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Trollydolly67 profile image
56 Replies

Hi , this is the first time I have posted on here. It’s a bit of a long storey but stick with it , it will be worth it .

Just over a year ago after years of pain that progressively got worst I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia . Good news in one way as I finally had an answer to what was causing the pain, devastating in another as so far there appears to be no cure and it has the ability to destroy so many areas of our lives.

I was struggling to continue to work and my relationship with my husband was strained to say the least. Family occasions instead of looking forward to them I dreaded them , fearful I wouldn’t be able to get through them never mind enjoy them . I felt useless and a burden . Instead of the one that supported and cared for my beautiful family , they were doing that for me .

Once diagnosed many of them educated them selves on exactly what fibromyalgia was in an attempt to help and understand. I can’t tell you how blessed I felt as I know not all sufferers have been so lucky .

I decided to accept I had this bloody illness but swore it would not define me and that I would do everything I could to help myself.

It was time to make some changes . I read anything I could get my hands on about dealing with fibromyalgia . Reduced as much stress in my life as possible which included letting go of a life long dream of running my own interiors business, god that was heart braking as my husband and I had already invested so much money into it and it was just started to come together when this illness really took hold .

The other area of my life I looked at in depth was my diet . My husband loves to cook and we have always believed we ate quite a healthy diet , probably like so many others around the world . Meat veg fish low fat milk Marge and deserts . From day one my husband has always done the shopping and the cooking and to be honest I hadn’t really took much notice of what ingredients he was using to make our meals .

Going on what I was reading about healthy diets we ticked all the boxes . I then came across some information that told of the dreadful effects of sugar in our foods produced today . I thought well that doesn’t effect me because we don’t eat processed food .... or so I thought!

For quickness , we both work full time , like so many other families we used jarred sauces , BIG mistake those things are full of sugar !

I decided to take my husband grocery shopping after working out a weeks menu that didn’t include sugar. At first he was really unimpressed but after only a couple of weeks we both couldn’t believe the difference in how we both felt and also looked .

It’s only been about ten weeks now and I can say hand on heart I am pain free !!! Honestly ... it’s like a miracle has taken place . My energy levels have increased and I can walk again and not only can I walk again I can walk distances ! I haven’t taken any pain killers for about 6 weeks and I’ve never needed them . Today I cleaned two bathrooms and gutted the lounge ... no problem.

I’m not saying this will work for everyone as I really don’t know that. but it’s worked for me so it’s possible it could work for you too . It’s worth a try isn’t it ? You have nothing to loose but an awful lot to gain if it does work for you.

I’m not telling you about what has happened to me for any financial gain or to market some magical crack pot remedy, I’m sharing this with you beautiful people because I want you to feel like I do .

One important thing you need to know if you do want to do this is sugar is in flour so white bread and pasta is a big no no , sugar is in things you would never have guessed had sugar in it, so check the ingredients on everything !

I have an extremely sweet tooth so I have honey instead of sugar in my tea and on my cereal and that really works for me.

Please please try it and let me know how you get on.

If this helps just one of you guys I will be happy for the rest of my life .

Ps my interior company is not only back on track it’s taken off and expanded . So don’t give up hope and never give up on your dreams, just keep looking for ways to do it that will work for you

My love to you all Elaine xxxxx

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Trollydolly67 profile image
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56 Replies
Rosepetal60 profile image

A very interesting post, I read through it all but Honey is full of Sugar. So ???

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Rosepetal60

I know where you are coming from and I thought the same as you but it’s a natural pure product and it doesn’t appear to effect me like “ sugar “ does

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Trollydolly67

I should also say I’m not an expert in this field at all , I just wanted to share with you all what I have found that helped me xx

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Trollydolly67

I'm pleased Honey suits you, I'm a big fan of English/ British Honey always have been and So helpful when one has a bad cough, I do feel really sorry for the bees though who work so hard and then most of their honey is taken away and replaced with a sugar syrup. thats if the wasps don't kill them first. I find Other Bee products helpful too such as lip balm.

