Hi Everyone, well it's been awhile since I last posted, but what a time I have been having. I completed the Expert Patients Programme course that my rhumo had said may be of help to me. The course was very helpful,many of us had Fibro but where some of us shared symptoms others had totally different ones. We worked together with tutors who like us, either had our condition or lived with chronic pain, at last people who understood. As we worked through the different parts of the course over six weeks we all had good and bad days, we were taught how to take things a little at a time,manage our condition and hopefully accept it. We all saw that as each one of us had a bad day the others helped them pick themselves up rework things so that they could manage.
The course and the people on it gave me the confidace to believe in myself again. So I jumped in with both painful feet and started up my own business. I'm sick of working for min wage long hours and crap jobs, just because I have a disability, I,ve got abrain so I will use it. I also have gone on to become a tutor on the Expert Patients Programme, this has also helped my confidance. Many people don't know about this programme because their doctors can't be bothered to refer them. Please ask your specialist and doctors these programmes are there, they can help. Even if they don't help with the syptoms, they can help with the feelings of isolation. We have all exchanged e- mail addresses and keep in touch, all this can help. Please don't feel alone, don't allow yourselves to get stuck in that never ending circle of pain, depression,fatigue,sleeplessness, uselessness. We are all worth something, we can all do things, even if they are little. One step at a time.
Okay today is great, I don't always feel like this, but I am learning to accept that I CAN DO THINGS, JUST MY WAY.
Hope you all feel a little better and soft gentle hugs.