Hi all. I’m after some advice about what to do next. It’s long so bear with me.
I have had 2 x chemical pregnancies last year (natural) 1 x miscarriage (IVF)
IVF - AFC 12. Had planned to PGTA test all embryos due to history of miscarrying so early. Only managed to get 6 embryos, 2 made it to day 3 but by day 5, I got a 1 x 3BB which I decided to just transfer fresh in the end. Day 6 was 1 x 3CC but the clinic discarded.
Ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks. D&C at 10 weeks. Absolutely broken physically and mentally from it!
Tissue was tested, results were triploidy so abnormal chromosomes. So in hindsight I should have stuck with my original plan and tested as it would have picked this up and I’d never have had to have gone the trauma of a miscarriage.
I’m too scared to try again naturally and definitely want to test anything I get though I know this won’t rule out miscarriages completely but eliminates some things at least!
My 1st question - if anyone has had recurrent miscarriages, how did you mentally persevere with trying naturally and not just go back to ivf in the hope to test the embryos?
In my head the most logical thing to do based on age (40) and AFC (12) and AMH (12.6pmol) and history of only getting 1 embryo, I need to bank as many embryos as I can to test them all, which means a few cycles of ivf (realising how extortionate it is when you’re no longer funded by nhs!)
However I’ve also looked into a well known dr (Epsom) and his theories on NK cells attacking our bodies that causes recurrent miscarriages rather than it being blamed on egg quality or age! He essentially looks into immune protocols and I appreciate that people either believe it or they don’t but having read 100s of stories about him (the good and the bad) I wonder if I should just get this done too. Maybe I’m just clinging onto all his success stories esp in women 40+ as I’m so desperate to have my first child! In my case it may just be my egg quality though based on miscarriage test results BUT it may also be my body attacking cells based on my first 2 chemicals (which we’ll never know as I didn’t get to test them)
So my 2nd question is what do you think? Age isn’t on my side as I keep getting told….so know I need to get going with a decision.
I did ask my gp to refer me to his nhs clinic but that apt isn’t until mid June….however it would probably save me over £3-4k on blood tests alone as his private clinic charges this! I can get an apt with his private clinic in 2 weeks. And from what was discussed with his team (who are incredibly responsive) said if test results deem necessary then his immune protocol treatment would be put in place 2 months prior to egg transfer!
My 3rd and final question, has anyone used this Dr (in Epsom) that I’m referring to via nhs? I’m not sure we can name names so keeping it vague… If so, what was covered by the nhs. I’m wondering whether to wait till June or pay to go privately in 2 weeks. As I said before, the costs for initial blood tests can be £3k, (pretty sure he won’t take previous testing done elsewhere!) and meds can add up to a few grand too. I haven’t even started adding the costs required to do multiple rounds of IVF that I need to bank embryos yet either (circa £40k)
Thank you for reading and any advice would be incredibly appreciated.