I don't write much on here but read a lot of the post. I have noticed a lot of the advice is rest in between exertion but what if ( in my case) you have to work and can't rest? I'm off work at the moment after a bad flare up and don't know how long my employers will put up with me. It's hard trying to keep up when your in pain and exhausted.
Working in pain: I don't write much on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Working in pain

Have you tried talking to your employers. I have kept mine informed and if I can keep my hours but adjust times they are good about it. I normally work 9 - 1 but there have been days when I maybe don't get into 10 or 11, I just work my 4 hours from there. When I have an off day I do my best in work and then go home and crash out I try not to take days off, if I can, but there have been occasions that I have had no choice. Is your work demanding, mine is a desk job for the most part and that helps
I hope you can get something sorted out, worrying about it won't help. I am lucky I am only part time, I don't know about a full time job. My admiration to anyone who manages a full time job and fibro
Afraid the answer is if you do not learn how to pace then you will get worse and your body will make you rest. Speak to your employer about flexibility and look at the other things that you do. What can you ask for help with , delegate re-arrange or just leave.
I know that I am lucky in that I work when I have to rather than set hours and if I need to take 3 hours off in the middle of the day then I can.
Employers need to be careful as FM is classed as a disability. Try talking to HR to see if you can adjust your hours accordingly. If you have a desk job you may be able to work from home occasionally.
If you are full time perhaps you could reduce your hours?
Also if you have a desk job, see if you can get a work station assessment to make sure that you are sitting in the correct position. At my last job I was provided with a special chair and various arm and wrist supports.
Hope that this helps.
Thank you for your advise guys it's nice to have people to off load to who understand x
Hi gilford
I was wondering if you had considered asking your employer for a'' Occupational Health Assessment?'' And see what can be done as a result to lighten your load? It may be worthwhile?
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Gilford I read a lot of post but dont have much to say cos it's already been said. I to work full time and have Cronic fibromyalgia RLS , arthritis , stomach issues etc and so on. A few weeks ago I had a tremendous fall ended with horrendous facial and body bruising and knee & hip injury. I teach and my head was insistant I continue working( she's new ) she is not happy that I have hospital appointments and wants me to rescedual for half term or end of terms etc even an operation must be during non school time. She has clearly stated she ha no time for illness so I suffer in silence like today double up with pain and collapse dicsetly and in silence. She certainly has no time for mental illness and Depresion and hinted when I was having coucerling that there was no way she wa going to let me go to the meetings during school time. Soz babbling I'll stop had a particularly bad struggling day. Most days I'm so worn out and in pain after work I go to bed and get horizontal as soon as I get home, to tired & painful to to cook I just want to lay down. Oh my I have babbled sorry just to say I feel so much for those of us who have to work full time jobs as well as run a home. Lots of careing hugs for you. Once again sorry for ranting tonight I'll try not to let it happen again. Missymaz.
Hi missymaz. I'm so sorry to hear your experience I can totally associate with your post! I can't afford to lose my job so I have to put up and shut up ( this is the message I get at work every day) hope things improve for you xxx