Ehfibro profile image
Ehfibro in reply to Rosepetal60

Hi Rosepetal60, honey is a natural sweetener where granulated sugar is a processed product, they are very different types of sugars. Fruits have natural sugars in them that are nothing like processed sugar. Honey and fruit have always been seen to be healthy and good for people where as processed sugar is not seen as being a healthy sweetner. I don.t know if cutting out processed sugar will help my fibromyalgia pain but I am prepared to give it a try, if I can. Best wishes to you hun and hope you have a pain free day x

seren1970 profile image
seren1970 in reply to Rosepetal60

Isn’t honey a natural sugar x

eclegmata profile image
eclegmata in reply to seren1970

Honey, Agave syrup (which every now & gain you can find in Lidl) & Date syrup,are all good sources of sweeteners. everything in moderation 🌸 & occasionally raw cane sugar.

Ehfibro profile image

Hi Trollydolly67, read through your post, interesting and I will try to cut out processed sugar from my diet and hope it helps my fibromyalgia. Nothing ventured nothing gained, best wishes for a happy painfree day x

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Ehfibro

My fingers are crossed for you , let me know how you get on xxx

deejames profile image

Very interesting account Elaine.

However I am not sure what you mean by flour and pasta having sugar in them. If you mean carbohydrates then yes but there again so do fruit and vegetables. Could you explain please

Also honey is a form of sugar just a less harmful one depending on how the honey is produced. I always buy organic free trade in bid tubs from our wholesale shop. Much better honey and better value if you can budget for it.

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to deejames

Like I said , I am no expert in these fields. This is what I was told about flour , if I eat bread or pasta it makes me really ill.

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Trollydolly67

Hi trolly dolly. Sometimes it's all the additives and preservatives in bought bread that causes the upset. I make sourdough bread at home and now have no digestive problems. IBS comes back with any shop bought.

No sugar in any form is added to the sourdough but I do add honey to the other bread I make.

Have a good day

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to deejames

With you all the way . Oh my, did I used to have terrible IBS , went through every medical procedure know to man to try and get to the cause of it . Everything always came back clear . It was so frustrating !

Now I’m fine , no problems at all . I think you have to monitor what you eat and how it effects you to work out what cause you personally to have a reaction , because everyone is different . I can’t eat sausages or stuffing , if they are made with bread crumbs . Xxx

Mackembabe profile image

Wow Elaine am so glad that you found something that works for you hun, I was surprised about flour that I did not know it had sugar in, gives us all something to thing about, well done you and a big Congratulation in re starting your business and to hear it is doing so well long may it continue. Love & Hugs Xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Mackembabe

Oh thank you, that’s so kind of you , I just hope that what I have found will help others too xx

Mackembabe profile image
Mackembabe in reply to Trollydolly67

Am sure it will, I am borderline diabetic and have just had a blood test and it has gone up blood sugar that is, so might be giving it a try sooner rather then later.

Love & Hugs Xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Mackembabe

Yes please give it a try , there is a book called the 8 week blood sugar diet recipe book that is brilliant it really points you in the right direction

Mackembabe profile image
Mackembabe in reply to Trollydolly67

Thanks Elaine I have just looked up the book and sent for it thank you \love & Hugs Xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Mackembabe

Please do let me know how you get on , I’m praying it works for you xxx

Mackembabe profile image
Mackembabe in reply to Trollydolly67

Thank you hun might even buy my sister a copy too Love & Hugs Xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Mackembabe

Hiya Mackembabe, how are things ? Have you managed to make a start ?

Mackembabe profile image
Mackembabe in reply to Trollydolly67

We went a way for the week-end so shall to be looking into it more now thanks for asking Love & Hugs Xx

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Trollydolly67

I've bought the book you mention but I've not got around to reading it yet. One can apparently loose weight with it.

