Hi all
I am looking for some advice please.
After one failed fresh and one failed frozen cycle I have had a successful frozen (misscarrried at 6.5 weeks) and a chemical pregnancy last week.
I saw my consultant on Friday who assured us that it is good my body is falling pregnant and sadly most pregnancy's don't make it if you look at those that begin implantation .
She suggested a natural cycle next time...As I have regular 26 day cycles and haven't tried this yet. I was excited to try something new however now I have been thinking about it and discussing it with my husband we are nervous to change the protocol which has got us pregnant twice now. Initially I was using pesseries for the first cycle but got my period after 5 days post ET so was given injections in the subsequent cycles. The first (failed) FET I had my lining wasnt too thick.....The last two have been better and I've had more progesterone support so I am anxious to move to a natural cycle (although the Dr did say I'd have progesterone support so not 100% natural) now that we feel we have worked out what gets me pregnant....Of course I know the next cycle may not work even following what we've done for the last two.
Please can you offer your opinions? ❤
I have had blood tests for blood thickening, thyroid, cavity inspection and a hysterscopy...All of which are normal. My husband has obstructive azoospermia and that's why we're having ivf. We make lots of top quality embryos which go to day 5/6. As there is no evidence to suggest NK cells effect ivf success my clinic don't offer these...I have just had my karotyping tested and will get the results in 6 weeks...my husband has had these and all is normal.
Thanks all xxxx