New symptoms: Hi All, I was diagnosed... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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New symptoms

8 Replies

Hi All,

I was diagnosed with fibro a few months ago. I've developed some new symptoms and am hoping someone can put my mind at ease. For the last few weeks I've noticed that I have a tremor in my hands. Also, the ends of my fingers keep going numb/bright blue (!). Does anyone else have this?

Tere x

8 Replies
rosewine profile image

Unfortunately, none of us are medically trained but it sounds very much like Raynaud's Syndrome to me. Does this tend to happen if your fingers are exposed to the cold, I can have that just going down the garden to feed the birds in the cold weather or going out without gloves? I think it would be worth making an appointment with your GP so they can either look into it further or giv e you reassurance that it is just part of fibro,x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi Franzy, like Rosewine, I think your symptoms could be linked to Raynauds Syndrome, though we are all different and therefore I would strongly urge you to speak to your GP to get a proper diagnosis.

Sending lots of positive healing vibes your way :-) :-)

Foggy x

I agree with the others, speak to your gp, as it osunds like Raynaud's Syndrome. My neuro diagnosed mine when I went in to see him one cold day with blue hands. Ask for a vit d check as well, while you're there, as this can cause tremors and shakes too. There are many causes of these shakes; vit d is just one possible cause, but it's very common with fibro. Good luck.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Franzy

I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue, and as the others have already said you really should get this checked out just to eliminate anything else from the equation? I want to wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

teddybear7 profile image

You have got lot's of good advice regarding going to your gp. What us fibro sufferers have a bad habit of doing is we tend to put everything down to fibro. We have an awful habit of forgetting that we can have other things wrong like so called 'normal' people do. So get yourself checked out's for the best. Xx

Hi guys,

Thanks for the messages. I think it is Raynauds too. Bit worried about the shaking though. I have a GP appointment on Tuesday. I've had to be off work for a few days because I've felt so rough. And I saw an occ health consultant recently who will only let me work a max of 18 hours a week, with rest days in between. I hoping this will help. I keep feeling like the fibro is spiralling out of control - not sure what to do! I'm sure lots of you have felt the same. Trying to keep my chin up! :-)


Daftney profile image

Hi Tere what you are describing in the above post is Raynauds which you can google, I suffer badly with this & the effects of it get worse due to changes in weather and un-necessary stress (unfortunately there is no cure, but 1 up on the comfort to the hands is invest in a pair of fingerless therapeutic gloves) excellent for keeping your hands warm and as I'm a receptionists helps me a great deal XX

Hi All,

So, I had my GP appointment & I do have raynauds. It's affecting both my hands and feet. I discussed the shaking & it appears my resting heart rate is >100. So... Back to the rheumatologist to check for autoimmune involvement. I've had to reduce my hours at work as I just can't cope with teaching full time. Luckily, work colleagues are being supportive :-)

Hope you're all well.


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