My father placed a claim in april 2013 ans still to hear, after fillin in all forms, attending all meetings and sending all relevant info off, his health is rapidly deteriatin x
Hi, iam new to here, just a quick que... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi, iam new to here, just a quick question regarding PIP benefit claims, does any1 know of any successful claims that have been paid out?

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's health.
give them a ring and ask what is happening, you'll need your Dads n.i. number, but they may need to talk with him first, but then he can ask them to speak with you.
I read somewere that PIP claims are in a serious backlog but I think even that is over what it should be ring up if that fails get onto your MP
Hello Offcut,
i think I read the same, that hey are busy trying to train new staff & do new & old claims since the changes. I ask the question ?, should they have trained some sections of staff way before so they were ready ?? or maybe they did and the amount of claims are too much for the only ones trained?? Who knows !!
Most of this is due to the way the changes are going and amount of appeals that are won. It is showing major flaws in the system. If you look at what they are saying No changes to the help people will receive? Should be how can we not help those in need and blaim it all on those few that make the headlines that have! I am sure that on paper it looked like they had the answer but the agents that came in were only looking at profit!
I really think all this is digusting. I know there are a lot of fraudsters out there but its us genuine people who are being intimidated and abused in this system. I applied for DLA in June last year was turned down straight away, felt too ill and exhausted to fight it, my condition deteriated to the stage I am now , can only walk around house and use 2 sticks to make a few steps to the car and use an electric wheelchair to go anywhere with the family. I tried again with encouragement from OT who assessed me for blue badge, was turned down again, this time I was angry so asked them why and to look at claim again, they sent a doctor to my home to examine me 2 weeks later I was awarded and backdated yet in October 2014 I have to go through this all again even though I get high rate mobility and personal cares.
Hi Nik
I applied in July and had my face to face assessment in October from the face to face it then goes to the auditor's I am lead to believe that this is taking from 6 to 12 weeks for them to then send it back to the DWP for the decision maker for them to then make a decision then send it to you... I have not heard of anyone getting the new PIP yet ...If i was you I would get your DAD to phone them and ask what the progress is to find out what is going on..
I thought that the DLA was bad when you claimed but this PIP is terrible as to the waiting time for them to write the report and send it back as this is all done electronically I don't understand why it is so hard for them to get this done in a reasonable time limit
I applied for dla in October 2012 was turned down so I appealed the decision got a date for 10th June this year when I turned up they told me they were running late and wuld send me a new date to come back as soon as possible as of yet I still haven't been seen they didnt even phone me to tell me not to go to the appeal in June I no that they will not award me anything bcoz it wuld b to much money to pay out which wasn't my fault so annoyed xox
So sorry to hear about your Dad x
Just managed to get my PIP through after applying in April 2013 so much frustration and stress in chasing with DWP! I have received low rate care and was expecting to receive at a very minimum low rate mobility. I am appealing on the basis that my condition is of a fluctuating nature and I have mobility restrictions which mean that I cannot safely, reliably, repeatedly and in a timely manner mobilise. This is backed up by legislation (see below) and I would encourage anyone in the claim or appeal process to get letters of support regarding this from their GP, consultant, health professional. Good luck to all x
Amendment of the Social Security (Personal Independence Payment) Regulations 2013
2. In regulation 4 of the Social Security (Personal Independence Payment) Regulations
(a) after paragraph (2) insert the following paragraph—
“(2A) Where C’s ability to carry out an activity is assessed, C is to be assessed as
satisfying a descriptor only if C can do so—
(a) safely;
(b) to an acceptable standard;
(c) repeatedly; and
(d) within a reasonable time period.”; and
(b) after paragraph (3) insert the following paragraph—
(a) 2012 c. 5.
(b) See section 173(5)(a) of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 (c. 5) (“the 1992 Act”). The requirement to refer
regulations to the Social Security Advisory Committee does not apply where regulations are contained in a statutory
instrument made before the end of the period of six months beginning with the coming into force of the enactment under
which the regulations were made. Schedule 9, paragraph 26(a) to the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (c. 5) (“the 2012 Act”)
inserted a reference to Part 4 of that Act into section 170(5) of the 1992 Act which has the effect of making that Part of the
2012 Act a ‘relevant enactment’ and therefore subject to the requirement to refer regulations to the Social Security Advisory
Committee unless an exemption under section 173(5) applies.
(c) S.I. 2013/377.
“(4) In this regulation—
(a) “safely” means in a manner unlikely to cause harm to C or to another person,
either during or after completion of the activity;
(b) “repeatedly” means as often as the activity being assessed is reasonably required to
be completed; and
(c) “reasonable time period” means no more than twice as long as the maximum
period that a person without a physical or mental condition which limits that
person’s ability to carry out the activity in question would normally take to
complete that activity.”
Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Esther McVey
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
27th February 2013 Department for Work and Pensions