Hi Everyone,
Has anyone used Guaifenesin to treat the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and how have you got on with it, has it helped? My Naturopath suggested it as it's supposed to help rid excess phosphate from the body.
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone used Guaifenesin to treat the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and how have you got on with it, has it helped? My Naturopath suggested it as it's supposed to help rid excess phosphate from the body.
Never tried it but would be interested to hear how you get on if you give it a go. X
Hello Dsp177,
I have personally read (no FibroAction hat here) that the Guaifenesin Protocol is maybe not as successful in treating the symptoms of Fibro as once thought, however it is not to say you will not find it helps as I believe it has helped some.
I must add tho', that as I lean more towards scientific evidence, could a misdiagnosis be the reason it has helped others or is it due to as discussed in this article, the help with breathing rather than the calcium phosphate removal. Research continues as lack of oxygen to the basic cell (mitochondria) has been discussed I believe if my memory serves me correctly. Research continues..............
Here is some information you may find of interest;
Dr. Bennett agreed to take on the arduous task of a one-year double-blind, placebo-controlled study to get to the truth about guaifenesin. Twenty female fibromyalgia patients were placed on 600 mgs of guaifenesin twice a day and another 20 patients took a placebo (sugar pill) twice daily. None of the patients knew what they were taking, but all were given the same instructions to not take salicylates (like aspirin) because they interfere with the functioning of guaifenesin. In addition, the evaluation nurses did not know what the patients were taking either (i.e., it was a “double-blinded study”). The study lasted for one year.
Bennett evaluated all study participants every three months for symptoms, tender points and serum/urinary levels of uric acid and phosphates. None of these variables significantly changed over the year and the response to guaifenesin was the same as that for the placebo
NOTE: There is a small subgroup of fibromyalgia patients who claim that guaifenesin has significantly improved their symptoms. Perhaps it improves the airways for breathing during sleep? Whatever the mechanism (if it does help), it is not working by removing calcium phosphate crystals from the muscles (Fibromyalgia Network)
Please see link to read more about Dr. Bennett’s Guaifenesin research; myalgia.com/guaif2.htm
Here is the information about Guaifenesin from the FibroAction website;
Please watch this space as FibroAction's information team are working very hard to update our information once again as per the Information Standard. The Information Standard is a certification programme for all organisations producing evidence-based health and care information for the public. Any organisation achieving The Information Standard has undergone a rigorous assessment to check that the information they produce is clear, accurate, balanced, evidence-based and up-to-date
As the information above is purely from what I have read whereas FibroAction will use a number of sources of research and have the Professional Advisory Board too, you may wish to keep checking in on the website regularly.
To conclude (with no FibroAction hat on again), you may wish to consider trying this but please be aware it may not live up to it's reputation. Please let us know if it works for you !
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
I heard they use it a lot in the USA but that some research has shown it to be ineffective due to the amounts you'd need to take. That said, it may work for some and most things are worth trying.
Hi There
I am sorry but I have never tried this medication. If you get it prescribed I think everybody on the site would be really interested in how it works for you.
Take care
Thanks for the replies, I think I'll give it a try, I've got nothing to lose with the way I'm feeling.
I Have It does give you a bit of relief Its in cough mixture An American fibro web site told me about it