Can I have a few glasses of wine while taking duloxetine ? It said on pack do not drink alcohol but I’ve googled it an it says you can just not every day
Duloxetine : Can I have a few glasses... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I wouldn't have thought so as it is a very strong med. Take care Lynne
Hi there, I always think they put don't drink alcohol on the pills for a reason ?
Alcohol can be quite dangerous with Duloxetine. Talk to your GP.
I wouldn't, as it could interfere with the way Duloxetine reacts with your body, and could then take a while to get either that medicine or a completely different one to work for you. Is it really worth it for a few moments of laughter? Check with your GP, and see what they say.
You could always ask a pharmacist for advice but having seen how strong Duloxetine is, I think it’s wise to avoid alcohol. It’s not just the sedative effect, the interaction might nit go well.
No. I wouldn't take any alcohol at all. Too risky.
Hi, We are all individuals and no two body’s are the same. No two people will react the same to the same medications or if drinking alcohol and taking medications so therefore I can only give my own personal view and not what you’re experience will be.
It has been a long time now since I took Duloxetine but I was determined not to completely let fibromyalgia take complete control of my life so I decided at that time that as long as I was careful and only had alcohol in moderation I could have a few drinks to socialise with friends as I was always new when enough was enough.
I hope this helps
So. It's confession time.
I've been on Duloxetine and Amitriptyline since 2011
Not a big drinker so never more than a glass or two of wine - even at a tasting session - which I've attended when I've felt well enough to travel.
While on holiday, I do also have the odd tipple with dinner - continental style and I'm no averse to trying out the odd shot of something exotic.
I have Not experienced ANY problems whatsoever so far and haven't noticed any changes or difficulties afterwards - including my niece's wedding last June.
Probably, like you, I have to take my duloxetine at night before bed - which I always do with a glass of water.
My GP and other health professionals are aware. I NEVER Lie as I think it's detrimental to any emergency treatment going forward or might negatively influence any future medication regimes. I strongly believe that the truth will set you free.
I experienced a melena episode earlier this year and had to have a battery of tests, including a scan and two extremely unpleasant endoscopy investigations. The good news is that I've discovered that my stomach doesn't like naproxen or anything from the ibruprofen family. It was also noted that although my liver is a little fatty - not bad enough to warrant any treatment but will be monitored, my kidneys are also perfectly fine.
Proof if I needed it that fortunately, my eating and drinking habits are not too bad.
Unfortunately, since 2012, I'm no longer allowed to drive for health reasons so I don't have to worry about that if I do have a drink or two.
I must reiterate and emphasise that I'm not a regular drinker in any sense of the word but I have never knowingly turned down a glass of wine with a good meal, a shandy or two at a barbecue in the summer, a Sangria , Mojito or Aperol (or two) on holiday and definitely wine or prosecco at any events - when I've been fortunate and well enough to attend.
I'll admit that having grown up around doctors, and observing how they behaved with medication, I'm can be somewhat 'experimental' in my approach - definitely not for the faint hearted I suppose.
I'm sure you're all giving me the side eye but .... my life has 'deteriorated' so much since my health took a turn for the worse in 2011 and I've had to change or leave behind so many things I took for granted that I guess, giving up alcohol completely when I could never really be considered a drinker in any sense of the word was, imho, a step too far. Speaking of which, I used to absolutely love dancing and would be the first on the floor at events - something I can no longer do as I can barely walk. Hmmm. Perhaps I'm just a rebel at heart or haven't yet found a real reason to stop.
Another cliche - cos I'm not really that boring like that - but sticking with the old adage - All things in moderation is so far working well for Me.
Perhaps the best way forward would be to speak to your GP about it and make a determination for yourself.
Wishing you all the very best. Try not to let your situation get you down.
Sorry my post is so long - I guess I do feel a little guilty for going against convention.
Hi, I am new here and your post is really interesting and helpful, thank you. I am on notriptyline and now been prescribed Duloxetine for chronic neck pain. My GP said I can take both but I am still so nervous. I take the Nortriptyline at night. How do you take your 2 meds? Do you take them together or one in the morning and one at night? Have you had any side effects? SOrry for all the questions, I am just so nervous.Thank you
OK, what do you mean by 'A few glasses of wine?' If you drive it's never a good idea, and with medication, you can get worse effects than normal. Not to mention some medications it is illegal to drive with, with or without alcohol added. Pharmaceutical companies cover themselves from Lawsuits by saying don't drive if it makes you drowsy.
The only way to find out is to try it under controlled conditions, and not if you are due to be going anywhere. Stay inside and don't risk more than one small glass.
I had one small glass yesterday and was fine (at home with my family ) but I’m 21 an all my friends go out etc An I obviously am too scared to drink because of it but I feel as though people will just think I’m boring ! It’s getting me down because I feel like I can’t do the same things I used to . I’ve never been a drinker anyway but it’s annoying getting scared to have a few drinks with my partner etc
At 21 it is a big penance not to be able to drink, I understand that, and when you are out with friends it is worse. If your friends are good, they will not press you to the alcohol.
How about trying a non-alcoholic wine; there are some, or a Spritzer, which is half wine and half soda? Having had your one, go onto the non- alky stuff.
I understand why you want to; when I was your age I was the same, But in public it can be easy to get carried away, and you wouldn't want your lift to be in an ambulance, so care is the watchword.
I'm afraid one of the reasons I came off duloxetine was because of not being able to drink alcohol. My understanding is that the medication in combination with alcohol could be damaging to your liver. I didn't want to take the risk. Sad that I couldn't give up alcohol but sharing wine with friends at home or on a night out is one of my few pleasures. I think it would be best to discuss it with your GP or pharmacist because it could be that very occasional moderate drinking is ok but only they will be able to advise you.
Just to get my oar in!
The pharmacists and the Drs are all going to take the official line of the maker,, it's called staying safe and not getting sued.
If it were myself and provided I did not have any breathing difficulties,,, and I was not going to drive and I was not planning to go ice skating or dance on the top of bin or something like that.
I might slowly have a half glass of wine and stop at that and just see how it goes.
For some it will be OK for some it may just not be worth it,, you will have to see how you are the next day as well, it's not just the immediate effects.
Best Wishes, Ray