can i still appeal after 3 months, i felt bullied into claiming jsa, but i now have a change in my circumstances, the doctor has given me a sick note not fit for work.
I had a dwp assesment 3months ago got... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I had a dwp assesment 3months ago got nil points

I am not sure but I would have a go anyway nothing is lost xgins
I would like to know how the sick note works when on jsa as I have an appeal tribunal next month and I'm convinced I will fail that as well and have to go on jsa.
the doctor has given me sicknote, I have had to sign off jsa and make a fresh claim for esa, god knows how long that is going to take, I did the phone application last Thursday, rang them today to see if the form has been sent out, the answer was no, so no money at all till they condescend to send the form out for me to fill in and return with my sicknotes, the whole system is so unfair.
I also think you can reapply for ESA after 6 months of being kicked of it.
I am still waiting to hear the outcome of my ATOS interview, does anyone know how long it takes for a reply? I am fed up of not knowing which side of the fence I sit
Thanks in advance
Jane x
My ESA reply took 6 weeks I appealed this (you have 4 weeks to appeal the decision) it was 15 months for the tribunal hearing and it was found in my favour last week but this still has to be reviewed by DWP and they can still override it that can take 5 to 6 weeks