Hi there people.
My name is Tony , I,m new to this site and i was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes from initial visits to gp,s and various clinics consultants etc before you are given a diagnosis of fibro ?
Hi there people.
My name is Tony , I,m new to this site and i was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes from initial visits to gp,s and various clinics consultants etc before you are given a diagnosis of fibro ?
Hi Tony welcome to the site i hope you get the information and help you need.In my case it was
about 12 months as other things had to be ruled out it dose depend on who you are sent to see Hope you have a good day fibro 10
Hello Tony, In my case it was only 6 mths from when the fibro really kicked in. My GP dibn`t hang around after a few blood tests he sent me to a Neurologist. More tests and diagnosed by Neuologist. since confirmed by 2 more Neuros and a Rhumatologist. My GP believes in being certain.
It was after diagnosis that it was found that I had probably had it in a mild form for 25yrs.
Any way that answered . Welcome to the site, we do our best to answer questions within our own experiences, give help and support when the going gets tough and have fun and laughter to lighten our moods. If you wish to join us in a discussion of any type feel free.
Here is the web page to get you onto out mother site where you will find lots of information. fibroaction.org there is also alot of information in the pinned posts down the right hand side of the page.
Nice to meet you hugs sue x
about 20 years, just the latest in a long line of illnesses diagnosed.
I asked my GP to refer me which she did mainly because I took with me a list of exact symptoms and history. I took a more detailed history and symptom details to the specialist and he diagnosed fibro as well as hypermobility syndrome and wrote straight back to my GP. However I didn't find having a diagnosis changed much apart from validating my own view as I prefer not to take meds or painkillers unless I have to, so when in pain I find other ways of dealing with it - exercise, sleeping comfortably, vitamin supplements, and the local support group. x
Absolutely years as it ws believed to be athritis. Sorry, not very cheering but im sure things are better now.
Hi Tony and welcome. Once my GP realised from my list of symptoms that I may have Fibro and referred me to Rheumatology I only waited a couple of weeks for an appointment with a consultant. I believe I have actually had fibro for some time though both myself and my GP didnt link the symptoms together. As it turned out I also have been diagnosed with sero neg Rheumatoid disease which they would not have picked up on had I not been sent to Rheumatology. Its hard to get your head around but the support from this site has been great.
Hope you dont have to wait long and the outcome is good for you.
Gentle hugs Joolz.x
Hi tonee
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I think it varies greatly from one GP to another and one hospital consultant to another? If you have a good GP and / or consultant you will get a diagnosis but it may take some time?
I want to wish you all the best of luck with getting your diagnosis
Hi Tony I think it roughly took 27 years to finally get a diagnosis. We started with growing pains and then stretched to hypochondria and many unhelpful doctors in between who just wouldn't take me serious over how much pain I was in and that the drugs weren't working. I was made to keep pushing myself when in fact we all know that over doing it is the worst thing in the world. So I was diagnosed 8 years ago and I am now 48 and the drugs still don't work for me but I am sure like me you will find something no matter how small that will help even in the smallest of ways to help you get through the day. Good luck.
Once you've got past the hurdle of getting to a rheumatologist it's quite quick these days. Mine was anyway. All in the same morning.
Hi, I got diagnosed this week. It has took over 4 years but saying that they have found many other things wrong I.e complex sleep apnoea, calcium on brain stem, hyperthroyism and still been investigated for MS. But what I will say ever doctor I have seen as been excellent with one exception.
Hi Tony and welcome. It's the luck of the draw. If your GP is on board it could be "quick" but its one of those difficult to diagnose conditions so it will be some time. When you eliminate causes of other things its about month each. eg we tried to see if statins was a prob, then Vit D - I was deficient but it wasn't the cause of the pain. Those alone took 2 months - to let the medication leave my bloodstream.
Hi tony, it took me 4 years, and I had to go to a private gp, nhs drs just kept saying I was stressed, and refused to refer me to anyone, and still refuse to refer me as they say there is nothing else a rheumatologistI can do, won't refer e for my m.e/c.f.s either as they say there are no clinics into area and they cannot refer me outside of area,
I actually chose my private gp as I thought my issues maybe thyroid based, I was diagnosed with sub clinical hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue, m.e/c.f.s , fibro and overactive bladder, the oab was diagnosed by urologist,
I was told this is quiet common with fibro/m.e. I did not realise he specialised in m.e/c.f.s when I initially went to see him. Thank god he did as I don't know where I would be otherwise x best of luck xx
Hi Tonee, My gp diagnosed me right away. Then tried different meds. When the pain got worse years laster I was sent to a pain clinic. Hope this helps and you get some relief soon sweetheart!!!! xxx Mitzi