Feel like I've had enough. :'( - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Feel like I've had enough. :'(

miss_boo profile image
31 Replies

I really hate moaning, feeling sorry for myself but tonight I've really really had enough.

It's 4:39am, no sleep yet again. I've got trigeminal neuralgia coming and going, my gums are bleeding as a result of it. I'm aching from head to toe, especially my back, shoulders, hips and feet. I've got stomach ache and the runs, my skin is tingling with nerves, pins and needles. My back muscles keep tensing, my legs are jumping, my vision is shakey. I have thrush.

The list just goes on. How am I suppose to go on like this???? It's rediculous. I can't even sleep through it. I've took my meds. Please help

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miss_boo profile image
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31 Replies
Billysmini profile image

Hi miss boo it's Billie here so sorry to hear of your suffering , wish I could help you as I know how your feeling, I to have days and night like your having , I am on night shift again tonight as a auxiliary nurse. I do hope your going to get some relief and sleep very soon x

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to Billysmini

Thankyou Billie, I'm being a mardy bum, just frustrated x

Ginsing profile image

Hi Miss Boo I too wait the night through hoping tomorrow will be easier , that somone will have found a way to stop all of ours pain.

I read and read all the info particularly from people with lymphodema (yes I have that as well)

At the moment they are advancing the benefits of green veg - i REALLY BELIEE THEY HELP so I am a convert already.

This may help you trust me I now drink a mug every morning and I dont swell up like I did. You find flat leafed parsley a good handful stalks and all into large saucepan. Fill to the top with water (I use tap water as our is good but it may have to be bottled) On the gas/hob bring to the boil - boil steadily with a lid on for an hour.

Turn it of let it cool. poor it into a lrge jug straining it as you do. Drink a large mug full it is ok. See how you feel at the end of the day. Try it .

Take your meds just like usual this for tummy bloating reflux diawhatsits head aches..just remember drink lots of water through the day so at least 3 pints please your hair skin ill look marvelous.


miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to Ginsing

I will definitely try this thankyou x

Ginsing profile image

I have just thought it may be difficult to find , so you may have to grow it yourself. I have a large bed of it purely by chance - I planted it last year used all summer in salads and there it was when I read about it ready to be used!

while writing this I had terrible tummy rumlbes so have been drinking a mug full and tummy is calming down.:)

Supermarketsb should stock fresh leaves of parsley curly or flat :)

in reply to Ginsing

You learn something every day, thank you gins, I will try this as well. :)

miss_boo profile image

I don't mean to moan but one symptom would be enough to deal with. Its just frustrating x

I know what you mean I am nowhere near as bad as you and do sleep on and off most night. Then for no apparent reason I have several nights in a row with tummy pains itchy skin on top of the sun burn feel that I aiways have muscle pains and hot sweats. then to top it all off RSL sets in so I end up spending all night walking up an down the hall. The legs wont even let me sit down.

So by the time the others are up I am one ball of pain who can`t wait to get in the bath. hugs and hoping that you will get relief soon sue xxx

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to

Its dreadful isn't it. I get chicken pock like blisters too, sometime a few sometimes I'm covered. Never ending , hope ur OK xx

in reply to miss_boo

Thanks to the pip medical cock ups my brain wont shut up and I am spending the nights having stupid dreams and very little sleep.

hope every one gets some sleep hugs sue xxx

denvajade profile image

miss_boo I am sorry to read the problems you are having, for your thrush, go off all sugar, fruit, cakes, buy some garlic and parsley tablets and take some good quality probiotics. Are you gluten sensitive or lactose intolerant? try going gluten free, and lactose free milk, you cant cheat though! can you rinse your mouth every couple of hours with salt and water? just a few suggestions, wishing you well.

