According to the daily telegraph (which I don't buy btw) Fibro may be caused by having too many blood vessels in our hands. I don't know how to transfer the link from my facebook page but just google daily telegraph cause of fibromyalgia and see for yourselves. NWG23
Fibromyalgia may be caused by - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibromyalgia may be caused by
I can't find it on the telegraph. I did find this though:
I have no idea about the credibility of this source though!
I have a life long condition that means I get extremely itchy hands and feet but with no physical symptoms (eczema, dry skin, redness etc). The docs never found out what it is but I suspect it is due to circulation. It happens when it's hot or there is a change in temp. I wonder if this is due to blood vessels the same as fibro? Hmm interesting
Interestingly enough I get very itchy palms & feet sometimes especially in bed at night but I haven't noticed any triggers.
Try looking at The article is headed Scientists pinpoint physical cause of Fibromyalgia. I'm not that good at IT. Hope you find it, it's very interesting and hopefully encouraging for you and the rest of us on here.
Me too; itchy hands and feet I mean. I never linked it to Fibro but I don't have any external signs and am obsessive about using foot cream because I can't sleep when the 'ants' attack. Thank you for sharing or I would never have realised the link.
I feel amazed that someone else knows what it's like!!!!!! It does feel like ants now you say it... How long have you had it for?
I was diagnosed in January, but have been unwell for at least a year before that. I don't get the itchies every night but when I do they drive me mad. I also get restless legs when I am tired but resisting going to bed (because it is only 8pm or something) I am going to keep a record of these symptoms and see if there is a link to anything I might be doing (or eating) I already try to keep a journal to chart my progress. One thing's for sure You are not alone!!
There have been a couple of reports over the last few years from the States whereby the claim this, but it has not been proven or officially recognised by the NHS. I do live in hope that somebody can find the reason and develop a cure.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Another quack doctor if you ask me. If that were true then my entire body would hurt every time I cut my finger or had my hands cramp from typing too much. Also I would get chronic body aches every time my hands hurt from using the computer. With every action there is a reaction. Never have using my hands caused any of my Fibro symtoms to flair up. If I understood article link from Magetta, they claim that the cause is too many nerve ending under the skin which regulates body tempature is the cause of the pain. Would it not make sense then that taking hot or cold bath relieve the pain? A hot bath feels good but does not get rid of my pain or fatigue.
At the risk of causing anger, the Smelly graph isn't much better than the Daily Smell for dubious factual interpretation.
"Never let the truth get in the way of a good story . . ."
Hi that was out long while back but it's turning out to be an untrue speaking to those that know as they say Fibro emminates from around base of skull/neck/spine which is why many get it from after a neck injury and think the hand thing is a result of Fibro more
Well if you ask me i think we are an alien race, hiding here having to experience all the ailments and pain that the normal human can not suffer. LOL
Again I read about this a while back but not backed up by any evidence. I don't dismiss it entirely as none of us have the answers. But neck, spinal injury screwing up central nerve messaging system is my top of the pops. I get the foot thing but popping them out from under the duvet to cool down does the trick for me.