Hi all, just looking for some reassurance. I had a FET (6th one) on 6th Jan and have had 2 positive pregnancy tests. Up until a few days ago I was experiencing mild cramping and really sensitive breasts but then all symptoms just disappeared. I also had a small bit of spotting. I should be around ‘5 weeks’ and still waiting for my viability scan. Is it normal for all my symptoms to just disappear? I’m so worried that it means I’ve miscarried. Just need some reassurance that other ppl have experienced this. I’m on progesterone pessaries and Lubion so would expect the cramping and sore boobs to continue since I’m on so much progesterone? Trying not to think the worst has happened and waiting for our scan date is just such mental torture.
Loss of pregnancy symptoms: Hi all... - Fertility Network UK
Loss of pregnancy symptoms

Hi lovely,
Congratulations on your positive test.
Symptoms come and go, but they can easily disappear as your body gets used to the amount of hormones being produced.
Also, from experience, if you miscarry your symptoms don't usually just disappear - as the placenta is producing them, not the embryo. I had an mmc last year at 8 weeks, and was still feeling sick for about 5 weeks after that.
Try not to worry xx
Thank you Millbanks for responding and helping calm my nerves. I’m so sorry you had to go through a miscarriage. I had a blighted ovum after my 2nd FET last year and remember having nausea all the way through to my 8 week scan and it was awful. It was such a traumatic experience and I’m so scared to go through it all again.
I'm sorry you experienced that too. It's a trauma that doesn't seem to leave does it. I am about to start a new FET and I am already terrified of going back in to the clinic - I know I will do it because I have no other choice but I can feel the anxiety building.
But just because it's happened once doesn't mean it'll happen again. And the loss of symptoms really doesn't indicate that it will xxx

Hi. I would think the previous symptoms were probably leftover from thr FET nedications. Plenty of time for pregnancy symptoms to keck in. You have your scan in a few weeks which will reassure you. Keep up with all prescribed medication, including your Folic acid and Vitamin D tablets daily. Good luck. Diane.
My symptoms came and went so please try not to worry (easier said than done I know!) what got me through was the advice of my fertility nurse, she said unless you have symptoms that match with a miscarriage - I.e heavy bleeding, assume all is well, as symptoms can come and go. Good luck and congrats xx
hi, I remember this anxious time well, I had no symptoms until at least 6 weeks so try not to worry. I thought I had some nausea but I think this was just anxiety and it definitely came and went. Then at around 7 weeks all the symptoms came at once x good luck, I know it feels like an absolute eternity xx
Thanks Kitkat10. It’s so horrible because I wish I could be excited but instead I’m filled with anxiety and so much fear. This Infertility journey just takes away so much of the joy that you should feel and get to experience.
Hi Ladies,
I hope you are all keeping well.
This is my first FET and I had this done on 22nd Jan. I have been having cramping like period is about to arrive for the past week. I am up and down off the toilet… it’s torture.
I am so confused if this means it’s been unsuccessful or if the progesterone is to blame.
Fighting every urge to test as I am not meant to until 4th Feb.
Did anyone else have the same and still get a BFP! I am praying I get mine after 5 years of trying. 🤞
Hi hun, I know the waiting game is really hard but try and not test too early. I had cramping, which felt like period pains, when I had both my BFP’s. I also had and still have a lot of cramping from all the progesterone. It’s not easy to know which cramping is from what but I would say period like pains can be a good sign. Try and keep busy, see friends, watch movies, do a puzzle, anything to keep your mind distracted. I know it’s hard but you’ve got this. Sending you lots of positive vibes and baby dust Xxx