fibro article: - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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fibro article

17 Replies

my brother emailed me this article.worth a read.what do other members think ?

17 Replies
lou60 profile image

I read this at the time of publication showed my GP he wasn't impressed with the findings, the article was published in 2013 and I've seen nothing along these lines since. I, as many of us are, am open to all new developments it is an interesting article and I am glad it is being researched. Thank you for posting this. xx

in reply to lou60

I assumed it was a recent he only emailed me a couple of days ago.just seen the date..

lou60 profile image
lou60 in reply to

It is interesting, but as you likely know, it only scratches the surface of what is happening to us. xx

Whatamug1 profile image

Sure was worth it - Everything crossed, just quickly though cos I hurt too much. I was in hospital recently & my son (who's) 27 said ......don't mention fibromyalgia as they'll look at you sideways ! ( his nurse & paramedic friend said to tell me). Lol he was right !!! Why should anyone else believe you when a load of medics don't. I believe me though & I hope there's some relief from it all when and if the pharmaceutical lot pick up on it. It must be costing the government lots of £'s in benefit payments, so don't think it'll be long before the cause (s) is found. YAY ....

lou60 profile image
lou60 in reply to Whatamug1

I've had this for donkeys' years, thankfully I have a brilliant team on my side, GP, Physio, CBT, Neurologist all on side. I just wish that every one received the respect that I do. xx

in reply to lou60

You are so lucky to have the support you have

lou60 profile image
lou60 in reply to

I am and I fully appreciate it. I also read the posts from those not so fortunate it saddens me that there is still such ignorance surrounding Fibro, no one wants pity just understanding. xxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Not too sure about this one to be honest. I find it odd that they have found this problem exactly where the main pressure points are for fibro. And as far as I know one of the strongest things around for this pain is Gabapentin(I could be wrong) I take up to 9 a day when necessary for a the slightest bit of pain relief, I think when you find something that helps the brain just alters the imbalance and off we go again xxxxx I live in hopes but won't hold my breath and sorry if this sounds a bit pessimistic :)

Ozzygirl64 profile image

Not too sure about this one to be honest. I find it odd that they have found this problem exactly where the main pressure points are for fibro. And as far as I know one of the strongest things around for this pain is Gabapentin(I could be wrong) I take up to 9 a day when necessary for a the slightest bit of pain relief, I think when you find something that helps the brain just alters the imbalance and off we go again xxxxx I live in hopes but won't hold my breath and sorry if this sounds a bit pessimistic :)

clare_hart profile image

I find the study results lacking as there is no scholarly article describing the study. How many subjects participated, what was the procedure used, were other objective scientists able to reproduce the results?

I just don't buy such findings and absolute statements unless they are backed up with a statement and discussion of the SCIENCE. Well, what can I tellya?

TheAuthor profile image

Thank you so much for sharing this, I had seen this before and it is quite interesting.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

bonsabrost profile image

I had seen this a couple of months ago when diagnosed and was interested. Not seen anything since, but for me it rang true as I had had my carpel tunnel done not long before diagnosis and as part of recovery had a fall on my operated hand which delayed recovery. It may be coincidence though. I'm not medically trained so I just don't know.

bvlgari profile image

I have had both wrists operated on for carpel tunnel, my fibro was diagnosed after the second operation as it took 5 months to heal. They were going to open me up but luckily I saw a rheumatologist before and she diagnosed fibro.

in reply to bvlgari

I have been referred to hand orthopaedics re my CTS.but my appointment is not til end of november.should I ask my gp for another injection to help relieve the pain etc.I also think it is something more than just CTS as hands thickened .could be acromegaly as someone suggested-hands are definitely larger.cannot do anything with hands,am seeing the gp who arranged endoscopy and colonocopy on 23rd cos he told my gp at my last appointment he wanted t see me .didn't ask why.hope to get a reason fro all over swelling etc and maybe answers my own gp has not given me .am not looking forward to the op if it takes so long to heal cos of fibro.I know the time for healing is 6 weeks

mikipaulo profile image

I find the article very interesting. As an article & not a report it naturally isn't full of specifics but it contains references at the bottom, which could be researched to see if scientific data is out there.

Personally, I don't find it odd that this coordinates with our pressure points, as I would expect it to do so if any scientists were in track. IF the pressure points are actually areas of the body that normally have this type of blood vessels it would be absolutely make sense.

The article refers to the extra blood vessels in the hand. If the scientific community were to followup they would have to establish through biopsies the "excessive" blood vessels at the natural occurring areas. That, to me, would be the next step. Talk about ouch for those biopsies BUT worth evaluating.

I am more skeptical of the medical community poo poo at consideration of this as a probable cause. It wasn't long ago, and for some still is, a time when the medical community completely argued against the existence of fibromyalgia.

The "connection" which has been related to fibromyalgia being a nerve problem is scientifically founded on what medications ease our pain. Yet, current science "correlate" the relief of pain through these medications with fibromyalgia being a nerve issue. No scientist have understood what CAUSES this "widespread" nerve pain nor the pressure points.

I pray they receive further funding for studying their theory. Who knows...they could ultimately be right.

lynzard profile image

Hi there

Hope today is a good one for you. Thank you so much for this info. Found it very interesting.

Lyn x

oouch profile image

Thank you for the posting I'm going to try and get it copied to send to the DWP and the pain clinic any many more Consultants.......Ive also had it said are you sure its not psychosomatic pain!!! (sure many of us on here have had similar) then a few months later got a diagnosis of FM but am having trouble trying to get other government bod's to see its REAL and that mine has been the outcome of an incident that occurred at my work place in 2008. I am also having other health issues with my immune system atm "Panniculitis" this is also to do with the blood stream so this article is of great use to me. Many thank's for it and taking the time to forward it on. Regards Oouch!! (lol1 cant remember how may OOOOO's I put in OUCH!!)

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