Hi everyone, me again. I won't go into the full story again, but recap is 2xTFMR in 2nd trimester and 1 very early miscarriage. Using donor eggs now and got 4 euploid embryos. The first 2 have failed to implant. Hcg was 0. I'm completely baffled. Hysteroscopy with biopsies all clear. Moving onto transfer 3 next month and using an immune protocol this time to see if it makes any difference. I don't know why it's not working, my heart hurts and I'm losing hope of it ever working for us. Anyone any advice?
Failed FETx2 with euploid embryos - Fertility Network UK
Failed FETx2 with euploid embryos

Alice emma and antibiotics if no lactobacilli dominant. vaginal probiotics anyway especially if older in age. Trust me
Hi lovely,
I had 2 failed implantations with euploid embryos and it baffled me too. I knew it wasn't a silver bullet, but I still thought that they would implant.
I am very lucky to have a little boy from my 6th transfer - and first time on an immune protocol - so we were trying for a sibling and with exactly the same protocol it didn't work.
The 3rd time we upped the steroids a bit and it did implant. So I would definitely say try the immune protocol .
Wishing you lots of luck xx
Thank you for replying, you always do and it always helps. So thank you x my doctor said the bad luck has to run out, so I'm trying to hope that maybe the next one will work with a new protocol. Like you I definitely wasn't expecting it to be a silver bullet but I didn't think it would keep failing. It's just so hard. Congratulations on your little boy, we love to hear a success story 💙
I just wanted to say that you’re not alone 👋 I’ve had a stillbirth and a tmfr (of my first tested/euploid embryo). My second euploid embryo failed to implant. I have had the immune testing and Endiome Trio and all was fine. You’ve absolutely nothing to lose by giving the immune protocol a go. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you xx
Hey lovely. Really hoping one of the remaining two euploids will work, you've been through such a tough time. An immune protocol sounds like a good idea to try, I know how disheartening it is after lots of trauma to then have euploids fail to implant. I don't know if this will help or not but you know you can get implantation because you have had implantation. Though it is really confusing to know the embryos were "normal" and didn't implant...but I've seen this happen a few times on here and it happened to me once too. I don't have any particular advice other than you will have a feeling about what's right for you and I'd go in that direction. I have everything crossed tightly that you will have success soon x x
I don't know if this helps, but I was tested at Warwick, under Prof Brossens clinic (it's within NHS/Tommy's but you self-refer and pay to cover costs so the research can continue -and it is research you're taking part in).
Their theory is you can either have too much immune stuff going on (high uterine NK cells, which steroids etc treat) or not enough (they then prescribe sitagliptin). They also do a version of the ERA (but clincial trials on the ERA actually show lower pregnancy and live birth rates, so do be aware of that being touted as a 'solution').
I had the test and mine was normal, but I'm also seeing Prof Quenby through NHS. We have had 10 miscarriages/chemicals (conceieved w/o IVF), and she recommended IVF, with PGT-A. We had one transfer without any additional treatment, that was a BFN. One with steroids, aspirin, heparin and following 2 weeks of doxycycline, then 3 weeks of probiotics (Optibac was suggested by my clinic). That led to 11th chemical.
So, now having second round to (hopefully!) create another embryo(s). This time we will try sitagliptin for 3 months prior to transfer. That increases stems cells in womb, which are depleted after multiple losses. It might not work, but we're 'lucky', insofar as we can create embryos without IVF, so can have a few shots at that. But that is what is left after trying everything else, that is supported by quality research (personally, I'm not keen on the IVs of mayo etc, or anything else not supported by high quality, randomised control trials).
Have you had tubes checked for blockages and blood tests for clotting disorders? Very well established treatment for both of those, although they are rarer causes -'unexplained' (which is really 'as yet, unresearched') is much more common cause. xx