I have a Atos Assessment on Tuesday, waited 8MTHS for it, I have had 3 cancelled. Do I need to take any letters with me from Hospital or GP?
PIP Assessment: I have a Atos... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
PIP Assessment

Hey janlou
I would recommend that you do, appointment letters, consultant and doctors letters if you have them. Anything that states anything to do with your illness and why it is debilitating
Are you taking someone with you?
My DLA assessment was at home but I had everything even optician letters, oh! and very importantly prescription list it proves you get the medications you take and the doses, even take the medications as well or the boxes with the labels on the most recent ones, they like to see those, in my experience anyway. The trick is to be one step ahead if possible.
I hope this answer helps you and will be thinking of you on Tuesday.
Healing soft fluffies headiing your way janlou xxxsianxxx
Hello Janlou. I agree with Zeb ,take any thing and every thing that you have concerning your health. I would also write down a complete list of your illnesses and symptoms,and how they affect you in day to day living. no matter how small the problem may seem,It all adds up ... hugs and good luck sue.....My turn on wed
hi ther duc I am having the same problem iv have just started filling in those forms u get for pip god they r like a book and the things u hv to tell them from when u started with yr illness and yes duc get all yr letters hv them photo copied if u hv to from who u r seenin I am just glad I hv my son fillin it in for me as I cnt use a pen with the pain in my hands as well and it ds cause a lot of stress for people they nv make things easy for us do they let me no how u get on duc love to hear from you im new on here and finding my way around take care glo100
Hello Glo, welcome to the club I hope that you are finding it useful.Have you been on the fibro action web site yet? If not at the top of the page you will find a yellow butterfly you can get directly on to the site by by clicking on it.From there you will find lot of info...hugs sue
Yes i am taking my husband....really hope they understand. x
A couple of tips : if possible arrive in a taxi and make a subtle point of how much you rely on your husband. Such as taking his arm, having any walking aids you have too. Yr husband helping you up from chairs etc.
Another tip is when you enter the room and it is a chair without arms request one with arms because you need them for support whilst you are sitting.
I hope these tips are useful to you
Good luck xx

Thanks for those tips x
Hi how are you and how did it go? xxx

Hi Sorry for the delay but our internet has been down!!! It went fine, he had to write down what I told him, this is because their computers were down, so they had no info about me!!! He asked how Fibro & CFS/ME affects me, and what are my days like. Also if I need help in dressing and cooking, which I do.It lasted a hour and 15mins, he asked if I could do movements and lift my arms and legs. I said no because it does cause me pain and discomfort.
Told me it will take few weeks, but if I have not heard from DWP in 2weeks, I should ring them. Just a waiting game. Will let you know. XX
Glad it's over with and yeah! the waiting game we're here to chat to while you wait hunny and hopefully, fingers crossed, everything will be fine
I forgot to say that you can claim your taxi fare back if you let them know in advance that you are coming by taxi have to explain why but I would let them pay the fare
Hi janlou
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as can be? I agree with the others in that you should take everything you possibly can with you.
I really want to wish you good luck and all the best. Please keep us all updated with how you get along.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Best of luck for Tuesday x
YES!!! Take ALL medical evidence such as letters and reports with you, but DO NOT let them keep the originals, no matter what make them take photocopies and insist your examiner reads it ALL before starting, also if possible try to arrange to have your interview recorded if it's not too late, that way they can't lie on your forms, I insisted on having my examination recorded and went from "we say there is nothing wrong with you" to "yes you are very disabled, highest rate care and mobility" it's amazing what a small thing like proof of what was said and happened can do for you
I take all my medical evidence with me every time I have to go, I always demand that it is recorded no matter what and I always describe my worst days when asked about an average day (my average day usually is one of my worst - I rarely get even a medium day during the autumn/winter/spring and maybe 5 good days in the 6 months of 'summertime') as they will always assume your exaggerating how bad it is, also I know it's hard but don't try to be brave/proud tell them how bad it is, don't make it seem like you can cope if your can't or struggle to manage
I hope this has helped and you have my best wishes for your (hopefully positive) decision
Fibro hugs
take all the proof you can and watch for there little tricks to mess you up so you dont get anything like getting of there chairs that dont have handles make sure someone is with you to help you up
Thank you to you all who have given me tips and advice. Will keep you all up to date. Soft hugs all. xx
Hi Everyone, I had my Assessment on Tuesday, I think it went well, but its a waiting game!!! Can I ask are anyone of you receiving PIP, and how long did you wait for the answer? x