Reduction in pregnancy symptoms and b... - Fertility Network UK

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Reduction in pregnancy symptoms and bleeding :-(

Pookymama profile image
49 Replies

Hi all,

Hope everyone is well.

So last night after a day of shifting non heavy boxes and climbing to hang curtains in our new house which at the time I felt was ok to do, I felt a gush, went to the toilet and found clear and pink fluid had filled my pants. When I wiped the blood was red.

Terrified and crying we went to a and e at 9pm and waited to see an ob gyn for 5+ hours.

My obs were all normal, my cervix was closed and I wasn't "actively bleeding" when she checked me.

I filled a pad on the way to the hospital but the bleeding had slowed when we were there, meaning only one more pad change. The bleeding seemed to stop-start and was thankfully not accompanied by any pain or cramping at all.

I changed my pad when we got home at 3.30am, I've stayed in bed and the pad's still clean and still no pain. Still really worried though...

The ob gyn wants me to have a scan this week but it's chocker block at the EPU so she's requested to squeeze me in this coming week. She advised I ring them on Monday to push for this.

She said their treating it as a threatened miscarriage but it could go either way at this time and thst I'm to rest and return to a and e if I bleed heavily or pass clots.

Thing is, I've also been worried for a few days because my symptoms seem to have decreased.

I did have really painful breasts which are now much less sore, I had a strong reaction to smells which has calmed down and I had twinges and pulling feelings which have stopped.

Kept checking "reduced symptoms" online and was largely assured that if no bleed/cramp accompanied them then it was probably normal... so obviously freaked when the bleed then came!

Funny thing is, my dh noticed my gums were bleeding at the hospital last night and I noticed how long, white and strong my nails are which I'm told are also pregnancy symptoms, so I'm hoping my symptoms are just evolving!

Anyhoo, pre bleed, my booking appointment and scan isn't until the 20th December so provided everything is ok, I'm still vaguely 9-12 weeks.

Every day of waiting for scans and certainty is like an excruciating eternity after being under the close monitoring of the ivf team, it's all so scary and I just want to see a heartbeat or know either way.

I'm sorry for the loooonnngg stream of consciousness style post everyone! I'm just so nervous and needing to share in a place where people understand. Hope sharing pregnancy concerns doesn't offend anyone still in the hard battle of waiting as it certainly isn't meant to and I send hugs and hope to each brave warrior on this frankly bloody scary and cruel journey.

If anyone with similar experiences could offer some reassurance and hope I would be beyond grateful.

Baby dust to all xxx 😘 😘

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Pookymama profile image
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49 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Not offended at all. I understand what a worrying time it is which is so unfair because it should be such a happy time. I hope all is well and that you’re able to get your scan ASAP. Keep us posted xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toTugsgirl

Thank you so much Vicky, hopefully they won't hang about too much. I seem to have stopped bleeding, all but a tinge when wiping so hoping that'll be it... I'm afraid to get out of bed though.

How're things with you lovely? XxX

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply toPookymama

That’s understandable. Take it easy. I hope you’re being waited on hand and foot.

I’m ok. Started meds for my next fet on Thursday xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toTugsgirl

Yeah, I've just had a bacon sandwich and cuppa delivered to bed and intend to remain stationary as much as possible today.

Am actually wondering whether to take tomorrow off work too as it's pretty stressful there at present snd don't want to tip this fragile balance though the guilt will kick in then! 😅

Oh wow, your FET has come round quickly! How're you feeling about it all? I hope this is your time hun, you fully deserve it! Xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply toPookymama

Take tomorrow off. Don’t feel guilty.

I’m feeling ok I guess. Transfer no.6. I’m not scared. I’m not excited. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toTugsgirl

I'm bleeding a little again and feeling pretty weepy so think I'll have to take tomorrow off, I can't risk making matters worse!

Aw hun, I bet after 6 rounds it does feel that way. I felt similarly neither here nor there going into round 3 of ivf so can only imagine how you feel after 6.

I've got everything crossed for you. Xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply toPookymama

I have everything crossed for you too xx

How frightening for you. What I can say is that it's great you have not had any more bleeding or clots and encouraging results from the tests that you have had. Pregnancy symptoms come and go a lot - that is normal as your body adjusts to differing hormone levels. So please don't read into that at all.

With regards to the scan - can you try to get one privately? I have had a 6week and 8 week scan which cost £89 - they have clinics all over the country too. Will pm you xxx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

Thank you Camillage, it would be reassuring to get an early scan. If they don't book me in ASAP at the EPU I'll definitely look into that. A friend mentioned that they don't tell you if anything is wrong at those scans though, is that correct? Don't get me wrong, seeing a heartbeat would be massively reassuring in itself!

