I’m looking for a bit of advice and/or reassurance. Had my egg retrieval last Friday and 3 day transfer on Monday. Since egg retrieval I’ve been on Cyclogest and feeling sooo bloated and uncomfortable with abdo pain. I feel like the stomach distension/pain is taking my breath away, and I’m having to work to catch my breath sometimes, alongside back pain and a bit of nausea. It did subside a bit but then has got bad again since transfer on Monday… the mornings are the worst. Paracetamol is helping slightly but not enough really. I’m eating lots of fibre and am no longer constipated.
When I went in for transfer on Monday the doc didn’t seem too concerned about all of this, and just did an external ultrasound of my ovaries and said they were just a bit swollen, but not too much fluid - so went ahead with the transfer.
Has anyone experienced side effects like this of Cyclogest, and if so what did you do about it?