Hi does anyone suffer with extreme st... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi does anyone suffer with extreme stomach pains and acid indegestion and burning throat and loss of appetite !! I have had it for few weeks

Steff40 profile image
ā€¢21 Replies

I only take 10 mg amitriptyline a night and paracetamol when I need it :)

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Steff40 profile image
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21 Replies

Hi I suffer from extreme stomach pain in the morning and have lost my appetite too. No matter how much I eat I always wake with terrible stomach pain. I don't take any anti depressants at the moment because I have just come off duloxetine because it didn't work for me, due back at the doctors to see what else to try. Wondered if high white blood cell count had anything to do with stomach pain.

Lizzyear profile image


I would recommend telling your doctor, as she/he can prescribe an anti-acid medication. They might also suggest a visit to the hospital to have a camera take a look at your gullet etc. I had that done and all was fine, if you do have to gave that, don't panic, it doesn't hurt at all, go for the sedation too!

Good luck..........but get it checked ou.

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Steff40

I am so sorry to read that you are suffering in this way at the moment. This could be caused by so many different things, and I also think with any problem of this nature that you should always visit your GP and talk to them about it. As Lizzyear has already said they may want to give you an endoscope just to have a look inside you, this is nothing to worry about as although it is invasive it is not painful.

Hopefully it will just be acid reflux but the sooner you get it checked out the better. I sincerely hope that yuo can find some resolution and relief to this problem.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

denvajade profile image

Hi there, I know what you are saying, horrible, please see your doctor, I find I must eat very small meals, don't lie down for about 3 hours after eating helps. Wishing you all the best with the doctor, he will probably give you some meds. Trish

Jjudith profile image

Funnily enough, I used to have it but it helped with 2 things. One, I started a low acid diet for Interstitial Cystitis. Two, I started taking activated charcoal tablets. They are not much used in UK I don't know why, you can buy them over the Internet though. They are completely safe, they help with abdominal pain, flatulence, offensive wind, reflux, loose stools, anything to do with the gastric tract. Hope this helps, love to you x

amyddevereux profile image


I can definitely relate to those symptoms, which I have had with my Fibromyalgia and still occasionally get, particularly if I am stressed or it's that time of the month. It's not pleasant at all is it. I, like everyone else would recommend you mention it to your GP, particularly so you can discuss the level of amitriptyline you are on. I was on 10mg and then have slowly increased it up to 25mg, which for me dosen't get rid of the symptoms, but does help. I am then more inclined to eat. I also drink a small cup of aloe vera each morning (cranberry flavoured as otherwise it's a little yucky!) which has really helped with all those symptoms and given me more energy.

One thing I will say though that is that I began to take notice of what foods helped my fibro and what foods aggravated it and made the symptoms worse, by keeping a diary. Cows dairy, alcohol, white sugar, white rice, basically anything processed, chocolate etc...were definitely not beneficial. I have switched these products, so eating brown rice, bake with brown sugar etc...and have goats milk and cheese instead, and it has all made a difference. If you did give this a go, I stress you work with your GP (unless you happen to be a dietitian!). My GP referred me to a dietitian, when I asked, but then I am also a Coeliac and have Rh Arthritis and hadn't been seen for a few years, so not sure if she referred me so willingly because of the coeliac mainly? But it's worth asking, if you did wish to keep an account of what helps.

Yes it is important to get it checked out and let them know what you're experiencing, but I do feel that it is annoyingly one of the many symptoms of Fibromyalgia and I strongly feel it's about learning what helps and what doesn't. Best of luck :)

Cookie72 profile image

Morning steff, yes I agree with everyone on here, before you do anything go check with your GP, I don't want to frighten you but I left it for years sorted myself out ect with over the counter meds, but I have suffered because of it, 2009 I guess my body could take no more so i had to take myself to the docs, then went to the Hosp to have an endoscopy, ( which as everyone has said its nothing to be frightened of, its not pleasant but you will be given the choice to have sedation, opt for the sedation, ive had loads since diagnosed, in fact im due for another one this year, where is your nearest hospital )only to find I now have " Barrattes Oesophagus " apparently have had it for a long time, if only I had gone before I would have been put on omeprazole and it may not have got this far,please go on line and read about it, BUT please do go to see your GP about it, get it looked into...look forward to hearing how you get on,...good luck...gentle hugs....Dee xx

Hi Steff40,

I agree with everyone here! First thing to do is see your Dr a.s.a.p. To make sure it's nothing to worry about. Quite a few of us on this site suffer from gastric reflux, it, along with IBS can be linked to Fibro, but it's important to get that diagnosis first as there are a number of other things it could be also. Please don't hang about in getting to the GP about this.

In the meantime, there are a couple of things that might help ease your symptoms - I asked for home remedies on here a few weeks ago and they worked a treat. Drinking fresh beetroot juice helps (something to do with neutralising acid), I could believe the difference it made. You can buy it from Tesco or Sainsburys from the fruit juice section. Also, Gaviscon instant powders in tropical flavour work a treat for immediate relief, I didn't find any other heartburn remedy helpful, including Gaviscon, but there is something about these granules that stops the acid in its tracks. Someone else suggested eating 3 apples every day, which I haven't tried yet, and the other thing to do is prop yourself up on pillows at night, avoid eating late, avoid too much caffeine, acidic and spicy food, and if you smoke and drink, try to avoid that as much as possible.