How's everything going for you? Xxx

in reply toPookymama

They can't tell you much at early stages whether it's private or nhs. My first scan at 6 weeks was to "check it's in the right place". We saw a blob with another blow in it which measured a few days behind - measurements are very hard with 2mm items, and they can often be 5 days out even at the early stages probably due to where they are lying or apparently frozen ones take a little longer to get going. Yesterday I had an 8 week scan. Again a slightly bigger blob within a blob. This time though with more of a baby shape (apparently the size of a kidney bean) and I think we fleetingly saw a white blob within the blob which flashed.

At these early stages that's about all you can see. You would also be able to see if there was a rupture, blood etc. And if they thought there was something wrong they would advise you to go to epu. But it would give you reassurance.

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

Ah ok, certainly sounds worth looking into if EPU can't offer me a scan for the eternity that is 2 weeks! 😂.

Seeing any kind of healthy blob would make me pretty happy right now tbh!

So glad your "blob" seems to be growing and developing as it should! It must be such a magical moment to see it! Xxx

in reply toPookymama

It is very surreal. But magical and unbelievable all at the same time x

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

I'm so pleased for you and pray o get to feel this too! Xx

in reply toPookymama

You shall xx

silverlini profile image

I’m so sorry to hear what you have been going through! Wishing you all the best 😘

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply tosilverlini

Thank you silverlini! Hopefully it'll all be ok! How're things with you? Xx

Peony83 profile image

Pookymama, I definitely think you should call in sick tomorrow - you are far more important than work right now. Keeping everything crossed for you x

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toPeony83

Thank you Peony!

I've already text my boss - who's also become a friend - just to update her and ask about her experience as I knew she'd bled on her last pregnancy. I didn't ask her for tomorrow off though as I feel guilty and wonder if Im overreacting and should get on with it...

My overriding feeling though is that a few days rest would be the best thing for me and would alleviate concerns that may come if I push too hard and begin to bleed again. Xx

Dunla profile image

I can’t offer any advice but just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and hoping all is going to be ok for you. I can’t imagine how scary it must feel. Rest up and take very good care of yourself xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toDunla

Thank you Dunla! I'm kinda scared to move as it seems to set off a bleed. Feeling pretty weepy and scared tbh but hoping that like others I've heard from, this is just a common blip that goes away and everything will be fine. How're you? Xx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply toPookymama

Oh I’m hoping it’s a “blip” too. You poor thing. Sending you a very big hug. Compared to what you’ve been going through the past 24hours I’ve nothing to complain about xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toDunla

Thank you Dunla! Sorry for the delay, I somehow managed to miss your message!

And hey, as far as the "last 24 hours" comment goes, just because we may be at a different places right now that doesn't mean your journey is any less important or any less emotion provoking for you cos let's face it, this whole fertility journey brings it's roller coaster of ups and downs!

So lovely, if you ever feel like sharing, know I'm here, wherever you're at, I send you prayers and wishes for the road to rise up to meet you. Big hugs back at ya xxx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply toPookymama

Thank you so much for this really lovely message. Your kind words mean so much.

How are things with you today? Xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toDunla

No problem lovely! Hope all is going smoothly with you. Touch wood, I'm not bleeding today and after a few phone calls, a run-in with a stroppy woman at EPU followed by a nice conversation with a lovely midwife, we've been offered a scan for tomorrow!

So I'm both relieved and scared about the outcome but I believe some symptoms are returning so I live in hope!

How're you doing today? Xx

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply toPookymama

Oh I’m glad to hear there’s no bleeding today and also they have given you a scan for tomorrow. I really hope it’s good news for you!

I’m grand. I’m at home today. Have a yucky heavy period and am feeling a bit hormonal so I’m cleaning the house like a dervish to distract myself 😂 xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toDunla

Thanks hun, I'm glad too and just hoping for a positive outcome now.

Aw hun, afs can be so evil! A good old cleaning frenzy is great to get things out of our systems with some fave music blasting especially, but also good to listen to our bodies and indulge in some cosy down-time, chick flicks and yummy treats. Take care sweetie! Xx 😊

Lou7744 profile image

I’m sorry to read that you’re going through this super stressful time.

I’ve got everything crossed for you, Sending you big hugs 💕 xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toLou7744

Thank you so much Lou! How's everything going with you? Xx

Really sorry to hear you are having a tough time. It is awful to see any blood.

I have had so much spotting including fresh blood with clots & my baby is fine! Read my posts. I also bleed very heavily with my son @8 weeks & I was told it was a threatened miscarriage.

Symptoms can come & go. At 8 weeks the symptoms can ease off as the body gets used to the pregnancy hormones. My mother in law had no symptoms with any of her 3 pregnancies & had 3 sons. Every women’s pregnancy will be unique to her.

