WOW ! Crowdwish have actioned my wish 'I wish there were more funds available for research into fibromyalgia in the hope we can find a cure.’ Amazing!!
Crowdwish have said they'll donate £1 to FibroAction for every email they receive tonight (31/8/14) so please email before midnight! Yes, it is a simple as that a quick email before midnight!
Draft email below if it helps !!
Hello Crowdwish,
Please can I email you for today's wish 'I wish there were more funds available for research into Fibromyalgia in the hope we can find a cure'. Please can i be sent a wristband & can you donate £1 to FibroAction to raise awareness for Fibro & help them continue their work.
Thank You Crowdwish .for supporting Fibromyalgia awareness & FibroAction charity
Oh, and add your postal address !
To see my wish actioned, please visit their blog of resolved wishes >
So pleased it made it to the top !!
If you are on Facebook visit their page for information about the wish by using link below >
Thank You our FibroAction community members for the support in advance & Thank You Crowdwish from FibroAction!!
FibroAction Administrator