If you don't know already, this shows what is really important to our MPs
Welfare Debate!: If you don't know... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Welfare Debate!

It really is chilling to see it in pictures - but I wasn't expecting anything less. Let's just hope the pen, (or in this case, the camera), proves to be mightier than the sword. But then again, politicians these days really do have brass necks as they say & seem to be able to get away with anything!!
(What I first thought to post when I saw the bottom picture is unprintable, so I'll just say - pigs with their snouts in the trough.)
Julie xxx
I am, unbelievably, a 'Russell Brand convert'!!
He say's: 'Don't vote for them, you are only encouraging them'.
I think he is right. I am never going to participate in this corrupt system called 'democracy', again. My vote counts for nothing. I could cry when I see these ghastly MP's crowding Westminster for a pay rise but not bothering to attend a debate about disability and welfare. I saw this picture on Russell Brands Twitter page last week or so. Thanks for 'spreading' it around; Brand has 10m twitter followers. I am not a 'follower', I just look at it when I've time. He is a very compassionate man. Who'd have thought it?
Hello All,
It may have been a poor turn out but according to the War on Welfare (WOW) petition it seems they made really good progress;
So, let's keep supporting this campaign
FibroAction Administrator
P.S Please remember our guidelines if you choose to comment. Thank You
Thanks for sharing this
Is it wrong that I just chuckled? ..................... it was in disgust of course!!
However Emma is right and we must keep supporting the cause
Yes I saw this and thought of how they will say they have partnered their votes so they can get on with their constituents problems etc. but it shows a total disrespect for the MP who is putting the policy to parliament but a much bigger disrespect for the content of the bill.
Take care and kindest regards
Gutting to see how few mp's bothered to even turn up.
Hi Boromoor
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? My first reaction that came naturally was a large sigh! When I thought about it, I sighed again!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us all.
Take care
Thanks for showing this, sadly it does not surprise me but still makes my blood boil! Along with some negative reports in the press regarding disability "scroungers" and disability hate crime rising something needs to be done. Don't get me started I could go on for hours! I'll sign. X x
Makes you wonder who the scroungers are when MPs turn up to get their expenses signed then b*gg*r off for the day - allegedly. Though having seen it work you can get better results when the house is nearly empty as the Prima Donnas are absent. They play to the cameras less.
Have you noticed budget day. It's just a festival of mutual backslapping on one side and political b*tch*ng on the other - whoever is in power.
the politicians should only be paid if they actally tun up ,stay & vote on policies they say the amount of money they pay the sick & disabled is costing the country a fortune we need to lower the defeceit but look at how much money is wasted on paying politicians.
The important thing is that the cumulative impact assessment was called for. Whether it will happen is anyone's guess. Probably not because it will show the government up in their true colours and then some. Dennis Skinner was brilliant and some of my online campaigners met him and others before the debate.
Dennis Skinner has been a bit of a hero for me, ever since I heard him in PMQ when he used to ask Maggie Thatcher some very awkward questions the 80s. He's about the only MP I have time for.
Hello All,
Please find more information about this Welfare Debate here at the ME Association website, link below;
Hope this helps
FibroAction Administrator