Fibromyalgia Action UK

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67 Replies

In the last decades of the nineteenth century, European medicine became far more powerful by allying itself with emerging scientific techniques and technologies. Germ theory, bacteriology and chemical analysis joined new diagnostic instruments and drug therapies in changing clinical practice. At the same time, doctors and surgeons fought to establish themselves as professional groups, distancing themselves from traditional and imported medical systems.

For the patient, medical experiences changed dramatically. More accurate information about what was wrong, powerful new drugs and less painful procedures all improved patient care. However the proliferation of new instruments and diagnostic tests also meant that the individual’s own perceptions of their condition carried less weight with doctors, who favoured more objective measures of illness and disease.

Clinical medicine adopted the ideas and practices being developed away from hospitals in specialist laboratories. New ideas in science provided powerful new tools for doctors and surgeons, but they could also challenge practitioners' authority. Some of them felt that the practice of medicine was, and should remain, an ‘art’. They argued against an over-reliance on machines and instruments and instead put their trust in the perceptions of the practitioner. The question of whether accurate diagnosis is a purely scientific process or relies on the skill of the individual practitioner has continued to this day.

(TEXT TAKEN FROM MUSEUM WEBSITE) Lets see where it all began :o

FROM HERE THE NEXT PORT OF CALL SHALL BE THE IMAX CINEMA - The difference between the IMAX Experience and watching a film at a conventional cinema is the feeling that you don't merely watch a film - you feel as if you are actually there - inside the human body, fighting for survival in Antarctica or plunging into the depths of the sea. (taken from museum website)

67 Replies

Ooh! operations without anaesthesia and what's that used for? don't like the look of that :o

haribo36 profile image

That's way too much for my fuzzy brain to take in hehe but plenty of food for thought!Think that it should be a combination of both really.Where are we headed off to next? :)

in reply to haribo36

well this section does go into penicillin and how surgical procedures have improved.

Makes me pleased it has.......... looking at all that stuff don't think I'd have liked my bowel op done using them tools :o

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Well I think iam allergic to penicillin so won't be going over there,and yes I quite agree that I would not have liked to have had my cystoscopy with any of those instruments.They look like instruments of torture! :O

in reply to haribo36

I'm deffo in agreement with that?

Laughing gas................... hahahahahahah! does anyone believe it would have worked really to mask the pain :O ?

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Well I had some of the stuff when I was having my first son and it doesn't take the pain away but helps you cope.Now now gins,take it easy on the gas....same some for all of us........breathes into mask.........hmmmmhehehehehehehehehe............rolls on the floor in an uncontrollable fit of laughter :D

Ginsing profile image

I don't know but I could do with a goggle sorry a giggle

in reply to Ginsing

Well should we go to the IMAX cinema then and walk through antartica or the human body....... sshhhh don't tell anyone but I got us some laughing gas :o

anyone looking gins :o swoosssssh big breath heheheheehhhhheh! your turn :D

.....boing boing giggle giggle

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Can we go to the IMAX cinema,anyone for popcorn and laughing gas? :D

Ginsing profile image

Hehe ha ha tee green he buggy rub xxx fvcfgh f2f church y gr8 Chechens. Bush u les th hehre

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Ginsing

Are you feeling all right gins??? :O

haribo36 profile image

All that giggling and boinging is going to make you sick zeb :O

Ginsing profile image

Oh Zen that is brilliant. I love it I ache alloover

in reply to Ginsing

sorry! best have some more then :o

where's everyone gone? bored now I suppose :o

Ah well! more laughing gas anyone? wow boooooooooooooooooooooing yeurgh!

oh! looks like you were right haribo hhheeeeheghhheehhh can't stop giggling tho whoops! LOLOLOL

Oohh I'm in the sea.............. there's an octopus and lots of coral ............ was that Nemo?

......................... flip flap flip flap................... I think it was you know

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Calls out to zeb "zeb zeb are you alright in there? Did you say nemo?Ooh I love nemo..........jumps in..........splash! It's so cccccold in here.Wheres nemo? Giggles.....ah there he is :D

in reply to haribo36

I knew I'd seen him hee hee! no-one will ever believe us will they!? :D

hah! its Nemo Aw!

haribo36 profile image

Let's sneak some of this onto the bus for the journey home! Hehehehehehehehahaha hahaha..............where to next zebedee? Chuckles uncontrollably :D :D

everyone else aren't going to get any hee hee!

gins disappeared again

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

Outer crashed really boring back. Now

in reply to Ginsing

I can't get pages to load up and it keeps saying error then telling me that there's been no activity :o real pain in bottom.

Anyhoo! back to it do you still have the fluffies Gins or should I try to round them up with marshmallows................ NO CHOCOLATE FOR FLUFFIES - EVERYONE PLEASE!

Cookie72 profile image

hey id like some coral plzzzzzz, i got lost, cant find anyone else x

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Cookie72

Are yes cookie,here you are,here's your coral.....passes coral to cookie......will make a lovely souvenir! Have you tried the laughing gas? :D

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to haribo36

no i had some of that when i cracked a rib two years ago and it made me sick, ?and thanx for coral its lovely, what are you going to do with yours : )

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Cookie72

It will sit on my windowsill in the bathroom with my collection of shells :)

in reply to Cookie72

hey dee they might have coral in the gift shop we can look in there later :o

I do like gift shops.

