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15 Replies

Hello everyone, I've been out and about these last few days, nothing that should be stressful, but this morning when I woke up I hurt all over for a few minutes, been experiencing night cramps, and disturbed sleep, so joined the group.

15 Replies
harry2817 profile image

Hi I can relate to how your are feeling. That is me most days. The slightest things can set of pain and anxiety. The thing I am finding the hardest is the fibro fog short term memory loss and low self esteem. Don’t know about you but because it is an invisible illness it is hard to make others understand.

in reply to harry2817

I've kept it to myself until now, just managing my symptoms when I get them, I am really well most of the time as long as I don't get to tired, signs start with leg cramp, I hate the two minute all over pain when I wake up, but I think I'm lucky compared to some people. Seasonal too I think, this time of year seems to be a problem, I take antidepressants for a short time and that helps.

in reply to

Haven’t succumbed to the antidepressants so far just hitting the paracetamol, having an early night, sending love and my good wishes to everyone, sleep well zxxxx

Edenstar profile image
Edenstar in reply to

It’s a nice change to see someone on the ok side of fibro xxx I think you are amazing babes xxx but promise me if it gets worse tell the doctor xxx I would hate the idea of you going through this on your own xxx

in reply to Edenstar

Yes I will, I think if I ignore it it will go away, but no lol. The moment I get slightly stressed or upset or anxious or annoyed there it is hitting me, if I live a very quiet life (that is do nothing see no one go nowhere) I’m fine but feel I am wasting my life, not sure how to conquer this, how does it effect you, what are your coping methods x

Just read some of your posts hope your legs are behaving now, sending love x

Edenstar profile image
Edenstar in reply to

Well my life is constant stress, I have a partner who is amazing, but I have 5 kids two who have left home now and three that are to young lol xxxx

The eldest out of the three has epilepsy and severe learning and emotional disabilities, my middle one has autism and the youngest is six 😂 so we have no time off xxx

My legs and back are feeling a little better since being put on muscle relaxants that has helped so much xxx

As for coping methods, I bathe in magnesium bath salts and that helps for a couple of hours, I’m on a million and one vitamins and I try and rest as much as I can xxx

I knit, sew, play games consoles and draw xxxx anything to try and forget the pain for five min xxxx

I hope you are feeling a little good tonight xxxx

in reply to Edenstar

Wow you are busy, good to have your partners support, I am feeling quite good....but it’s morning??? Xx

Painny profile image

Welcome Z, you will benefit by being in this group, Harry is right, I am in the same position, there is so much stigma attached to this illness and it is a shame that people think you make it up, my brain is so numb and heavy that the only thing I have done today is to have a shower and that was after 8 hours of deliberation. I went near the shower 20 time before I force myself to do it and then became tearful as I could not lift my arm to wash my hair....when in the shower 😢all good now, 🤪

in reply to Painny

Thanks for your reply Painny, I suffer from "can't be bothered" too and get cross with myself 😡

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to

Hi Zxxxx,

Have you tried Tonic Water or Bitter lemon for your night cramps? Both contain Quinine, which helps with cramps.

My GP told me about it and it works!

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

Hello, yes, I’ve got quinine sulphate 200mg from my GP, I told him about my cramp a few years ago but never mentioned the F word, this is the first time I’ve talked about fibromyalgia, it’s like a ghost if you haven’t seen one you don’t believe in it, I feel better though messaging people who understand, thank you for your message.

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hiya im told me to do leg stretch’s it seems to help and exercise is good keeps your joints mobile. So my phyo says lol

in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Hello Nuttyshirlz do you suffer badly, my F is intermittent so I consider myself quite lucky.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to

It’s difficult to work out if it’s my arthritis or fibo that’s given me pain but legs only started couple of years ago and every day is different. You learn to live with it lol

in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Yes good days I do lots, bad days I enjoy reading relaxation and tv by the fire, I try to make the best of everything

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