Hi I'm new to this site iv been suffering with fibromyalgia for 2 and half years now. Having a very bad few weeks which don't half get me down!! Feel like I cant use my arms does anyone else really suffer with there arm's?? Anything that helps? Thanks Keeley
New to this site: Hi I'm new to this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
New to this site

Hi Keeley
Welcome 😊. You've joined a very informative, humorous bunch of people who all understand how you feel.
I too have a big problem with my arms. Like today for instance. I would normally be doing something productive (albeit slowly) but today my arms and legs are having a good joke on me!
I can hardly stand up and my arms feel like lead weights. The fatigue is very real and very painful.
Unfortunately there aren't any easy answers. You don't say whether you are on any medication?
Pacing yourself and the correct medication are the best course of action you can take. I'm sorry that's not very helpful, but sadly Fibromyalgia has been the reason a lot of us have had to give up jobs we love, because there is no magic answer.
The upside is you have found a lovely site where we will all try to help you as much as we can
Gentle hugs
Lu xx
Hi thank for the reply I take cocodamol and amitriptyline at the moment, eases the pain the most. Do u find the symptoms are worse come evening? Mine are
Thank you for the repl really greatful x
You're very welcome 😊
Yes I'm in much more pain and very tired in the evening. I usually go to bed at 8pm with a hot water bottle and try to relax before I attempt to go to sleep!
Me to iv used the hot water bottle so often I now have burnt marks on my back, but as horrible as they look the water bottle really helps as I cant get comfortable. X
I've done the same thing! I asked my doctor what the marks on my back were and he said 'you've burnt it'. I felt a bit foolish I didn't work it out for myself!
Have you tried wheat bags? They're easier to get into a comfortable position and don't tend to burn your skin x
Yeah but there not hot enough if you no what. Mean. Bless ya people say oh stop using them but it's easier said than done hey..... People just don't understand sometimes x
I totally get you. You can't get them hot enough!
Why should you stop using a hot water bottle? You're probably like me and use them hotter than we should 😊
You're absolutely right. People don't understand. I'd give anything to be able to return to work. I adored my job, but some days just getting upstairs and back down again takes forever and then I'm out of breath for 15 minutes!
I'm having quite a rough time at the moment, so I'm just taking baby steps (not literally 😊) and living day to day xx
Yeah your so right! I'd give anything to feel like my old self! I feel so useless some days..... Can't even have the strength to wash my daughter's hair, and don't want to go into how I feel as a wife! Sucks the life out of me is how I discribe it... A shell of the person I once was??? It's so nice to speak someone who understands where I'm coming from. What job did u do? Hiow long hav u suffered???? X
Is your husband understanding? I used to be a Special Needs Teaching Assistant. I worked in a main stream secondary school and worked mainly with the students with learning and/or behavioural issues. I absolutely loved it and always went the extra mile looking our for my students.
On the whole the students were great, but due to the amount of time I had off work sick the Head was bullying me so badly in the hope I would leave. My life history is very long and complicated but I'm happy to share it. I just don't want to bore people 😳
I couldn't stand it anymore so left but I miss it so badly. I know I couldn't do it anymore as I've developed a very strong issue with noise (odours and light too). Classrooms, when the teachers don't have control, can be a very challenging place to be 😁
I've had a number of bad falls recently too so wouldn't want that to happen in a classroom 😊
How old is your daughter?
She is 6 and I love her dearly she is fantastic and understands mummy has pain and can't always play, even clapping hands... Oh god that made me tear a little. Oh mate bless you I'm sorry to hear that about work don't be scared to tell me your story... I'm here for you
I'dsay he understands I just get scared I'm going to bore him to death with my 'oh I'm hhaving q bad day' or I need to go bed ec. ect please do me a water bottle love LOL what can I say... I wouldn't want to be with me.... Sorry feeling sorry myself again.... Love Keeley... I truly hope tomorrow is a better day for u x
Feeling sorry for yourself is allowed 😊. I know a positive frame of mind is best but sometimes I don't think it does any harm.
Don't say you wouldn't want to be with you. Your husband is with you cos he wants to be. I do know how you feel though. I feel bad for my children having me as a mum.
Thanks for your kindness. Have a peaceful evening xx
Hello Keeleybee,
Welcome to the FibroAction community!
As Lou says our members report the community to be informative, supportive and most of all friendly. I hope you enjoy contributing to our community
I wondered as you discuss recent pain whether the following links to our FAQ here in the community may help as they contain links from our website which has evidenced based information about Fibro. Here are the links;
For further information please visit fibroaction.org
I look forward to chatting around the community
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
Welcome to the forum and I genuinely hope that you find it useful, informative and loads of fun!
I am so sorry to read of your pain and struggle and I want to genuinely wish you all the best
All my hopes and dreams for you