mine are up like puddings never had this before?
has anyones feet and ankles swelled up? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
has anyones feet and ankles swelled up?

Hi Bellabot you need to get your feet up when you sit and ice packs may be of some assistance. Swollen ankles are hellish hope you manage to ease them xgins
Hi hunny yes mine do all the time try and rest with your feet up, I have a pillow at the bottom of my bed so I can rest them in bed as well. Hugs xxx
Yes there are two ways of lifting your legs at night you can elevate your side of the matres By putting a rolled up blanket under the matress or try the pillow under the legs I find you do slide of this option xgins
thank you guys for advice, i do sleep with a pillow between my legs at night so ill put a pillow for my feet as well , i keep thinking omg what next????
hugs xxx
Hi, I have a bed wedge they gave me which lifts the whole mattress and therefore my legs and was also told to keep them up in the evening. However this year I've noticed if I am due a flare up or my immune system is about to go kaput then my ankles swell like balloons till my little toes dangle at the end. As soon as I'm ok again the ankles go down. I do know when I did reflexology we used to massage the lymph glands at the front of the foot and ankle area to get things moving. Prior to this the lymphs under my arms, back of knees and groin used to swell and be painful but this has now transferred to ankles. Doc and specialist says its fluid retention, I say its not, its my early warning system things are about to go pear shaped. I'm on Methotrexate which knocks out any remaining immune system I might have managed to retain. Hope you feel better soon, gentle hugs xx
hi there I know were all different but I have arthisus in my hands and feet which begin with serve pain and swelling in both so please get it all double checked if all other options fail.
hope you feel better
Kerry x