I love this picture and the way it slowly draws you to the island in the distance........ it doesn't look too far and the water is calm.
The more I look the colours and the sun absorb me urging me to get closer to the warmth of the yellow in the distance. I can smell the clean air as it whispers around me with scents of woodland.
I see a boat......... it a little rowing boat and swimming googles, snorkle, rubber ring and float.......... should I swim or row?
Which would you choose?
I choose to row slowly and each time I stop the sunspot in the centre gets bigger and looks even warmer I trickle my hands in the cool water for a minute and start rowing slowly once more.
Its becoming harder and more exhausting but the reward will be the island and the sun so I keep rowing
I'm there at last and collapse in the beautiful warm sand and lay there with the sun on my face warming me slowly as it moves through my head to my shoulders, arms, hands, torso, hips knees and feet. (don't forget your breathing deep long breaths)
I can feel my muscles relaxing starting from my toes working slowly though the feet, legs and knees upwards through the bodyhands, arms, shoulders and head
Repeat with breathing deeply
When ready I wake myself out of it and slowly and carefully stretch........
..................Now where's that picnic? Butty anyone? cup of tea?