there is an article today in the health pages of the daily mail stating that sleeping in the daytime exacerbates the symptoms of fibromyalgia according to a study from the neteherlands
daily mail article today on fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia Acti...
daily mail article today on fibromyalgia

This doesn't surprise me. But avoiding naps is sooooooo hard!!xxx

I don't think it exacerbates the symptoms (and not read the article so don't know exactly what it says) but I know that if I nap too long during day I struggle to sleep properly at night... Then next day I'm so exhausted I nap again. So it becomes a vicious circle of napping and not sleeping at night x
If I nap in the day (as much as I would like to) I find I can't sleep at night at all - even if I've just had a ten minute snooze. And if I can't sleep, the muscle aches and stiffness are on defcon 5, so I avoid napping no matter how tired I am. I find just lying on the sofa listening to music helps.
If I don't nap in the daytime, I simply don't have the energy to cook an evening meal, besides when the fatigue overwhelms you, how do you stay awake? I haven't found napping makes any difference to the pain, but on occasions when I am tired out yet can't have a daytime nap, I am in agony by 6pm
I don't nap in the day but can fully understand the overwhelming need to do so xx
I am sleeping most days, but wouldn't call it napping, as I sleep for at least 2 hours, sometimes 3. But normally when I get up I m able to unload dishwasher and prepare a meal. Most nights, once I've taken my Amitriptyline, I sleep through the night. But I take20mgs of Fluroxetine in the morning and I wonder if they make me sleep during the afternoon. Have always had problems with tablets making me sleepy, even Paracetamol!
Interesting, but I have not read about this myself. I do tend to take anything in the papers with a large pinch of salt however. Thank you for sharing.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I have taken an afternoon nap almost every day for the last 25 years. If I don't sleep for a while during the day I walk around like a zombie and feel terrible all day. I've also found that if I don't sleep during the day I sleep very badly at night presumably because I'm overtired. Sometimes 10 minutes is all I need but if I've been quite busy I might sleep for 2 hours but either way, I can't have any kind of enjoyment in life if I don't nap. The amount of sleep I have seems to have no effect whatsoever on any pain that I have but going without sleep definitely makes it much harder to cope with pain or anything else that might not go according to plan

Interested in how you describe your experience of napping ....just recently I have started experimenting with daytime naps as other sources recommend them! So far I like the results but only more time will really tell...
I don't or rather 'can't' nap, my brain/body won't let me unless I'm feeling really seriously under the weather and even then it doesn't always happen, so I can't say whether or not I've noticed it making a difference. However I can see why it might make a difference, disruption of sleeping patterns/body clock in all that. It's bad enough for fibro suffers to get a normal sleeping rhythm anyway. But at the same time if you are a napping person I can see how it would be pretty tough to give them up.
my mum/dad have slept for 3 hours every afternoon since age 50. they are both soon to be 85 so hasn't done them any harm. they also go to bed 9pm every night and sleep right through until 8 am. i'm sooooooooooooooooooo jealous of them x
Goodness! I would pay good money to be able to nap in the daytime! The only time I can do this is if I'm really ill with something like flu. Otherwise, no matter how knackered I am, I'm awake. Even at night when I'm about to fall asleep in my chair the very thought of going to bed is enough to perk me up for another hour or two! Sounds like anther attempt to pigeonhole fibro symptoms/sufferers and we all know that doesn't work.
I'd say - if napping is an option and works for you then go for it. If not, try not to stress and rest when you can.
I don't actually consider the Daily Mail an informed source n any subject anyway.
Chill fibro buddies and give yourselves a hug and a break xx