful when I did it. Made me realise that I need to be mindful.
Hope you enjoy the course and get as much from it as I did. 5 yrs on I still practice what I learnt....
You have a managing Fibro course near you? Brilliant! Nothing like that in Scotland's capital. There is support like that for CFS but not Fibro. I'm wondering if our LHA is hoping that if they pretend Fibro doesn't exist then it will go away.
Can you share some of what it entails on here? It may help more than just me 😺
Only done one week so far it's a five week course sorebones they look into thoughts behaviour and feeling with fibro for first week I've got to keep a activity diary for every activity that I do got to write date time tine it took and a scale of how bad the pain was 0 no pain 10 worst pain possible next week we're going to talk about how to pace everything that we do day to day and I'm the only guy on the course
Thanks Arymretep. For both the info and the compliment lol.
I will have a good mooch and see what I can find. I did do a pain management programme a few years ago so it's probably along the same lines. I pace everything now. Plus take my painkillers properly.
Don't know if mindfulness was taught at your classes. It is such a great idea but it only made me laugh. It just placed an image of hippies in their 70's gear all sitting in a circle doing whatever. I had to leave the room before I got thrown out!
I didn't know you could do a fybro course. how did you get on that. good luck with your course x
I had a course of CBT earlier this year, having been referred by GP to a local Working for Wellbeing organisation. Although not specifically called a pain or fibro management course, it was invaluable in learning to accept my limitations and to focus what I could still do rather than mourning what I couldn't. I too started by logging my activities and rating the pain levels, and found a pattern. Planning, pacing and resting are very important.
I hope you find the course helpful and soft hugs x
Glad it was helpful. I think keeping that diary will be very revealing we adapt so much to the constraints of being disabled that often we don't realise until we analyse it how long everything takes and how much effort as we have adjusted over a long period of time. I used to ask people to keep a diary when I was going to fill in an Attendance Allowance form for them and they said it always shocked them when they wrote everything down. Do hope the rest of the course is just as useful.x
Thank u rosewine