I am a recent Fibro sufferer though not yet 'officially' diagnosed - has anyone info/experience on the effect of statins as a trigger for the condition? I was finally taken off them when the Fibro-like side-effects reduced their benefit to zero
Statins and Fibromyalgia: I am a recent... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Statins and Fibromyalgia

Morning Lefteris,
I have not heard of statins being a trigger but i suppose it is possible It is usually put down to aftermath of stress as a trigger, or an accident or something which has awoken it in us. So I suppose statins could! Someone else may have a different answer but which ever I whish you luck with coping with it xgins
Hi lefteris i have hashimotos as well as fibro my chorlestral went up to 7.5 when i was first diagnosed with Hashimotos i asked my docter about statins he told me that they would make my fibro worse. Has your thyroid been checked a docter once told me that if you are diagnosed with fibro your thyroid should be checked as well x
Hello Lefteris,
Here is an article on our website with may be of interest
If you would like any information about Fibro please see our section of downloadable factsheets, link below
Lifeback mentioned your Thyroid , here is a thread of previous discussion on here that may like to read: healthunlocked.com/!/#fibro...
Hope this helps
My GP gave me statins quite some time after I was diagnosed. Almost immediately my pain worsened, so I stopped taking them.
There is not a huge amount of evidence to say that statins are useful unless the patient has already suffered a cardiac incident, but using dietary means to reduce blood cholesterol has a very marked effect.
Most people will think of a low-fat diet as a means to reduce cholesterol, but in fact lowering the intake of refined carbohydrate - especially sugar, has an almost equally beneficial effect, and will have the added value of reducing weight considerably.
I am now stable on a fairly low fat diet, and a very low sugar/refined carb diet - my weight is good, my cholesterol has dropped to normal, and my pain is manageable.
There is no cure for fibro, but so much that we can do to improve our quality of life - diet is crucial in this.
Moffy x
my husband who doesnt have fibro and is fit and healthy thankfully, he started taking statins and developed side effects very similar to Fibro.
He researched different brands and went back to GP who immediately changed them, and he's had no problems since.
i had to start taking them and due to my problems GP put me straight on this brand and i have had no side effects at all.
Different brands effect different people so its hard to tell how or if the will effect you. my levels dropped considerably after taking them, changing diet sadly had no effect, so for now I will continue to take them.