Just updating my ivf journey since my last post.
I did my 7th egg collection in Dec 2025.
Much better outcome than the previous one, I got 6 eggs collected , 5 were mature and 4 fertilised.
Again we frozen them on day 1 which is called 2PN.
So in total I have 5 x 2PN embryos frozen.. Slightly anxious none will make it to day 3 / 5 when the time comes but I’m trying not to think about it yet.
I’ve now started another cycle, currently on day 6 of down reg using Buserelin. This will be my last collection.
Plan is to down reg for a few months before any transfer . Doing this because I have endo and several pockets of adenemyosis so hoping downreg will creat a better environment for implantation.
Staying hopeful 🙏🏼