Please click on the link and I think you will laugh
Pic of the day extra :-): - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pic of the day extra :-)

Oh Foggy. Thanks for that me and hubby have both sat here helpless with laughter

Hehehe I'm glad you like it, I just loved it, the dog had me in stitches
Foggy, that's brilliant, just makes you want to sing along too!
Hang on, I'm just going to watch again....... I'm going to have that tune in my head all day now!
You did it! love that song.
I read recently the benefits of singing in a choir. I think we should all link to this as mid day tomorrow and belt our hearts out. And for the more active we could dance in step wiv the cute pooch.
Yay Ned, I did I can defo do the arm movement but think my pelvis and back may preclude the other movements except tapping my bottom hehehe
Whoops forgot to mention I used to sing in a choir for years and very much miss it now, it certainly does lift the spirits, maybe we should get Gareth Malone to come along and help us form a fibromites fired up choir hehehe
So did I foggy, and I miss it dreadfully too. Xxxx
me too xxx but I don't miss it
Love it Thanks for the laughter xx
Thanks, love it! Xxxxx
Oh my gosh!!!! I am sat here in tears!(the laughing ones) That was sooohhh funny!!! I too would love to do the dance!! What a spoonful of medicine you are, keep them coming!!!!... xxx
Ha ha! And ahh!!
I must stop watching youtube
I must stop watching youtube
I must stop watching youtube
I must stop watching youtube
I must stop watching youtube
Taps fenbadger on the shoulder >>>>>^^>>>> no no worry...... Keep watching, keep laughing, it helps to ward off the pain
Boing boing!!

Wastes time. There's more out there than a human can possibly watch. After the Lion Sleeps (love the dog), I went to Gummy Bear song . . .
hahahahahah I was watching all sorts yesterday too after that from funny hamsters and cats being generally clever and funny, the day before it was raving weebles and old adverts from the 70's LOL
No wonder my day flashes past in an instant...........
................ whooooooooooooooosh!

There is that advantage! I must go through some of my emails for shareable links. I have some friends with more nuts than a Dundee cake.
I'm sometimes a bit wary because I don't want to breach copyright or cause offence but i suppose if you don't want people to see it, don't put it on the net
everything within reason
As long as the nuts are toasted hazelnuts, that's fine by me
Aren't they almonds on a Dundee? I suppose you like the Big Purple one from the sharing tin?
all this talk about nuts reminds of the coffee and walnut cake my mother used to make............. yummyyyyyyyyyy
lusciously butter creammmmy goodness
Ok I'm thinking about cake again

Mmmmm Hungry

Here's one for starters. I watched Despicable Me last week. Then my daughter sent me this. I was in stitches.
I can remember the original too
Well I'm sure I replied to this yesterday
Yes Foggy fantastic I love the hippo well worth it huh!!
My OH said not again because he was singing the tune all day hahahahhah

Oh yes I get that too. Is earworms part of Fibro/ I had the banana song for days afterwards. AND the images going across my eyes.
hahahaha don't know
I used to breed lemmings and when they were tiny and making a racket as youngsters as they do I'd play the laurel and hardy theme tune.
Why? I hear you ask...........
................. they would stop and listen to it and then try to squeak it. I'm not lying either 4 or 5 used to do it really well and when they grew up they'd teach their youngsters it. Don't ask me how or why, just lemmings
Anyhoo! I bet that tune's in your head now so I'd better go before you catch me hahahha

Yeah. I have Dance of the Cuckoos on my MP3 and my earworm player. And pretty well a complete collection of their films
I wonder if the tune is similar to a natural call or something. Rodents are remarkably intelligent.
Oh, and did you ever see that hopelessly incorrect but very entertaining Disney film about lemmings?
Uuuurrrmmm I know I'm not "on trend", but what on earth is an earworm player ????
sorry for being such a numpty
No numpty. I just invented "earworm player". However earworm is a real word.
It's one of those tunes, usually annoying, like a bad advert that you can't get out of your head and don't even like the product. I had the banana song for days and can get it back anytime, as I can other tunes with the related images. can be distracting at times, usually welcome. I was being really flippant when I suggested it might be linked to fibro, but nevertheless it may be a valid coping mechanism.
that was funny :)....zeb what are lemmings? don't mean to sound thick but are they an animal or another name for lemons xx
Hee hee. In size they're between a mouse and rat. Related to voles. Live in burrows and breed like rabbits. Like Scandinavian gerbils. Very cute. Read that and you'll say "I want one"
hahaha they're not prolific breeders they're seasonal breeders and they start with a litter of 2-3 and the more litters they have it could be 8-9 pups. lagurus lagurus.
Very inquisitive and clever little things and responsive to their names too. I used to have 6 or 7 out in their balls at the same time when it was mucking out time and they'd play skittles with empty beer cans.............. no lie!!! and football that used to cause squabbles between the boys........ again, no lie!!!
A V of 6 cans at the top end of the passage and they'd run at them and score a strike. The other really cool thing they would do is bang the drum which is at the end of my bed that was cute and funny, they'd bang off everything to hear the different sounds I should have recorded it
I simply adore them and sadly the last of my colony which I'd nurtured for approx 6 yrs died of old age last week They were my exercise/physio, as well as very good company in the middle of the night when everyone else is fast asleep
It helped me to keep a routine suitable to my abilities was a great distraction and a tremendous amount of fun some of our friends would come for lemming therapy now and again
They're not easy to come by or particularly cheap
Anyhoo! I shall become a new mummy again on sat as I've managed to get myself 5 boy roborwski hamsters so yippee to being active again
Sorry for epic story telling

No apology needed. Good story and I stand corrected
Have you never wanted to get any? they are addictive

I've had gerbils rats and mice and entirely agree. Now I live alone I'm worried about getting rodent sitters if anything should happen - like a hospital stay. For the same reason I didn't replace my last dog
Aw that's such a shame as they do bring a lot of comfort don't they?
There's always someone available for pet sitting these days its become rather popular like dog walking services
I used to think that when it was just me and the cat before I got married I must admit it did make things awkward for going away anywhere
Sorry for being days late, but just saw the Lemmings chat - I've never seen one but always wanted to. Where does the jumping off cliff thing come from? You know about Lemmings hurling themselves off high places. I used to live in Leamington, and people would joke that Saturday shoppers were Leammings coz they chuck themselves out infront of traffic on the High St. I've always been curious x
Yes I giggled ..... mission achieved ! very good Foggy !
AND i've 'LIKE' d it too !