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to denvajade

Thanku, I'm writing these things down. :-). Xx

denvajade profile image
denvajade in reply to miss_boo

Hi there again, you have had some good suggestions given to you, i understand how u feel, i too have had fibro for 15 years and RA for over 7. May i suggest you get tested for RA, I started by having terrible pain in my feet,like tendons snapping, then like hot needles. I read some of your posts and know how you feel about rhumes commenting on our weight, one recently told me that 80% of the world live on rice and they are not fat, so go home and live on rice,i was very obedient did it for two weeks and did not lose anything,so much for his theory. I have found over the years one needs to be very kind to themselves, I too like you are walking the house at 2 in the morning,I have taken to sleeping on the couch listning to the tv and I do doze off for a few hours, then if need be have a lie down in the afternoon and quite amazingly sometimes go to sleep, even though i cant sleep at night. Again I must say the candida cleanse with garlic and parsley and probiotics made a huge difference to my bloated stomach.Try dealing with one issue at a time and rest,rest and rest again.. cheers Please keep us informed. cheers Trish

I think every one is allowed to feel sorry for themselves, every now and again. It is very wearing to go through this night after night or day after day. I really hope you feel better soon, I am going to give gins advice a go myself to see if I can get my own tummy sorted, so your post will have helped me too, so a big thank you :) Susan

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to

We are all gonna be swimming in parsley tea lol. Good luck xx

in reply to miss_boo

Haha, so we also get exercise and maybe drop a couple of ponds too, win win here then :) hope you are feeling better than earlier. Xx

Julie63 profile image

Hi and gentle hugs miss boo. It's hard to cope when it all comes at once isn't it. I have trigeminal neuralgia, its awful when you get a bad attack, but I have not heard it can cause gums to bleed, could this be due to the thrush? I hope things are settling down now, there has been a lot of good helpful posts, so hope you will soon be feeling brighter, Julie xxx

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to Julie63

Its my neuralgia, my left ear canal closes, my eye closes and my gums swell and bleed on that side too. I have to gargle a mouth wash for it gggrrrrrrr x

denvajade profile image
denvajade in reply to miss_boo

Hi miss_boo as regards your mouth, another thing i do, due to mouth sores from the chemo meds RA people have weekly is to 1/2 fill a glass with water and put about 4 drops of teatree oil in and swish it around and spit out, this is especially good to do when u know your mouth is going to be clean for a couple of hours, I do feel sorry for u with a number of complaints going on,I too have had horrendous issues for 16months, being told it is liver cancer, then no maybe pancreas cancer., no well lets see if it is overian cancer because every blood test showed i had some form of cancer, finally I have been told i have the beginnings of bone marrow cancer, added to that i have such a bloated stomach you would think i was nine months pregnant with twins, it has taken doctors and specialists 16months to find the cause. Enough of me take care.

nezzykins profile image

Hi. I read with interest about flat leaf parsley- making into drink. I am wondering if it would help with acid reflux disease. Any advice appreciated. X

Hi miss_boo

Reading this reminds me so much of myself that I could have written it :o

A couple of weeks ago I endured something very similar and thought it would never end. I've never been so uncomfortable for such a long time. The weakness and tingling down my left side and varying skin issues on top of the clicking, cracking and crunching alongside awful pain, anaemia and constipation from the iron tablets. I ended up arranging an emergency appointment to see a doctor who gave me some antiobiotics and cannestan cream for the pressure sore under my boob, 2 weeks on and its still there and now face having to have it checked again as the antiobiotics made me poorly so couldn't face taking them :( It goes on & on and I do get sick of it just like you. I've also had nasty eczema and proriasis flares going on. I find that my Fibro ends up flaring because of the other illnesses flaring it a viscious never ending circle of discomfort.

Sometimes I think to myself 'just one day, that's all! just one day!'

That day will come! I know it will because I believe it will, no matter how much all these painfull and uncomfortable illnesses make me feel.

