I have been diagnosed as having fibro and osteoarthritis also signs of healed inflammatory arthritis in my spine.
I feel awful at the moment. My arms started to peel in the summer which I thought was sunburn but its no better and patches of my chest and arms look like white scales also my hear on head & eyebrows is coming out I am 58.
Now I have very sore and itchy arms, which the thin top layer of skin peels offa long with the hair on my arms the new skin is also dry and looks like a red rash in a v shape. my eyes itch and look as if I've been crying and I have lots of migraines . My mouth is burning and gets very dry, my joints are hurting. My right hand is the worse one and the joints especially on the right hand little finger which is very big and looks. I also have fatigue and get so tired. My GP is good and she has sent me to the rheumatology and scans several times and I feel it must be in my imagination, I don't want to have to go back as I only went lst Monday and I seem to be going every couple of weeks!
Thank you for listening and sorry to moan on so much!