Any one losing weight, not wanting to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Any one losing weight, not wanting to eat, eat because I have to but can only manage a few mouth fulls, is this just another part of fibro?

woodka profile image
20 Replies
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woodka profile image
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20 Replies
crissy profile image

Not heard of this one, i know most people put weight on due to lack of mobility and some meds can cause weight gain, are u sure u dont have a thyroid problem? Underactive is the usual for loosing weight check ut put with ur doc x

Twiglet profile image

I cant keep weight on and have no appetite, worse now Im on so many different meds but been like it a long while. I find that little and often is the best approach. Dont sit down with a big meal and feel like a failure when you cant eat it. Just have a small portion or even a healthy snack if you cant mange anything proper. Cereal with chopped up friut is good, or half a tin of rice pudding. Dont force yourself it only makes you feel worse. :)

woodka profile image
woodka in reply to Twiglet

Thank you I have been trying small portions even like you say fruit, and it has been good old fashion porridge xxx

Twiglet profile image

Ps, do of couse get checked out, I did but there is nothing physical wrong just a poor appetite. :)

Rach1977 profile image

Hi, I have a very poor appetite too, so you are not alone. My Gp says it's due to the amt of drugs I am taking!!!! I also feel sick sometimes at the thought of eating.

Have you looked at the symptoms of Lupus, as one of those is weight loss? Do you have any other symptoms that you might need checking?

Have you had your thyroid tested. If not I believe you should ask not for just a thyroid test, but ask for T3 and T4 to be checked too. It gives extra detail, however docs don't generally do this. You could also ask for the Lupus test ( ANA ) i believe. I am being tested now.

Good luck with the eating. I have to say I like being slim.....if I was larger that would top me over the edge!!! xx

kavqc profile image
kavqc in reply to Rach1977

Hi Just to ask what is the ANA test for lupus done, I am currently waiting for the test and they havent told me anything.

Stormlaw profile image

I'm finding my appetite and weight very frustrating with the fibro and meds. I think it is the Citalopram I'm on that causes me to have no appetitie at all, I can't bring myself to eat during the day so am living off coffee and orange juice and then I may manage a bowl of cereal in the evening but only cos my tummy growls at me although I don't actually feel hungry, it's very strange and hard to explain. This has been going on for months now and I haven't lost any weight at all, at first I thought it was because of the Pregablin I was on, so stopped taking that a couple of weeks ago and been in a horrible flare up since. My doc has been useless, just says well make yourself eat and won't try me on any other tablets, when I asked if I could come off the Pregabalin she said no problem just stop them, but have read somewhere that you should come off them gradually, really don't know where else to turn, need to go back to the drs though and maybe try and see somebody else cos this really isn't working and although I know I should eat and feed my body well to help my fibro symptoms I just can't seem to bring myself to, a very vicious circle :(

On a happier note, mum is making my tea tonight so I get to eat healthy food without having to do anything, even if I can only manage a little bit at least it will be nutritious food going in!

Twiglet profile image
Twiglet in reply to Stormlaw

Im onCitalopram too., my appetite has always be dodgy but it is worse since I went on it.

Rach1977 profile image

Sorry to hear you have an eating problem too....

Apart from the anti depressant what else are you on? You are right, you should not just come off Pregabalin, you need to come off them slowly. You are not the first to be told this by a GP.....I wonder sometimes if they know what they are doing!!! You may be having a flare up due to coming off the pills and your body is reacting to it.

Coffee is not great for FMS. It is best to avoid it and all caffeine as it can cause flare ups. Also try to avoid anythng diet due to the aspartame in it. This chemical is banned in the USA, so god knows why we still use it here.

i only know all this from reading and making mistakes drinking a latte as I had a craving for one last week and then i seriously suffered esp with IBS!!!!!

Funny story tho...I nearly told my GP off yesterday as there were 2 bottles of diet pepsi on his desk. I was going to tell him that he shouldn't be drinking that as it's bad for him....not sure if he would have appreciated that though.

Also stay away from Mono Sodium Glutimate....that is not good...

Hope you have enjoyed your healthy dinner tonight xx

Stormlaw profile image
Stormlaw in reply to Rach1977

It's not great I can tell you, especially as not even losing the weight I could do with losing!