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Rosepetal60

Yes that’s another added bonus , I certainly have xxx

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Mackembabe

Hate to go on about it but flour doesn't have sugar added to it. Looking at several packets now and not a hint.


Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to deejames

Apparently white flour is refined and processed and once digested behaves just like sugar

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Trollydolly67

Yes white flour and anything made with it acts as a simple carbohydrate when digested.

Others may argue but we need carbohydrate in our diet but better to have wholemeal products or those with a combination of flours. I generally do a 70-30 % with my breads.


Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hiya read what you wrote I also found it interesting as I also suffer with arthritis and high blood pressure alside fibo though would give it ago.what I got to lose besides 2.00 off eBay and hopefully a few pounds off my body 🙂thank you for sharing this x

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Go for it , you have nothing to loose apart from weight , just everything to gain 👍

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Trollydolly67

Yes I’ve book on order to give me fresh ideas since I’m limited to other things with my arthritis I do try and help myself now since I’m not working I’m not as active as used to be when in catering also x

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

I hope you get some good results xxx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Hey Nuttyshirlz , has your book arrived ? Hope your doing ok honey xxx

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Trollydolly67


Yes today so just got to read it then give it ago xx

eclegmata profile image

So lovely to read your story & I did get thr'it all.

Congratulations on the refreshed approach & energy you have found to peruse your dream. I too wanted to start a vegan catering company & also have a passion for interior design. I have worked at all the big festivals & have a huge passion for food as well as a love for art.

You are absolutely correct about the unreal amounts of sugar in foods,& the importance of avoiding them. I have a lot of other problems. But can vouch,that things like juicing has given me more energy. I have always eaten well with a good understanding of foods,studying mouldy food growths,which can be detrimental to a lot of conditions.

You have definitely inspired me.

Wishing you all the best in your current venture.

Love & light 🌸

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to eclegmata

Whoo whoo thank you for your kind words , maybe one day our paths will cross , how good would that be xxxx

Rosepetal60 profile image

Reading your post for the third time has set me thinking as to what my main sugar extras are.. Clarnico mints occasionally , chocolate about once a fortnight and sugar on strawberries to give them the sweetness they lack these days. I use honey in cocoa and that's only an occasional drink. Do have a few Jaffa type cakes these days and still have the occasional cough sweet or mint to suck, but all that being said, I am planning to go on a diet in May so I will be able to cut down further on the sugar stuff. And checking on labels as always on online supermarket.

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Rosepetal60

Sounds like your half way there Rosepetal, but those Devine Clarnico mints ( oh gosh how I adore those things ) a big no no . I beginning to think you have remove sugar completely for at least two weeks before you will start to notice a difference and dipping back in to eating sugar on occasions I have found has a profound effect on me . Being Easter I caved in and Sunday and Monday was totally written off for me . We had family staying for Easter and I didn’t want to make a fuss so I joined in . Well I think I should have made a fuss as feeling like I did and having people to stay was hell on earth, I felt I was letting people down and just couldn’t function. Anyway enough about me . Please try what I said whole heartedly if it works ..... happy days , if not , well at least no one can say you haven’t tried xxxx

Dexmar13 profile image

Hi trollydolly67 Iv bought the 8 week sugar thingy book I’m hoping to try my best to follow it did you follow the diet in the book x

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Dexmar13

Hi Dexmart , sorry for the delay in my reply , trying to get the company website up and running .

In answer to your question , we didn’t follow it exactly step by step , I didn’t want to go on a diet as such, I just wanted to cut sugar out. know what meals /food we could and could not eat and used the recipes in the book to give us a base and a good understanding to get started with . We check every ingredient for sugar levels before we buy now it’s become second nature. Once you get over the shock of how much sugar is in certain foods lol! Good luck with it all Dex , let me know how you get on with it , I really hope you reap the benefits from it xxx

