Pic of the day: :-) - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Pic of the day

Fibrofoggiest profile image
35 Replies


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Fibrofoggiest profile image
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35 Replies

Brilliant :D

fantastic picture of the squirrel too :D

xxx zeb xxx

haribo36 profile image

Fantastic,love it! :D morning zeb,how are you today? X

in reply to haribo36

Rested better than normal I think for a change :) I have a busy day ahead.

How are you? Not too chillaxed from yesterday are you :D LOLOL

lavender fluffies Haribo xxx :)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Hi zeb,I have had a lot of stress with relationship with boyfriend which has got me down and zapped energy.Its all getting to the point where I have had enough :(

in reply to haribo36

Aw! hunny :) It must be difficult with the kids too trying to manage illnesses, life and emotions but you are strong, stronger than you may realise and you will survive this turmoil and come out of it even stronger ;) :)

You know pm me anytime if you'd like a chat, I know I'm going away today but I'm still going to be here most days popping in to say hello and to give you all a poke :D

Stay safe and keep hoping and believing that you and the kids will be ok whatever happens.

:) xxxzebxxx :)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

I may just do that as I really need to talk to someone zeb.Thank you for offering,I have no one to talk to.Its hard when you don't have any close friends.I feel so sick and stomache is bloated and hurting from over eating cos I feel down.Iam not doing myself any favours really.Ive been turning to food to comfort myself but it's harming my body,I feel so lonely and sad.Sorry for going on a bit :(

in reply to haribo36

bless you :) you have us and we wouldn't be the same without you :)

you are a member of the fibro family :D

:) xxxzebxxx :)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Thanks zeb,is it o.k to pm you later? Thanks for saying that nice comment,I really do feel like part of a fibro family here.And can I join the fibro hibernation club as Iam so not looking forward to winter,hehe :(

in reply to haribo36

Of course you can :) don't worry if I don't get back to you straight away because I will get back in touch.

Hibernation club is open to all so of course you can join we aim to keep each smiling through dullness and darkness of winter

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Ginsing profile image

Yuo it is deffo a squirrel have you heard we are promoting smiles today here you go I will pass a couple your way to hharibo and zeb :) :) dont forget smile at everyone you meet today ..... yes everyone see what happens the dog has just licked my face xxxgins

in reply to Ginsing

hahahah! my friend and neighbour will have the new puppy here again tomorrow and gins hheheh! I shall ask my friend to take a photo so I can show you all. She is adorable.

My friend will be doing handbag checks on sunday to make sure we haven't pinched her. Her brother, scrappy is a year and a bit old and have known him since he was still nursing too, daft as a brush. When he hasn't seen me all day he jumps and the bed and licks me to death. There's no point hiding under the duvet coz he digs his way in LOLOL very cute little tinker he is. :)

Cookie72 profile image

Hi all nice pic foggy, how are you haven't seen you on here but then perhaps I've had dirt in my eyes LOL...yes smiles to all, as I said before they say "laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone " hope you all well and have a good day....Dee xx. :) sorry had to amend that cos I put skies to all, well I didn't this flipping iPad did lol

in reply to Cookie72

Hey Dee! :)

how are you this morning? hope you're keeping snuggled in readiness for hibernation xxx :)

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to

Hi Zeb, I'm not too bad thanx, and yourself, have been doing the ironing slowly but surely, and I think I'm all ready for the hibernation, although its still quite mild at the moment, but then that could suddenly change couldn't it xxxx Dee xx

in reply to Cookie72

yep! it was windy here for a couple of days so I was hugging a hot water bottle all day and one day I didn't even open the curtains or get dressed stayed nice and oblivious to it all :)

I always feel silly going out because I'm already wearing a scarf, hat and gloves when I go out, people always stare :o LOL :)


pip_r profile image

Oh no..! They'll all be in their dreys shopping online and I won't be able to take any photos ;) I knew all this technology malarkey would get me in the end :) xx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to pip_r

they're checking out your photo's of them online :D

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to hamble99b

Ah... no wonder he's looking so happy :)