My GP won't prescribe me anything else, she really dug her heels in over the Pregabalin, but so did I and I won! Although I can see now that stopping them straight away has done me no favours. I just don't know now whether I should try and go back on it and see if it does clear this flare up up.

Oh I didn't realise that about caffeine! Ooops I must have 3-4 cups a day! I will definitely be cutting that down and stopping eventually then. I try to avoid all diet products anyway, theres usually more sugar in them than normal versions, but as you say its the aspartame that's the worst.

Lol! You should have told him off, although with mine I would just get even more resistence than I do already and I really could do without that!

It was a lovely meal last night thanks and I think it did me a world of good as I do feel a little bit better today, still in pain and tired but in a much better mood and can feel some energy returning, just need to not overdo it now like I usually do and then go back into flare up!

Have a good weekend xx

lillylouise profile image

I too have a poor appetite, I just blame it on all the meds I take!

FionaP profile image

My appetite has gone for the past 2 years now. Sadly lost no weight though. This may be due to all the lactose in my meds that I'm intolerant to. I force myself to eat a little by midnight if I've gone all day with nothing but coffee and smoking. Or maybe just some rice cakes or crisps and sugary sweets if I just cannot face eating

Belle67 profile image

My appetite is really bad that i've lost nearly 4 stone since last September, luckily i had the weight to lose ! It seems to have slowed down and i am under a dietician because there certain things i was low on but i just take a multi vitamin every day.

kavqc profile image

A few years ago I lost nearly 5stone in in a 6months, the doctors being worried done all the tests scans the lot, after exhausting all these avenues with nothing showing and I was healthy apart from fibro, the doc put it down to the fibro affecting the gut and intestines being slow and not taking out what the body needed i.e fats. It stopped after and even though I was eating like I normally did the weight came off, ok for me I needed to lose weight that I put on after and accident. It could be somethign to do with the intestines and that not absorbing as long as you get all the tests and that done to rule out serious illness or it could be IBS see the doctor

Rach1977 profile image

Kavqc, sorry I missed your question about ANA. The antinuclear antibody (ANA) test is ordered to help screen for autoimmune disorders and is most often used as one of the tests to diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The test will also usually be done in conjunction with ESR and CRP. However you can get negative results even though you may have Lupus or another autoimmune disorder. Hope that helps a little. x

kavqc profile image
kavqc in reply to Rach1977

Thank you Rach are these done through blood tests or other methods not been told anything and gettng quite nervous lol, so these tests could be re-run and have different results at different times why do they have to be so complex I dont even know what the other two tests are. I have been told that it could take some time to get the full diagnosis

Ginnykinny profile image

Ive lost some weight. Usually i feel hungry but when I come to eat like you I can only manage a few mouthfulls. Not sure if its my meds or just another fibro symptom causing this. Ive also noticed pain after swallowing food, you know as it goes down.

Bella_Baby profile image

Hi all :)

I find that when i cannot eat, I do try to get at least a protein shake into me. Because, if I don't eat, the fibro gets worse. There are many different protein shakes out there. Also, a high protein diet can ease fibro.

Hope this helps someone..


anbuma profile image

I have lost weight since about September in all areas except my abdomen which is swollen

and have very little appetite.i have cereal fro breakfast a small meal at lunchtime which I cant always eat and cereal with fruit in pm if I can manage to eat DR -it seems to me-wont recognize weight loss(or cough which I ve had since sept).I have fibro diagnosed in 2005 but in the last 2 years things have got a lot worse- swollen & increasing abdomen (I believe to be a cyst /tumour)painful hands and sore fingers,bright red skin (I think butterfly rash on face-lupus??),lower back pain and in the last few days a tightness in my throat and neck and I am feeling quite drained when I walk my dogs.

woodka profile image

Thank you so very much for all your good advice, not really been online as no energy and feeling really low, my hubby has booked a wee holiday we go in two weeks just hoping I start to feel better and that the break does us good, as to day woke to the fact heating not working, a leak coming from the balcony, managed to get Home insurance and guys out to fix, to then have the whole island out with no electric, its been a freezin cold day, now in bed blanket on, hot water bottle and a good book telly on in the back ground. Hugs xxx

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