just thought I'd add something. serio... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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just thought I'd add something. serious - read if you want to.

hamble99b profile image
17 Replies

I've said before that in every walk of life people fall out, things get said and things change.

since I've been a member people have left others join.

we're all coming from a vulnerable place and feelings are heightened.

this fibro takes so much away from us we all have different ways of coping - mine is to escape into light hearted fun and all are welcome to follow - you have a choice.

I also try to read all the messages and questions and replying if I can. acknowledging people's message as we all need to know we're not being ignored

We re all different and I appreciate that.

This forum is intended to support , inform and share.

the people who are on here are so valuable for all of these.

so are those who choose to read but don't feel they want to or can reply.

we're all learning as we go and we don't have all the answers,

even fibro consultants admit they are leaning from patients.

Libs and pp helped a lot of people as does lindsey, mdaisy and the other admin [apologies, can't think of names]. the volunteers too. they all give up there own time to help and support the members on this site.

It's sad that libs & karen [pp] left but I think that only the people involved know what happened.

and only they can resolve it. They seem strong enough to raise their own issues. Fibro Action has procedures for issues like this and deal with it privately - I think it was Libs who posted this.

As dixie said there's been a lot of upset and uncertainty today and we can't deal with that on top of trying to live with fibro and other personal worries - I know I can't.

I don't want anyone to leave moffy and you've seen that others don't want you to, please stay.

I use the mouse and on- screen keyboard to write so I'm probably missing letters out

I'm off to bed when I can manage to move - I've been stuck in an awkward painful position for hours , I can't get up. its 3 am , I've not had any food or a drink since 8pm and my tablet box is on the floor, I can't bend to pick it up, so it'll have to stay there. hopefully, I've still got some upstairs. my carer will get it tomorrow. I'm in pain and in tears from it and exhaustion.

so, this is me, the one I don't let you see. it's hard to admit to.

now you see why I like to escape into the fun side.



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hamble99b profile image
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17 Replies
tettridge profile image


Of course everyone is different and we all have our own pains to del with and that can make us on edge. I know things ware happening behind the scene but I am with you on this Sandra I love the humour and the silly remarks as this is what we need from the forum because the World is a hard place and I come here not only for advice and to try to help but also the for the Banter, this helps lighten the mood and a smile is one of the best pain relievers there is.

Please to you all stay and if you are having troubles then I am sure someone here can help as there is so much sensible advice here you cant fail.

Take care and kindest regards


in reply to tettridge

Hi Terry

It's good to know that people like you enjoy ALL aspects of the forum. Please feel free to join in the banter anytime. I have in the past, and I will again in the future. The last week or so it has been difficult for me, but we need more people keeping it going. As you say, the real world is a hard place, and coming here daily for a smile is one of the things that helps.


Thank you Sandra

I agree. I enjoy the lighter side of the forum. I join in when I can. Recently that hasn't been too much. But I still like to read and enjoy. I also try to respond to other people's blogs and posts when I feel I have something useful or supportive to add. I would never say that someone shouldn't post about how they feel when they are down, or worried, or in pain (I've done it myself) but I resist anyone telling me I can't have fun!

I do hope you managed to get yourself soem sleep, and some meds. Take care, and I look forward to more banter with you soon. :-)

Ginsing profile image

Morning Sandra hope you managed some sleep and can raise an optomistic eye to the world this morning. I love the banter like you it amuses fills the black spots and smiles do really help when we would other wise have such long days hugs to you hun ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))) xgins

ladymoth profile image

Hi all

It takes a crisis like this for you all to admit how very ill you really are. You seem such a happy bunch of folks, and it's hard to believe that you all suffer the same crippling and demoralising illness.

We all deal with our pain in different ways, and for me, having a good laugh is one of the best, that's why I always loved VG's fun threads.

Nothing to do with Fibro - just pure fun, where you can ride a unicycle, fly a Royal helicopter or wander about in time like Dr Who. It's all daft, but very liberating when you're stuck in a chair afraid to move.

I regret the upset yesterday, I hope it will settle down because we need this space. It kept me sane long before I was a volunteer.

On that sober note, i wish you all a better,more peaceful day and a happier life all round.

