Hello FibroAction Members,
A wish in Crowdwish (made by our Ken aka TheAuthor actually) is working it's way up the list hopefully towards Number 1. However, it needs your help by increasing the votes to reach the top.
Crowdwish are a site created this year where you can make wishes by logging in with Twitter and/or Facebook you can make your own wishes and support others like Ken's wish here;
Wishes work up towards the top depending on the amount of support (votes) it has by counting the amount of 'Me Too' clicks it has. When/if it reaches the top Crowdwish will address it in some way which they feel is appropriate. The site works as some wishes may not get the support if others do not vote for them and others with votes start to move up towards No1.
Let's get this wish 'I wish FibroAction could be given a large sum of money to help fund it's very important work' climbing with your help Please can you support this wish?
Please Tweet & Share on Facebook to increase support
Thank You in advance for your vote.
Update about a previous wish on the Crowdwish site
A while ago one of my very own wishes got to the top, about raising money for research to find a cure for Fibromyalgia. The evening it got to No 1 Crowdwish offered a free FibroAction Awareness Wristband to everyone who emailed and they would donate £1 per email received !
Some of you may remember this post;
I am pleased to say we received a donation of £62 due to all who took the time to emailed them. If you were one of them Thank You for taking the time to do so. Hope you like your band & wear it with pride.
If you'd like to read the Crowdwish blog about the wishes they have actioned, please follow the link below;
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator