Hi all
I’m 8 weeks pregnant today and, up until a couple of days ago, was suffering from awful nausea (since about week 6) - to the point that I could barely bring myself to drink water and the only thing I could eat was various forms of potato!
I have felt much, much better in the last couple of days and - as is my way! - am now worried about the change.
I had a really reassuring scan on Tuesday which showed a strong heartbeat and spot on size. For some reason, since the scan I have become really anxious.
Has anyone else had fluctuating symptoms and, in particular, nausea?
I thought I’d be super relaxed if I got a positive 7 week scan but seem to be stressing now about the next 4 weeks up to the 12 week scan. What a rollercoaster!
Thank you in advance for any advice xx