Has anyone ever had trigger point injections on their lower spine?? How did you find it?? And the outcome?? Thankyou
Trigger point injections: Has anyone... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Trigger point injections

Hi miss north west I have. For me it was excruciating knocked me back about 9 months of progress. They didn't work for me and the consultant refused to do any more . But we are all different it may, work for you. Fingers crossed. Xx
Oh Dear!! That's got me worried now.. I don't want to make things worse plus I'm desperate to get bk to work.. When u say knocked u bk 9 months cud u pls explain more, that's if u don't mind many thx x
Hiya i have had facet joint injections a bit painful but have been told they affect everyone differently, last time they worked on me for about 3 months, had them 2 weeks ago n havent started working properly yet!
They inject around the muscles n discs n around the nerves, you can have them every 6 months or so if they work.
Try not to worry hopefully they will work for you. I may have to have an op to cut my nerve which is a bit scary. I recommend having the injections see how you go, try n relax when you have them.
I had a lovely nurse who talked to me all the way through. Fluffy hugs to you xxxx
Thankyou x
I had them too. They didn't work for me, but they work wonders for some people. Anything is worth a try to relieve your pain.
Hi I have facet joint injections every 6 months..have had 5 lots now and have appointment booked for dec 20th for my 6th lot...they work .for me ...i had a lamenectomy discectomy in 2011 on my 4/5 disc. and now my 3/4 is on the way out.I would say the discomfort you feel is worth it for the pain free / more mobility I have..( though I'm not running about! ) the first one I had lasted me 5 mths than it just seemed less effective and I was in more pain so was ready for the next lot! It's seems to be a continuing pattern.the worst thing is after the first lot you know what they will do at the procedure the next time ! But for me it is worth it all...my pain clinic Consultant and a radiographer who with X-ray or a similar machine may be X-ray scanner ( I'm laying on my belly so can't tell!) guides the Dr to the correct spots..I just lay there chatting with them..some ladies I've seen at the clinic are given a relaxant but my Consultant said he prefers me awake so he can speak with me and know how I'm feeling when he injects...
I hope you choose. To try this procedure..EVERYONE is different and you won't know if you don't try! It really has improved my situation.he is talking about lignocaine infusions now or the rest of my body ,given in a drip ,we shall see!
Bestwishes Donna