Just a brief message and a huge welcome to Ken alias The Author to the Volunteers Hut I am sure we are all going to be ale to assist every one and have some fun. So welcome welcome to our merry band
Keep smiling xgins
Just a brief message and a huge welcome to Ken alias The Author to the Volunteers Hut I am sure we are all going to be ale to assist every one and have some fun. So welcome welcome to our merry band
Keep smiling xgins
Oh goodness gins, a man in the volunteer hut, make sure you and san behave yourselves You will have to look after him, I'm sure you will make him very comfortable in your merry band
Foggy x
A man in the volunteer's hut will cause a stir :-). I am sure he'll take his turn to make the tea
Hi Ken have read you writing's and would like to say id welcome your support or advice anytime: but girls be careful or you'll b characters in his next steamy book lol no seriously Ken welcome :))
I make a mean pot of Yorkshire!
Thank you
Ken x
Excellent! You are definitely a 'keeper'
I like the idea of tea with Ken should be a good laugh and of course we will share with you all (not) xxgins
Tea and stickies Yum
Dashes (haha) in with a tray of freshly made scones, cream and jam, though there will be a penalty for anyone not getting the cream and jam in the right order
and goes off to hide in a hidey place
Foggy x
Cream Tea for me please, one of my favourites. Your not Nil by Mouth yet are you Ken? I would imagine it is 12 midnight
Ah, but the question is cream or jam first on the scones ?.......come on........
Congratulations ken! Iam sure you will of great help to many on here.And if you need a character for one of your books then Iam your girl lol
Hey you I've been thinking about you recently and wondering how you are ? Hope things are on the up for you :-). Good to have you back
Foggy x
Thank you foggy! Well they most Definately are my friend,in fact things are so different from a few months ago that Iam amazed myself at what I have achieved! I have been busy doing my slimming world and healthy eating and have gradually built up exercising from one short brisk walk a week to going to the gym,doing personal training,Pilates,Zumba and exercise classes which has kept me very busy.My health has improved so much that Iam going to be doing some voluntary work soon probably in the hospital or hospice where I used to work and then I would like to do some part time work.Iam also looking into doing a degree as I want to re train to be a nutritionist as Iam very interested in healthy eating and how it improves your health.My depression has been replaced with a lot of enthusiasm and positivity and Iam looking forward to life now rather than dreading it.How has life been treating you?xxx
Oh my friend, that is so so wonderful to hear I am so pleased for you and what a good start to the new year, (well not quite so new) and the best part is hearing you so positive
please don't leave us entirely! we miss you and your sense of humour! try fitting us into your busy schedule
Foggy xx
Nice to read about your progress and your health slowly improving. It can be managed with a combined approach and gradual increase in activity. So, pleased for you
It does take time and hard work doesn't it? Getting into nutrition sounds great ! Are you going to do distance learning?, like OU.
All the best with your news plans
Thank you mdaisy,yes it has taken a lot of hard work but it is paying off big time.Iam not sure what I will do about the degree as I need to see a careers advisor.I don't want to do open university as I want to be out and about and meeting people and don't want to be at home as I feel that I have been stuck at home ill for years and now is the time to get back Into the land of the living if you know what I mean!xxx
That is great news my friend xxx
Sounds like things are really improving for you. That is great news.
Well, after all that talk of scones I'm feeling rather peckish!! And is it scones as in swans or scones as in drones?? To me they'll always be swans!!! XXX
Oh! And not forgetting - congrats to you Ken!! Well done on becoming a volunteer!! Hope the hospital stay went OK and you're up and at 'em again!! XXXXX