Dexmar13 profile image
Dexmar13 in reply to Trollydolly67

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me x I need to lose weight piled it on with medication but I’m coming off all my medication as well it by bit tho. So if I lose weight and feel better by cutting sugar out il be more than happy 😊. Iv bought 2 books ones got a few recipes in so il do what you have done as think be easier then trying to follow some of the recipes. Thanks for telling your wonderful story I’m so happy for you. Il keep in touch started today so fingers crossed I get through the first week lol 😂 xxx jude x

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to Dexmar13

Don’t give up , it is hard at first , I suppose it’s a bit like detox . I had a couple of days feeling a bit dizzy but it soon went xxx

aud01 profile image

As much as I can say that you have done a marvellous thing changing your diet ... I can go through 3 months of little or bearable pain and then boom for the next 6 months and longer I can't get rid of it ... so I hope for you that it continues with me it certainly keeps coming back xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to aud01

I’m hoping that’s not the case but you could be right aud01 , time will tell , however as it’s Easter I did fall of the wagon as it were and boy oh boy did I pay for that ! But it did confirm that sugar is like poison to my body .

I hope you find your body’s poison so you can live without having that to deal with all the time xxx

aud01 profile image

Thanks .. i wish I just had the brains to manage to read and digest information I might get further quicker if I could xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to aud01

I know what you mean , I couldn’t have done it on my own , as like yourself my brain just wouldn’t engage . I literally had to say to my Husband , I really want to try this , will you help me please . Ask a partner , ask a friend or family member and explain why you want to do it , I’m sure they would want to help xx

aud01 profile image

Well my kids have all left home and no partner . And I just plod on my own... I don't cook any meals from jars or packets everything I make is from fresh food and veg ..... but I will get there thanks xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to aud01

I used a book called The 8 week blood sugar diet . It pointed me in the right direction . If your cooking everything from scratch and everything you have is fresh then your doing far better than I did . Do you eat a lot of foods like bread and pasta ?

aud01 profile image
aud01 in reply to Trollydolly67

Not really .. if I do eat bread or pasta I can only have one if either in one day or i get a swollen stomach and cramps .. xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to aud01

sounds like your really well tuned into your body . Wish I could find a solution for you xxx

aud01 profile image
aud01 in reply to Trollydolly67

Oh me too friend .... it only Cos the past 8 year plus have been a nightmare and whilst you going through different stuff with our body eventually you begin to realise what is good and bad for it .... but I'm no where knowing what else I can do to get rid of the tiredness or the aches and pains forever xx

Dexmar13 profile image
Dexmar13 in reply to aud01

I take trumic and black pepper and magnesium they do help a little just hoping if I can cut sugar out it helps more one can only try . I’m also coming off my medication still got away to go but I just wanna stop taking all of what suppose to help but cause other things I have pain with or without so I’d rather not take it been on meds for 10 years . Good luck Hun whatever you decide to do I hope you get some relief xxx

aud01 profile image
aud01 in reply to Dexmar13

I decided to come off my pain killers during the day . And just take them at night .. I always make fresh food and don't often have jars or time ... but I have had to stop sweeteners as they were terrible and caused me a lot of pain . So I take I've sugar in tea and have atleast 4 cups of tea a day. That's the only sugar I take .... but I still take my pain killers at night so I get a good sleep .. xx

Dexmar13 profile image
Dexmar13 in reply to aud01

Honestly it’s a pain in the butt just hoping something will help I’m going keep trying there’s got to be something that can help us . I let you know how I get on with cutting out sugar it’s amazing what food has sugar in . Take care lovely chat soon xxx

aud01 profile image
aud01 in reply to Dexmar13

Oh don't I know it.. the only sauce I use is tikka it jalfrezi when we have. Curry so that's only once a week . The rest of the time It's rice or pasta it mashed potatoes for tea with something ... xx

Trollydolly67 profile image
Trollydolly67 in reply to aud01

Try honey in tea instead of sugar , it does make a difference and it tastes just as good xx

aud01 profile image
aud01 in reply to Trollydolly67

Oh I might try that thank you xx

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