Feeling really unlucky that our 3rd round of IVF has failed using donor eggs. Any stories of others that have had the same or similar? Will it ever happen for us?
3rd round failed with donor eggs - Fertility Network UK
3rd round failed with donor eggs

Hi Elizabeth. Oh dear, so sorry to hear this. Maybe you have some embryos stored from the frozen eggs? Perhaps your specialist might have a different protocol he/she can try. Using low dose soluble aspirin/heparin is another thought, if not already tried. See what they say. Thinking of you. Diane
oh Elizabeth, that's really hard. I'm about to embark on donor eggs...have you tried LIT? Were the eggs PGS tested? Do they have any ideas as to why they've not implanted? I'm also worried that it's my body not allowing the implantation, despite immune surpressants... Thinking of you xx
Hey! Thank you for your message. What’s LIT? I have a follow up so I will double check if the eggs were PGS tested. My first ever transfer did implant but we lost it at 6 weeks. Wishing you lots of luck, I think I’m just unlucky. Stay positive and sending lots of baby dust to you xx
Hi Elizabeth... LIT is “Lymphocyte Immunization Therapy or LIT is a procedure whereby white blood cells from the prospective father are injected into the skin of the prospective mother to prepare the maternal immune system for pregnancy. Because pregnancy tissues are the product of both the mothers as well as the fathers genes, LIT assists the mothers immune system in the development of immunologic tolerance to the genetically foreign pregnancy tissues.”