Sorry for the essay :( hope some of it helps



Steff40 profile image

Thankyou all for your responses , I appreciate your kind words and help . Will get to doctors next week if I remember to phone by 8.30 foggy this week :) Have always had Ibs but never other than when pregnant suffered with stomach thus bad !!! Always had healthy appetite but mow if I didn't have family to feed not sure I would eat . Will keep you posted and hope your all having good days thanks xxxx

sapiens42 profile image

I take Buscopan and Opramazoll for the 2 symptoms mentioned

ruby_moon1 profile image

Hi I had same problem with acid burning,was put on 20mg omeprazole,a day,never had acid burning since,speak to your doctor he should put you on this medication,also ask to be referred for a endoscope at your local hospital,it is not painfull,just remember to keep still during the test,takes about 5mins. good luck.

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi steff, I used to suffer with this alongside my IBS , I urge you to set an alarm for Monday morning and get an appointment to see your doctor. I agree with a lot of what the others have suggested, but it is always important with such changes to make sure that your doctor is well and truly aware of the situation and give you the advice to follow.

Best wishes :-)

Foggy x

sue32 profile image

I take Lansaprazole for my acid reflux and it really helps. But I wake every morning feeling nauseous and more often than not I have to have a retching session before it settles. Apparently, I was told, that this has something to do with my T2 diabetes. It also seems to be a load of wind in my stomach, and once that has been got rid of I'm perfectly fine!!

I hope you find a solution soon!! XX

fibro profile image

It sounds like acid reflux to me, but of course don't take my word, you should see your GP to get a referral or tests done as its easily treated.

I have it and a small hiatus hernia, which is more often than not, the cause.

Being overweight hasn't helped me, its made me feel worse.The symptoms are not pleasant at all, but there are various meds to help the problem, if it is that.

If like me you may just have to change meds every so often as your system can get used to them and they stop being as effective, other meds, not necessarily stronger ones, can alleviate the symptoms well. wish you luck and hope you can get some relief soon xx

rubycat profile image


I also suffer from acid indigestion and stomach pains. About 6 years ago I was referred to a specialist because I lost my voice totally and my throat and chest were burning. They put a camera down my throat and found my vocal cords were like a piece of liver they were so badly burnt with stomach acid. I was put on Omeprazole and except for flare ups it has worked really well. I take it before I go to bed at night so that when I lay down it can work on calming the acid. I suggest you go to the doctor's because it sounds like you may have the same complaint, and you need some medication for it. I hope this helps. I also altered my diet and cut out cow's milk and dairy products and started having soya milk. This also helped.

Good luck on getting sorted.

Rosamond profile image

I also use to get acid stomach, with pains also burning up through my throat and chest, paramedics thought I was having heart attack a few months ago. But all scans checked out ok. I had gall bladder operation a couple years ago. So all these pains in my tummy is not the fault of gall bladder. GP put me on Zantacs and although they helped, I didnt want to have to take yet another tablet. I already take Warfarin and Statin. So I stopped eating and drinking dairy and this helped so much, but there was still something of a niggle in tummy. So with the GP's ok, I took myself off wheat for a three month trial. Wow, amazing results, I no longer have the pains in tummy area and the burning in my throat has also gone, I have much more energy and I am not for ever falling asleep in afternoon., I am seeing my GP in a weeks time and I m sure he will be pleased with my progress. Just because I have stopped wheat in my diet dosent mean what I eat is tastless, far from it. I have also had Fibromyalgia for 10 years and arthritis. Really feeling so much better. IBS is almost a thing of the past. A few people I have told has also cut dairy and wheat from their diet and like me have never felt better. So who knows this may also help you.

Sandy247 profile image

I did and the Dr gave me Lansoprazole. This is usually taken in the morning but I arranged with my GP to take it just before I go to bed. Now I wake up without a burning throat or acid reflux. It's worth a try provided that the ingredients are not contraindicated against any other medication you are taking.

Good luck. Mx

Jayne68 profile image

I have found reflexology great for my stomach problems.

amanda2277 profile image

Hi other I do have problem s with my stumach I have to be carefulll wot I eat .a get very bad bloating feeling sick don't won't to eat and major problems going to the loo ...doc said a could have IBS ...but that's all she's said on the matter.. I will b taken the matter up with hour at my next app ..it can be awful at times xx

blade2 profile image

Sounds like tablets making your hiatus send to much acid to stomach ask your Dr for omeprazole tablets they really help

sweetthing profile image

yes I also have acid reflux and heartburn ,if I go to bed with a full stomach its at its worst even to the point of waking in the night with a mouth full of vomit.This has really scared me as I think ( what if I hadn't woke up would I have choked to death on my own vomit?) I take omeprazole 20mg in the morning and gaviscon after meals if needed.i find sugar or lots of fruit aggravates my tummy or anything in vinegar.I have raised the top end of my bed by using two bricks under the legs which has really helped.i also try not to go to bed anymore on a full tummy.take care everyone

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