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Me too,overpriced sometimes but I can spend ages looking around :)

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to

me too Zeb, what are you looking for anything in particular ?

in reply to Cookie72

fridge magnets and tat I think xx sticks of rock heheh!

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Ooh yes,lovely rock!I just like looking at everything :)

Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to haribo36

You and sweeties haribo, ...... The name explains such a lot ......mine are strawbs :D :D

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Fibrofoggiest

Haribo is the name of my cat hehe :D


just a little re-charge required zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

haribo36 profile image

Don't worry zeb,we can have it all to ourselfs.Just don't let the fluffies have any though or else there will be trouble :D

in reply to haribo36

oh dear! where are the fluffies Haribo do you know? we're all gonna need them later on the way back I'm sure :o ;)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

The fluffies are with me,all behaving so far but iam not sure that I can keep them from the laughing gas any longer......................quick zeb before they get to the gas!...............

in reply to haribo36

darn it too late! Foggy is going to be mad if we can't control them, shucks how do we get them down from up there.

ouch! ur ouch! they're throwing what looks like atom balls from the chemistry lab........ouch!

Oh dear!

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Speaking of foggy where is she? You will have to boing your way up there,catch the fluffies and throw them down to me.They are all flying around the room giggling now.........this is going to be hard,we're going to need some help.......... :O

Cookie72 profile image

hey i want some dont hog it all i need it for my garden ; (

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Cookie72

Here you are............take a deep breathe and breathe it working yet? :D

haribo36 profile image

Have you recharged yet zeb? :O

in reply to haribo36

nearly tomato soup and a sandwich lovely nom nom :D

haribo36 profile image

Come on everyone we need your help urgently to catch the naughty fluffies that have been using the laughing gas...........please come and assist me and zeb to catch them :O

Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to haribo36

you throw ill catch oouch not that hard haribo, trying to get your own back are you

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Cookie72

Who me?? :O I wouldn't do that to you cookie! I promise :D

OK IM boinging boing boing boing....................tweek twitch tweek

Its no good my magic tash needs more re-charge.


Cookie72 profile image
Cookie72 in reply to

theres one there Zeb just behind that light , quick get it before it moves again

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Got em,ooh eekkkkk,they are strong arnt they? Almost knocked me over :O

Ginsing profile image

Don't worry I have the little darlings they just needed ice cream. Right is it time Zen?

in reply to Ginsing

time for what? bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz heehee!

in reply to Ginsing

thank you for that they were problematic and causing chaos

ok gins, haribo and cookie thanks for catching the fluffiesxxx

I think its time for a musical interlude the refreshments lady shall pop by shortly

I've placed a few fluffy cuddle recliners up by the king penguins its time for an hours relaxation we needed the fluffies for that.

hopefully after that we may stumble across the others

come on tweek tweek twitch twitch swoosh......... ahhhhhhhhhh! that's so comfy, and those penguins are awesome :)

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to

Aww thanks zeb,that's just what I needed! Are you sure we caught ALL the fluffies?Iam sure I saw one a minute ago bouncing into one of those aeroplanes,eek! Hope it's not a case of the flying fluffies! Hehehehehehehehahaha :D

haribo36 profile image

What lovely relaxing music......sinks into cuddle recliner cuddling pink soothing fluffie.............mmmmmm soooooo lovely!.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)

Ginsing profile image

I am back again silly little puter but the large on is ok (I thinK) that is unless it has been using the laughing gas. :) :D

bluebell99 profile image

I'm in the gift shop. I like those pencils with the funny rubber tops, mmm..... penguin, globe, fluffies.... what?... Zeb you really must control them, I think they're full of laughing gas and attaching themselves to all sorts of things. Mmmmm.... space telescope, pack of cards, wooly sheep.....I think that may be a stray fluffy in camouflage, no. it's a sheep. So much to buy, so little money to do it. I'll need a count up. What's everyone else buying?

Cookie72 profile image

I'm just gonna get a fridge magnet of the museum,that will be enough for me, what. Time is the coach picking us up ??m : )

Ginsing profile image

I am definitely going for the little rubber tops and these amazing paper aeroplanes oh and the spaceman you launch with a rubber band. Gosh so much to choose from, What about you Zeb and foggy what time is the magic coach due for us all ?

in reply to Ginsing

any minute, thanks guys I woke up surrounded by hundreds of very hungry fluffies :o thought they were going to eat me its taken quite some time to sort them out they're all sleeping now tucked up safe :D xx

Lucyhobbit profile image

Help I've been locked in the toilet all day and no-one heard me call :(

Definitely time to find the cafe and eat lots and lots of cake - you have left me some haven't you?

in reply to Lucyhobbit

LOLOL so sorry but there was laughing gas and fluffie chaos and curly wurlies and Haribo in a helicopter and I lost my boing So! so! sorry we didn't hear you lucy





Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to

Many thanks to you Zen for all your work xxxgins

in reply to Ginsing

why thankyou but also thanks to foggy for the research too especially when she's feeling poorly :) and you and haribo n dee n I could go on and on and on...........

But you'd end up chucking something at me ;)

xxxzebxxx much obliged

Lucyhobbit profile image

oh no - did I miss the coach? Ah well I shall have to wrap up warm and brave the tube alone then *sniffle* Huge thanks to the people who arranged the trip - its given me plenty of reasons to smile today.

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