Good morning everyone
Sorry I haven't been In touch sooner. I went to the John Radcliffe on Wednesday to see professor Angus. I will start this with an unbelievable event that happened once I had checked in for my appointment.
I checked in at reception after a dreadful journey from Northamptonshire took over 2.5 hours. I sat waiting and after 1 hour a notice went up saying the clinic is running late. Then the receptionist came over and asked me to confirm my name DOB and address? Then asked me to come back over to reception, there was a lady stood their with the same name and DOB as me and had also had a letter with the same appointment time? She said she didn't know why she was here but attended anyway and had driven for several hours to attend? It turns out that because we have the same information they sent her my letter with my private details on in error and sent her home? What a cock up and worried me that this couldn't happen as my private information was in her letter.
But after another hour I was called in to see Proffesor Angus and what a wonderful man he was, he spoke to me about my symptoms and the. Said I had CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in his opinion rather than fibromaglia although he said the appointment I have in Novemeber at the pain clinic could also help me.
The treatment is CBT and an assessment at a hospital in Oxford for physio but there is a waiting list for several months. He also told me some of the medication like pregabiln and tramadol can make the CFS worse and he would write to my GP to see if that can be changed for something else?
My right leg drags and the left leg is week and I use two walking sticks and often can't walk without the support of my husband because of pain in my legs and weakness? He said I need to get an OT assessment at home to help me, but he had no explanation for this cause other than the CFS can effect the way your brain effects your limbs?
This was my day out xxxx