I used Photoshop to get rid of their age lines and give them a smooth complexion ;)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to pip_r

Could you do the same for me please pip, mind you, with my worry lines, you may need to wait til you're doing replastering, that might have a better outcome :D

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to Fibrofoggiest

You can't beat the natural look Foggy ;) xx

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to pip_r

So the Grand Canyon which is part of my forehead is ok then ??? ;-) :o :D

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Absolutely fine... and nothing a bit of cement can't fix ;) xx

haribo36 profile image

You lot do make me laugh,Hehehehehehehehahaha :) :) sending you all smiles...................throws smiles to everyone- :) :) :) :) hope you all got your smiles! Hi zeb,sorry I couldn't reply this morning,had a busy day myself and quite tired now :( had appointments today.Had Bowen therapy this afternoon so really relaxed and sleepy now,off for a lay down :)

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to haribo36

Just looked up Bowen therapy? Guessing it's good from the relaxed, sleepy message :) Does the touching/rolling method they seem to use hurt if you have real tender points? Cheers, Pip xx

P.S. Oo-er, look at me asking a serious question ;)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to pip_r

Hi pip,I have had 8 sessions of Bowen now and it has improved my fatigue,Ibs,headaches,depression,constipation and some improvements in pain.I had the most benefit when I first started having it over the summer.I had so much improvement in fatigue that I was able to take my son out quite a lot over the summer hols.It is very relaxing and after you feel refreshed and chilled out and a sense of confidence.My body always feels better after a session.But since the weather has changed the benefit hadn't been as great.The movements are gentle and sometimes it's a slight discomfort over tender areas but not enough for me to tell her to stop.During my last session I felt like I was going to sleep and it makes you quite sleepy after.It helps the body to get rid of toxins and to heal naturally.Hopes this helps x

in reply to haribo36

Crikey! haribo :) slooooooooooooooow dooooooooooooooooooown xxx


Sounds like a busy one I'm not surprised you went for a lie down after all that :o

What was the Bowen therapy like?

Pip raises a good question :) interesting because I can feel that without it happening brrrrr shudder and eeeekk!


Ginsing profile image

Hi how about a touch of poly filler (ducks and dissapears aagain)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Ginsing

Precisely my line of thought........ :D

pip_r profile image
pip_r in reply to Fibrofoggiest

That would probably set more quickly ;) xx

Steff40 profile image

I see comment about hibernating as newly diagnosed could any of you tell me if your symptoms are worse in winter please x

in reply to Steff40

Hi steff

It will be different for everyone but for me yes I suffer dreadfully and every year I say its time for hibernation even to my doctor who chuckles :D

I'm hypersensitive in all senses of the word, temperature, atmosphere and air pressure and can knock me for six in minutes.

Walking from a hot room into a cold room is a good example and it exacerbates my fibro and I hurt from head to toe and especially sensitive to touch . So by hibernating I'm trying to keep myself at a constant level so as to help reduce flare-ups. :)

:) xxxzebxxx :)

Steff40 profile image
Steff40 in reply to

My worse trigger is stress I lost my mum in January although I had symptoms before that made it whole lot worse and this week my husband had a total hip replacement that sent me funny too, although that said my temperature is totally different than it was before I feel the cold usually but at night I sleep with window open and a t shirt where's before I would have pjs dressing gown and ache when cold !!! Its a strange ole condition to have xx

Loopykaz68 profile image

About cute pics ,my profile pic is my sister s bulldog pup he is soo cute but is very good with my 3year old nice he is so gentle for a bulldog .they had an other one but sadly he died in June age 9 witch is a good age for a bulldog he got an infection in his windpipe that is quite common in these sort of dogs x Cherokee

Missymaz profile image

Hi loved the pic thanks for making me smile.

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to Missymaz

You're very welcome, I try to make people smile each day with it, even if it's only for a short period of time, just to take their minds off the pain and suffering.

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