I just seems to be constant flares lately. I don't know what is triggering them, maybe stress of worrying about what's going on with pip and esa. I am so tired and sore 24-7 and the fog is affecting more and more. Constant 24-7 ringing in my ears but totally deaf in right ear, has anyone else's hearing gone suddenly without reason. I wear a hearing aid and told my hearing probably won't return. I'm worried about losing my Esa Contribution Based I'm back in support group (March 2015) and don't know how i'll cope without it. I've worked as a chef the whole of my life and payed into the system. It's barbaric what the tories are doing to people who depend on support. There's rumours that esa contribution based will be axed but will support group be affected too. Sorry for the groan but I'm desperately worried.
Suffered so long and I don't know how... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Suffered so long and I don't know how much more I can take.

Please try not to worry, it will only make you feel more stressed and unable to sleep and then contribute to your flares.
I am having a horrid spell right now too and it is really tough trying to push through.
Ride with them - if you can attend the support group on your bad days, the person running it must see your situation - I am assuming the support group
is an employment one?
If it is refused, tell them you can't undertake non-physical work and need training for alternative employment. Put the ball back in their court in with positive argument - be extra nice - people struggle when you are extra nice and super cooperative.
Ask your doctor and/or specialist for a medical outlining what you are capable of mentally and physically. Ask them to put it in writing for you - may cost you about Β£10 but they can't argue with medical evidence.
Keep your chin up and try to think positive - I know it is hard and lord knows I just cry some days - but allowing yourself to dwell won't help xx
Wish I could think of a good joke to cheer you up but I am hopeless with stuff like that lol
Thanks for your positive reply, I'll carry on pushing through the whole situation as you say ,as I feel similarly but with different worries and stresses.
The worst time for me is first thing in the morning (very gradually throughout the day I can cope a little more) I however do have epilepsy and rheumatoid arthritis, so I'm sure that these don't help any! I have been advised and do try to walk ( not far as I 'm not a lover of walking ) for about 1/2 a mile a day I 'm sure this helps a little during very bad times as it's so easy to let real depression and other emotions to take a real hold.
Hi Philip
Mornings are my worst time too. I still work - although not in today - still in bed as I feel so bad. Usually I force myself to get up and dressed and get in the car. I don't even shower some mornings - just a quick under the arms, some fresh deodorant, clean my teeth and go. I am lucky enough to be in an office at the moment so I get a drink once I arrive. I often don't eat until lunch time as I feel so horrid in the morning π I have 2 dogs and although it is hard work, my love for them forces me out for a walk at some point in the day. Not yesterday though - felt too ill. Hopefully will manage something later today. Surely your epilepsy and rheumatoid arthritis will entitled you to some help, never mind the fibromyalgia. I am sure you have nothing to worry about π x
Landslider, has covered it I would agree the stress is probably causing the flare ups. Medical evidence should be helpful. Good luck
My hearing is going too
I'm still working Iv got RLS , Fibromyalgia and Tinnatas So I know exactly how you feel It's hell but try not to get angers and push on , Try to be happy It's hard I know Iv wanted to jump loads of times but I got grandchildren and a loving family So I stand firm as you should do Good luck