Cos it affects your breathing any suggestings wat I can replace it with go drs nxt week for checkup can anyone help? Boohoo xxx
Does enyone take oxycodone for pain i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does enyone take oxycodone for pain its been marvelous for pain bu my body got use to it and cnt go any higher in dose due to me avin copd c

Hi booohooo
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you can be today? I am so sorry to read that your oxycodone has stopped working for and I genuinely hope that you can find a replacement pain killer.
I have not personally taken this medication, however, it is a well known (very strong) painkiller and it is not recommended for long term use. Hopefully your GP can come up with something else that will work for you?
I have pasted a link below to patients uk webpage about this drug, I sincerely hope that you find it useful:
I sincerely hope that you find some resolution and relief to this issue as soon as possible.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I try not to depend on the narcotics just for that reason. I am loving the tramadol. It is more powerful then the OTC drugs, but you are not dependent on it. Also, try a anti-inflammatory muscle relaxant (ansaid) that works for you. It helps me immensely....
Morning Boohoo
How are you today? It is pouring here and shivery! Now I moved up from oxycodone and gradually I have reached a cocktail of different pills. We cannot of course tell you what to take so your next step must be a consultation with your GP. I do fond Tegretol a nerve pain blocker extremely use full but your doc will know what you can or cannot take so wait till you see him.
I am waiting for my Grandaughter I think she will possibly be here for the day as she has an ear infection so cannot go to Nursery.
Life gos round and round doesnt it.
I take OxyContin have done for a few years now from the pain team at my local hospital. I take the slow release but in a odd way as prescribed by them instead of 22 hourly which means twice a day I take it 3 times . One in a morning , one at night, and another in the afternoon. That way keeps the dose slightly higher with no withdrawal type stuff, I was put on a dose when I went on it and have managed to stay on the same dose, also tale pregabalin, and amytryptaline as well, works for me . Hope you get some help
Sorry that should say 24 hrly