Moffy x

I second that with moffy and am grateful beyond belief to the people who don't judge an event without both sides of the story,,, which we can't and won't post in public as we don't name and shame ... We 3 were here till gone 1am trying to sort out people who despite us giving up hours of our free time in previous days decided to turn on us... I am not going into hiding I have a hospital appointment in a few hours I am also in a major flare due to last night ,,, something I never usually mention on here,, or only in passing as I know how your feel...

So a big heartfelt thanks to the people who do appreciate what we try to do.

VG x

Well your little clique is ticking along nicely!

Nanuuk profile image

Morning all!!

As a newby to the forum though not fibro (1 of many lupus add-ons for me) I llove the SUPPORT and the HUMOUR - this is after all a forum for SUPPORTING EACH OTHER - if I wanted bitchy, snarky or apathy I would share my pain/fears/thoughts with friends, family or 'workmates'!

Thank you to all who give up their time to run this forum. Fight the illness, the ignorace in society not each other!

in reply to Nanuuk

You are a newby so do not understand the feelings,deep feelings that have sadly brought this upset,i enjoy a laugh but not frivolous rubbish it insults my intelligence I'm afraid so don't label people as being bitchy etc when you don't know the real facts.

Thank you very much...

VG x

aiden profile image

sandra,,you are an insperation,,hope i have spelt this right,,i have been misdiagnosed with rhumatiod arthritis since 1991,,and last year i saw another doctor,,who sent me to a new specialist and she said i did not have ra but fibro,,and ostioarthritis,,i was so shocked and when i read about this i relised she was right,,put me on the right medication but my mind was not right,,since then i would not let myself get down,,,lots of talking to myself,and have made a disicion to make a least one person laugh per day,,but noticed i have a gift for this and losts of family and grandchildren have had a laugh with me,,but as you can see my mental state and spelling are not too good,,but if you can have a laugh wich is what you are doing too x i have found magnesium and vit d help me get up in the morning and take them again at night x

jom277 profile image

I think this site is fantastic and I for one have answered posts. Posted myself and even joined in on the banter. VG's one on the 70s really cheered me up as reminisced. I am having a tough time at the moment and waiting on bloods and MDT meeting results.

I may have lupus or Hughes syndrome. I have visited other sites and although they get back to you if you ask a question, they are not as proactive as this site. There may be a reason for this, so I cannot judge.

Be proud of our site, our members and those that give up their time, either volunteers or admin.

Thank you all and hope we carry on for a long time to come x


in reply to jom277

Thank you so much, much appreciated

VG x

Delia you have requested clearly thatyou do not want any one to reply to your angry posts today and u sit there attacking anyone who comments at will leave the the other members alone if you feel you want to go then fly fly free but dont sit on the fence making these derogatory remarks you made you point and clearly showed you were annoyed belittled etc keep your pride and stop posting things that make you look bitter opinionated and unhappy have a wonderful birthday try to be happy leave the forum if you must but for goodness sake make decision either way if you want the last word and I suspect you do then have a go at me i promise i wont have the last word and re engage and you can retire happy to have got it all out oh and yes I am aware of the situation but refuse to act supremely childish by trying to get people go take sides move on with your life this is merely a forum not the beginning and end of some great universal plan gentle hugs ???? metal

secretldy profile image

I don't know whats been going on, as i only come in here every now and then. I joined this site about a year ago before i was diagnosed with fibro, all the people in here have been so helpful, even if i have just come on here to rant about something.

We all need somewhere where we can go and talk to people that know what it is like to have fibro, i love reading some of the messages, and i try and help people if i can, especially when it comes to DLA and EESA.

People like us don't need people running us down, we can do that well enough ourselves and the government help as well.

If you wish to rant then rant, and let us see if we can help someone pick up the pieces of there broken world. None of us asked for this, and only people that have it can understand it. We can all understand bitterness in our lives as well.

I was not here when all the trouble went off, and i have no idea what it is about, but if you have said what you wanted, then leave it and move on. It always happens when you have a place like this, i do rescue, and the bitterness in that is unbelievable.

i like a bit of stupidity ever now and then, real life is not that good, so lets try something else.

V.G. i love reading your posts, i don't always make a comment, but i enjoy.


Thank you Mandy that comment is much appreciated

VG x

hamble99b profile image

thank you for the nice comments, hope to be back on later.


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