I’m currently 3dp5dt I know it’s very early days so I’m just hoping for some reassurance. I’ve felt nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever. I’ve read so many stories of people at this stage experience spotting, cramping, twinges, nausea and I’ve felt none of that. I know it sounds very dramatic but I’m wondering if my little blastocyst got lost or even made it inside me. Has anyone had any positive outcomes and not had symptoms?
Symptoms during TWW: I’m currently 3dp... - Fertility Network UK
Symptoms during TWW

Hi Ella, the 2ww is so awful isn’t it? A lot of the times the symptoms come from the progesterone. My first two fet I had all sorts of symptoms and were a bfn. I just now got my bfp and didn’t have any symptoms. So try to keep busy and not focus on symptoms. Wishing you the best of luck xxx
Aww massive congratulations to you that’s amazing!! Yeah it’s absolutely awful, how many days past transfer were you when you tested? My TWW actually is 2 weeks. So many people have 9/11 day waits I’m so jealous. I’ve got to go to the hospital to be tested although I’ll definitely be testing before hand because my partner can’t come and I need to be mentally prepared xx
Thank you! I tested at 11dpt5dt, I wouldn’t recommend testing too early as sometimes it can show a negative but on otd is positive. Sending positive vibes your way xx
Thank you, no I was thinking day 9 or 11 but 14 is just ridiculous. I’m banning myself from google tomorrow xx
I’m one day ahead of you. Kind of felt a bit like you, plus I woke the day after the transfer to a dry throat and stuffy nose!! I’ve been coughing and sneezing, blowing my nose and feeling a bit run down!! It’s clearing up now, but something or nothing makes you wonder what is going on inside?!!! If only we had a window on our bellies to check!
I’ve had a couple sharp pinches. Felt a bit dizzy and sick today. Could be down to progesterone.
We all experience different symptoms!
Wish you the best. Don’t worry too much. Enjoy every day. XXX
Hi Ella, I am also 3dp 5dt and have no symptoms apart from some bloating and some wind 🙈 which are both side effects from the pessaries. I know it’s so hard just try and stay positive and keep yourself distracted ☺️ xx
Hi Ella
I never experienced any symptoms at all and I tested on the 14th day and got a positive I’m currently 28 weeks it’s was very hard to not test early but what kept me going was trying relaxing Wishing you all the best x
Hi ella I convinced myself mine hadn't work cause of no symptoms. I stressed up till heartbeat scan. I'm 9 weeks tomz still no symptons. Try not to stress though with IVF it's so hard not to. Knowing others felt the same was reassuring for me. Good luck x x
The 2WW is terrible for this !! I had nothing until about days 9/10 when I started having period like cramps which came in waves throughout the day so slightly different , and heartburn lol but nothing else until now where I’m 6,1/2 weeks and canny keep my eyes open 😂😂😂 but no sickness , spotting , or anything so don’t worry sit back relax and let that wee embryo snuggle in x