I am 7 weeks pregnant today after a frozen embryo transfer but for the last two days have had no pregnancy symptoms. Since my bfp I have had nausea, have been sick a couple of times, have had incredibly sore boobs, night sweats and been constantly exhausted but it all seemed to stop two days ago. I’ve not had any bleeding or cramps. Our viability scan is on Wednesday and can’t come soon enough. I just wondered if anyone else had had a loss of symptoms and still had a positive outcome?
Loss of pregnancy symptoms, advice ne... - Fertility Network UK
Loss of pregnancy symptoms, advice needed.

I didn’t have many at the beginning apart from heavy sore boobs little sickness then that stopped and and all come back about 10 weeks and stayed with me pretty much whole way through ,
I worried throughout my pregnancy,
It’s hard but try think positive,
Good luck with your scan it soon be Wednesday x 🍀
Hey Sarahlou, the one thing this journey is... is NOT consistent! Lots of women could tell you this happened to them and they were fine or weren’t fine. But only that scan on Thursday will tell you.
The two week wait is hard. But this wait to the scan is the hardest of them all. Four more sleeps. Try and keep yourself busy this weekend xx
Thanks emu2016. You’re right, this wait has been awful and far worse than the 2ww. I’ve been busy googling loss of pregnancy symptoms at 7 weeks which is the absolute worst thing I could have done!! Xx
I’ve not had any symptoms at all this time round. And every pregnancy and every person is different. We just want our body to tell us it has or is still working. Google is my worst best friend ever some times. As it got to the final stages of my 7 week scan I was google symptoms to the date: “6 weeks and 5 days symptoms to watch for” 😂
Also... I lost my symptoms in my last round... but my consultant said that would have been drug related. Not a sign. So try not to worry xx
Congratulations on your success, I didn’t have any symptoms at all for 11 weeks not even a faint hint of sickness, but if your like me then you would have wanted a “symptom” as reassurance which then came back to get me as I actually got hyperemisis 🙈😂, like many of the others I spent most of the time anxious please try to enjoy it and trust your body as your on your journey now 😊
Symptoms come and go! This is totally normal. I only had sore boobs until 7 weeks then absolutely nothing until 8 weeks when it all started. I’m sure the scan will reassure you 🙏🏼😘

Thank you Natalia, I really hope so. I’m so scared it’s going to be bad news on Wednesday. We’ve been trying for 10 years to get here and now we are here we can’t relax and enjoy it! Xx
Honestly I was exactly the same! Try to keep busy til then, I know it’s hard but you’ll be fine 🙏🏼 Xxx
Hi lovely, I’m 6w4d and also have our first scan on wed. I felt like this the other day too...some women don’t even know they’re pregnant until they’re 20 weeks so they can’t have any symptoms! Xx
hi, sarahlou01 my sister had somehow similar symptoms .it was her first time she was also tensed. I believe that this situation is very difficult to be handled. but hope for the best .because my sister got good news a positive one. Don't be stressed take care of urself .i pray that just the way my sister got good news .u may also get good news.just pray all will be good.
Thank you for your reassuring message. I still don’t have any symptoms but thankfully we had a viability scan yesterday and saw a lovely little heartbeat 💗