Unfortunately I’m one of the far too many of us whose lost their baby. We just got the testing results and she was euploid 😭 Once again left with no answers and wondering what could’ve gone wrong?! Progesterone levels were normal and I was on clexane. Doctors up to now have been telling us it’s an egg quality problem (have had 8 embryos transferred without success) and to think about donor eggs (also have low amh) but the fact she was euploid doesn’t back that argument. Really confused about what to think and where to go next. I do have a son from prior ivf so can you develop immune issues later?
miscarriage with euploid embryo - Fertility Network UK
miscarriage with euploid embryo

Hi, I’m so sorry for your loss. Yes I heard your natural killer cells can definitely change between pregnancies. I would definitely recommend NKC blood testing before doing anything else. I’ve been treated by a fantastic private miscarriage clinic in Epsom, if you’d like their details.
Took me 7 transfers of 10 DE to get my miracle. The last 2 transfers I had Bondi protocol which is prednisolone and Clexane.
This is what I need to read! Thanks for giving us hope!! With transfer 6 and 7 on the Bondi protocol did you do anything else differently? Or it’s really just down to eggs/timing?
No nothing else medically different. I did follow any old wives tale going. Transfer 7 I made sure feet kept warm, moved for a few mins every few hours, and made sure I drank LOTS of water. I also made sure I stayed positive. May sound a bit out there but I read a book called The Secret. Basically positive thoughts attract the same and vice versa. I also watched films with babies in and let myself daydream - you attract what you put out there. I mean the alternative isn’t exactly great is it!
My clinic always said it’s a numbers game. Just think how much has to go right and what a miracle it really is and I guess it makes sense.
I’m so sorry it took so many attempts, we’re really led to believe DE is the solution. I’m glad your perseverance has paid off. My doctor abroad has suggested prednisolone, clexane and aspirin for my next transfer. But apart from anti phospholipids I haven’t been checked for anything like NK cells. Did you have testing done to inform your protocol change? My embryos weren’t pgt tested and I feel like I might’ve used up the one euploid even with a change of meds
I just assumed DE removed any issues tbh! My clinic is in Spain. I had no tests and was just prescribed the meds. Tests are really costly and meds not too bad so I was happy with that. Though my clinic doesn’t advocate the tests. Mine weren’t tested either, again the cost meant I’d rather go straight to transfer. My last transfer was an AB and a BB. I’m convinced it’s my BB that’s stuck 💖
Hello lovely,
I fell in to the trap of thinking that euploid embryos were a bit of a silver bullet so was very surprised when they didn’t implant twice (with the same protocol of steroids etc that gave us our little boy)…
The next one did implant but I had an mmc - also thought that it was much less likely with a PGT-A tested embryo but I read somewhere that even if the embryo is chromosomally normal it can still fail if it has problems at a cellular level and also sometimes they simply don’t have the required energy to continue growth.
Simply put it’s bad luck.
I’m so sorry you’re been through this too - it’s so hard to keep going after each fail / loss but it is possible it was just not the right one.
I completely agree. I think it’s also linked to how the medical professionals talk, always saying miscarriage and failed cycles are linked to aneuploidy. But I’m with you, I thought if a euploid implanted and had a heartbeat the chance of miscarriage was so tiny. I wasn’t prepared for this at all. How much bad luck do we all have to suffer through?! I think I’d cope if I knew it would ultimately work at some point.
I was in a similar position to you and after too many losses we moved to donor egg due to my age (now 43) and our first DE FET failed so switched to Bondi protocol on prednislone steroids and clexane but tested this morning at 10dpt negative so not sure what is next! Hoping it may be too early and blood test could be positive. Otherwise we have exhausted pretty much every option these are high grade donor eggs - I switched up my diet - even my skincare. It’s such a journey. Donor Egg is just not the silver bullet you think but we have 3 embryos left so there is hope. Sending love and hugs.
I’m so sorry to hear this, I had two euploids fail and then I did lots of testing including reproductive immunology and I was on different drugs including steroids the next time and it worked.
Some euploids do fail but if you’ve had 8 failed transfers then there is most likely something else behind the recurrent implantation failure.
I’m sorry to hear this. Thinking of you ❤️