Sorry to go on about me but just don't like the thought of you thinking you were alone with this :)

Sending soft healing fuffies to you miss_boo

:) xxxsianxxx :)

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to

I get covered in blisters that are a bit like chicken pox, do u get them? I have big sores under my boobs at the mo, I was under, dry, dust with anti bacterial talk, and once a day use eurax. It has took the puffiness right down and the soreness. We are a poor lot. Thanku for ur kind words :-) xx

in reply to miss_boo

Yes, I do get blisters now and again when it's flaring, they're healing now I hope but the booby sores are becoming a nightmare :o I have antibacterial creams and talc etc too just hope they heal soon :) we are a funny lot LOL xx :) xx

denvajade profile image
denvajade in reply to

Hi zeb73 i feel very sorry for u, my mother has very bad poriasis too, had it most of her life, she goes on methotrexate for a few months to clear it up, and to give herself a break. Then goes off it for as long as possible.With regard to your pressure sores have you tried teatree oil? water it down a little and dab it on with cotton wool, it is a natural antibiotic and works marvels. please be kind to yourself and lots of rest.

lynzard profile image

Aw missboo. I am so sorry to hear how you are feeling. O my lord, you have a lot to cope with. Gin's reply about the parsley very interesting. I hope it works for you. I don't really have any words of wisdom, just really felt for you. Thrush wise, you may well need some acidophollus to increase your good bacteria to keep it at bay. I always get thrush when I have anti-bios and they work a treat for me. Of course, you could also eat gallons of live yogurt! :)...oh and smother a tampon in the live yogurt and 'use' as normal. Honestly. :)

I really hope you start to feel improved in all ways and that you get some sleep very soon.

Big gentle hugs.Lyn. xxx

miss_boo profile image
miss_boo in reply to lynzard

I have no idea what is going on, my white blood cells have been elevated for 2 years, u would think that I wouldn't get infections of any kind!? Doesn't make sense. I read about the yogurt and sent my daughter to get some, she came back with natural yogurt (not live) with organic fruit and honey lol. So I'm having that for breakfast tomorrow.

Thanku for ur advice :-) xx

lynzard profile image
lynzard in reply to miss_boo

Hilarious!!!! xxx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to lynzard

i use live yoghurt to age stonework that doesn't help sorry

budgiefriend profile image

I felt so much sympathy for you as I read this, miss boo. And I am so happy to see how the others have come to offer suggestions for you.

I do think it would help if we had some nurse practitioners who are specialists in Fibromyalgia and CFS/ME, and we could call them for help when all these symptoms become too much. I know that if I see my doctor with more than 2 complaints, I just get rushed and they start to tune out after the first two. It's not fair, but I think they honestly don't believe how many different and distressing symptoms some of us deal with.

The NHS could help by training better and by offering more complete lists of symptoms or possible problems that we have. When you read the NHS list of symptoms on websites, they make this sound like quite an unimportant and minor illness, which just really upsets me. We need to have understanding of what we go through so that at the very least, they will believe us and not fob us off. With estimated at least 2 out of every 100 people having these illnesses, I think there would be enough work for a person like this in every community. Not that my wishes make any difference, but some of what we deal with could be helped by a nurse who then reports back to the doctors if/when she/he sees something they think needs a doctor's attention. They could have more detailed and specialised info about remedies and instructions for us to do at home.

I do hope that you will get at least some of your conditions improved one way or another in the next day or two. I will be thinking of you and sending you my best healing energy. I think there is a reserve inside us that gets tapped when someone else needs help. The answers and responses you got here are testament to that idea.

Gentle hugs,


TheAuthor profile image

Hi miss_boo

I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing these issues at this time and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to your problems. Please take care of yourself and I sincerely mean this, you are not feeling sorry for yourself, you have an illness that we are all on this site suffering from so we know where you are coming form!

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

miss_boo profile image

Thanku s OK much for your replies, really does mean lot.

Yes, stymtoms lists usually have the pain, fatigue, sleepless nights, bla bla...

It affects every part of my body. On Sunday I lay in bed and I could not move, my hubby cracked up and said I looked like I was in shock ...not funny I know! I must have looked a sight though. I kind of lay their with my mouth open, not speaking or moving. I just couldn't.

Ur right though , when they thought I had m.s last year the surgery couldn't do enough for me. I was told I would have had a nurse etc if it came back that I had it. The tests came back negative and I was told it was down to my fibro, no nurse, no help, just go home and carry on regardless.

I feel like we are being left on the shelf. Maybe we should fight for more care. I know at times I need it!!!!! Xxx

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