The fact you have had no pain & cervix is closed is very hopeful- the first question the midwife asked me was if I had pain as that is the first sign of a miscarriage. Yours sounds like spotting & lots of women will spot & be fine 😘

My GP signed me off & was happy for me to have as much time off as I needed. Take as much time you need- the baby and you are more important.

I hope the scan goes well & can reassure you all is well. I felt better after scans.

Do let us know how you get on. Will be thinking of you xoxo

Pookymama profile image

Thank you so much for your reassuring message lovely and sorry to hear you've been bleeding! I'm glad everything is going well for you despite this though hun!

It's good to hear other women have positive outcomes after bleeding and symptom changes.

I might see if I can see my GP tomorrow. I cannot wait for my scan. The worry is insane while waiting isn't it!

Will keep you posted we to how it goes xxx

in reply toPookymama

Thank you.

Yes it is🤦🏽‍♀️The worrying is never ending because of what we’ve gone through to get here but has got better since we had the 12 week scan. We will worry more. The thought of scans terrified me but seeing the baby okay was hugely reassuring & calmed me. The GP got us a scan a day after the red spotting happened as he knew how stressed I was, it helped him & his wife had had fertility treatment which was successful. He was very understanding. Hubby was always so calm & kept saying baby would be fine, but I was in a terrible state of anxiety & could not have coped working in that state. Do what is right for you, put you first. ❤️xoxo

I can know many ladies who’ve bled & been okay- my mum, my sister with both her children, my sister in law. xoxo

Pookymama profile image

I think the scan will as you say be massively reassuring!

Great your GP was so supportive and had actually experienced the process for himself. The ob gyn did basically advise I take some time to rest and keep my feet up but I'd feel better about it if I was actually signed off.

It's great to hear of so many women who bled and had healthy outcomes! Thank you lovely xxx

Cinderella5 profile image

Oh no pookymama, dont know how I missed this! Really hoping your bleeding has settled down and you've managed to take it easy for a few days! Big hugs.xx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toCinderella5

Hi Cinderella! How're you? Yes, the bleeding seems to have stopped thankfully and my sore boobs seem to be returning so I'm trying to be hopeful! After much pestering I've secured a scan for tomorrow so praying for a positive outcome from my rested spot at home! Hope you're well lovely? Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toPookymama

Oh Im so glad that the bleeding has settled, so scary for you! Great that you've managed to get your scan brought forward too. Im well thanks, not much to report from my end, FET been post poned until the new year so all quiet at the moment. Good luck for scan tomorrrow!!xxx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toCinderella5

Yeah, it's relieving things seem to be settling and at least the scan will confirm things one way or the other.

Glad you're well hun! How're you feeling about your FET being postponed? I know how frustrating it can be to have delays but also thst it can be a welcome break, especially over Christmas!

Thanks for the luck lovely! Luck back at ya! XxX

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toPookymama

I had a bit of a meltdown drama queen Saturday (as you do) but ok now! I can wait a few more weeks I guess!!xx

in reply toPookymama

Glad to hear that your symptoms have returned- who’d think we’d be happy to have tiredness & boob pain 🤣 My symptoms disappeared for a day or so & returned! The body adapts to the pregnancy hormone & only gives “symptoms “ when the pregnancy hormone surges it’s a great sign they are back 👍. I think you will be fine, but the scan will give you huge reassurance 😍 It’s lovely seeing the baby anyways 😊 Good luck for your scan sure it will be fine ❤️xoxo

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

Thanks Jess! I am so relieved at the return of boob pain and hoping the fact that I'm utterly starving is a positive symptom development.

I was so starving in bed a couple of nights ago I got dh to bring me a ploughman's which I devoured in seconds and I've been much the same since.

The craving/absolute Need for food that keeps sweeping over me is a bit like the urgency was for a cigarette when I used to smoke!

Currently could kill for a bag of dry roasted peanuts and may have to reach for a substitute to prevent me from biting the next passer-by!😂.

This could of course be stress/ boredom eating as I'm off work confined to the sofa but I'm hoping it's a really good sign!

Howre you feeling lovely? Xxx

in reply toPookymama

I am good thank you. We had our 12 week scan a week ago & all was well. It has given us huge reassurance & now we are out of the first trimester feel much less worried 🙂 the early weeks are tough going...

I never had morning sickness- I have had an increase of appetite!!! And a craving of fatty foods I’d never have!!!! 🤣 Definitely a sign 👍

All the best with your scan. I hope it gives you reassurance that baby is fine 😍 I couldn’t rest until I had my scans xoxo

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

I'm so glad your 12 week scan went well and you feel in a more positive place!

Talking of fatty foods, I said to dh that up until a week or so ago during our house move that this poor baby is yet to know his/her mama usually cooks lovely wholesome meals from scratch, s/he'll think we live at a takeaway! Lol.😂.

