Had a good meeting with occy health. Doc was impressed with the way I’m not letting fibro take charge without a fight. Impressed also by my “knowledge”. Most of which has come from you guys. Things you say have explained an awful lot of what’s been happening to me over the last year or so. So from someone wanting me to cut down on work, I’m staying as I am at the moment. This will be reviewed in 2 months. It’s still a case of playing with meds to see what works and other things actually, but reading other posts and questions I’m not necessarily hopeful of complete control and only starting along the long and winding road.
Scaling back activity seems a good idea but it doesn’t mean I have to give up everything. It’s a shame DWP don’t see it the same way. If I can do voluntary work I can do paid work, but with voluntary work I can stop as often and as long as I need to and go home when I need to. With the best will in the world this doesn’t work at work.
So a big thank you all for your help.
Despite my continual silliness something has sunk in
Had trouble choosing a photo but like this one of Dean Forest Centre's display of long case clocks. So what were my eyes drawn to?
Love you all and hugs all round.