SO FED UP FIGHTING DLA ,WILL I EVER W... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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traceybarker profile image
5 Replies

i hpe one day i will win my dla ,but i still dont think they understan about fibro as a disability at this moment ,an soon as they do ,i might win it ,see wot happens ,been refused 3 times now ,or more ,carnt remember ,hope i get a letter back from my mp sometime this week ,fingers crossed ,

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5 Replies
Fibrofoggiest profile image

Hi Tracey, I think it's a long old battle to fight and there are still some doctors who aren't up to speed with fibro being such a disabling condition, but there are others who are beginning to understand. I hope very much for you that you are successful eventually and well done for getting your MP involved, that often can help, the more MPs we make aware of our plight the better.

Sending lots of positive vibes your way :-)

Foggy x

TheAuthor profile image

Hi traceybarker

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your fight for DLA again. Please do not give in and carry on until you receive what is rightfully yours! Some doctors are beginning to see what Fibromyalgia is all about and the more people like you fight the sooner justice will prevail.

I was wondering if there is a particular doctor either at your surgery or at your clinic that is especially understanding of your condition. As during the assessment procedure they can offer their medical evidence. You have probably noticed the space on the application form whereby it asks for a medical professional to contact.

Also I was wondering if you may need help getting your story across on the application forms? As the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Disability Direct can help in completing the forms. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for them. I sincerely wish you good luck for the next time you apply.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

rhy1 profile image

Won't be DLA now, only PIP.

I've found the trick with these forms is to give chapter and verse for every question, preferably with dated examples. In fact the only times I've had to go through medical a is when I've had 'support' workers helping me and I assume it's because they don't do this because they think it's unnecessary.

Look at the questions carefully and don't assume that because you've said it once you don't need to repeat yourself. I have a few stock phrases that go into every answer in some variation e.g. "Everything I do uses energy which then isn't available for me to do anything else” or "I have to choose between having a shower or making a meal or reading my son a story because I don't have the energy to do more than one of these"

Have you tried using the resources on Benefits and Work? It's not free but if it helps you make a successful application then it would be worth the money.

mub40 profile image

I was turned down twice and havent put another claim in as the stress was to much.but i have decided to have another go.but I believe it is pip I have to now claim . The b××××××× are not going to beat me.hope you get the brown envelope and there is good news in it.

Shazzzy profile image

I put in a claim for dla was turned down, took a year to get to appeal, where i won a unanimous decision from the panel of three in my favour. It was awarded for 2 years, but as it took a year to get to tribunal, 12 months later i received a renewal form and was turned down?! I am now yet again waiting to go through another appeal to dispute my apparent miraculous recovery!!!

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