Well I have a little bleeding again this morning and the EPAU called to cancel my scan due to staff shortage! Gutted is an understatement!

I just booked for one of those scans you pay for at an independent clinic. Got in for tomorrow. Hmph! I just pray this bleed doesn't become heavier in the meantime and thst everything will be ok! Xxx

in reply toPookymama

I’m so sorry to hear that. That is awful. I would seriously complain. Any bleeding in pregnancy should never be ignored. So irresponsible.🤦🏽‍♀️ Phone your GP- they will push for you.

When my GP referred me for a scan due to spotting I got one the next day at early pregnancy unit.

You shouldn’t have to pay, but if it makes things easier for you do that.

Just really rest up & take it easy. Hope it eases soon, know how worrying it is xoxo

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

I'm glad to hear it's not just me who thinks this way! I can't see why a and e or someone at the hospital can't give me a scan! I'm sure I've even heard of some GPs having dopplers at their surgery so why I can't simply have a scan ill never know! I really have no faith in the EPAU at my hospital now as first I had a rude woman with an exasperated tone saying "gyny shouldn't have told you we'd offer an early scan we only do 3 a day and may not see you til your 12 week scan", now a cancellation when I have a threatened miscarriage! It's a million miles away from the service of the ivf clinic snd really not comforting that there seems to be little investment in the EPAU at this hospital as it's so important.

I've already paid for tomorrow's scan and they have a 48hr cancellation policy so I'm stuck with that now. Would hsve preferred some continuity of care and been at the same hospital though! Sorry hun, rant over! 😂 xxx

in reply toPookymama

It’s completely disgraceful.

I had bad service when I had to go to a different hospital for my endometriosis treatment ( it was so bad I needed a endo specialist) There were so many errors by admin 🤦🏽‍♀️ when they were supposed to organise a follow up appointment which the surgeon wanted to see me within a month or sooner & issues an appointment 2 months later I had enough & emailed PALS. PALS were very supportive & got me an appointment much sooner. I’d recommend PALS to anyone who had issues with how they’ve been treated. I would email PALS &state your case. I think you have a strong case. Any bleeding in pregnancy should never be ignored. Most of the time it’s okay but needs to be investigated. 🤦🏽‍♀️It’s not good enough & hopefully that might save someone else experiencing the same & it will make you feel like you did something.

The midwifes have dopplers but don’t use them until 16 weeks as in early pregnancy baby is deep in the pelvis & heartbeat can’t always be heard- that’s what my midwife told me.

Don’t be sorry I’m shocked how you’ve been treated.🤦🏽‍♀️ xoxo

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

Oh hun, sounds like you had a pretty rough ride with your endo treatment! I hadn't heard of PALS, I'll look into it now, thanks for the tip!

I hope we can hear a heartbeat or at least be told everything looks ok at the independent scan place tomorrow as I've paid £89 for some reassurance while I wait for the hospital.

Had a call from them earlier, they offered me an early scan on the 5th December to replace today's! Still feels like a long wait due to the bleeding.

I guess I'm not helping matters by being at home afraid to move as every time I do light chores or something I seem to bleed... I guess if I was in work I'd be otherwise occupied.

Just praying the scan is ok and the bleeding stops. I feel pretty far away from the girl of last week who was in work, looking into pregnancy yoga and indulging in the fantasy of being a "normal" pregnant woman. I feel like the bleed has catapulted me straight back to 'paranoid, dweller on how shit my chances actually are' person.

Bluh! Again, sorry for whinging and thank you for listening and being so supportive!

Are you ok lovely? Xxx

WeeMrsH profile image

Hi Pookymama

If you read my previous posts from around June, I had a massive bleed (well several really) - which lasted 3 weeks - and I was ok. I am now 32 weeks pregnant. Sending you positive vibes!! 😘

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply toWeeMrsH

Oh hun, I'm sorry you had to go through such a worrying time! So glad everything was ok for you though and that your pregnancy is going well. It's really reassuring to hear! How're you feeling? Xx

It is so nerve wracking when you are handed over to normal maternity after being so closely monitored by IVF teams! I know how you feel with being concerned about a lack of symptoms, I'm 2 weeks away from my 12 week scan and I am terrified! I hope you are feeling better, and that everything will be OK! xxxx

Pookymama profile image
Pookymama in reply to

Hi Ripley, congratulations on your pregnancy! Exciting but scary times for sure! Hopefully we have nothing to worry about though.

It's a crazy difference in care isn't it! I thought that due to our history we'd be more closely monitored but clearly not!

Have your symptoms changed or never presented hun? It is scary isn't it! Funny thing to pray for sick ey! 😂 xx

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